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(V)adHatter's Dual Dagger Crit GX Guide

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#1 Omnipheles


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Posted 09 November 2014 - 11:33 AM


Hello everyone,

Since I've been getting more and more requests for help as for what a DD crit build should look like, I decided to make a quick guide. Although the final build will change according to your funds and what items you have access to, the basics stay the same.

Keep in mind this build is designed mostly for MVPing/PvM as it relies on Ctrl+Click.





Your stat build will change a lot depending on your gear, but there's a simple way to go about it.

Your main goal is going to be to hit 193 aspd (can be with self buffs and items for convenience or completely buffed if it's for party play) and around 100-110 crit from stats/gear with the extra being from buffs/items.


Lvl 150 Build :

STR 70~
AGI 110-120
VIT 70-95 (with buffs/items to get stun immunity when needed)
INT 1 (+ leftover points)
DEX 1-50 (offhand might show as a "crit", but it's still based off of hit for some obscure reason)
LUK 90-120

As for the build for lvl 175... It should look a bit like this :


STR 80-100

AGI 110-120

VIT 70-95


DEX 40-80

Luk 90-120


When it comes to gear, there isn't that much possible variation, but here are the main items.


If you aren't certain of what an item does, you can look up http://db.irowiki.org/db/item-info/ or http://www.divine-pr...t/database/item if the item does not appear in the first link.

Upper Headgear

18908.png +11-13 Isabella Red Ear [Angra Mantis] - Great aspd, str and fire resist, nothing to dislike.
18856.png +12 White Drooping Eddga - To be used if you can get 193 aspd with it.
18841.png +12 Small Poring Band of Thief [Angra Mantis] 
5588.png +7 Leo Crown - Mild Wind Fire element, quite a large damage boost.
5676.png +7 Scorpio Crown - Mild Wind Water element, again a large damage boost.
5778.png +10 Turkey on your Head - To be used as a headgear switch to hit 193 aspd easier, depending on your build. Can use scrolls or an AB to buff instead.
18597.png +9 Mercury Riser - Gives Crit and Aspd%, useful for lower budget builds to get both to decent levels.

5375.png Faux Orc Boss Hat - Gotten from the quest here (http://irowiki.org/w...k_Tactics_Event) Autocasts lvl 3 Weapon perfection. Nice if you don't have a Drake Card.


NOTE: For specific situations you can now also use Engkanto card which increases damage vs poison element and ignore 30% of plant def.

Mid Headgear

18657.png Pegasus Ear Wing
5325.png Robo Eye
18599.png Black Demon Mask
2202.png Any slotted mid headgear with Dark Pinguicula Card/Duneyrr Card/Orc Hero Card/Lord Knight Card OR elemental resist cards for specific MVPs
5755.png Silent Executor (Mid/lower)

5483.png Odin's Mask (Mid/lower)  - 6% more damage vs demi-human.

Lower Headgear

5361.png Dagger in Mouth/Gangster Scarf
19553.png Advanced Assassin Mask
18917.png 99 Love Balloons
5596.png Four Leaf Clover  
5755.png Silent Executor (Mid/lower)  
18666.png CD in Mouth 

5483.png Odin's Mask (Mid/lower)  - 6% more damage vs demi-human. 


15038.png Sapha's Cloth - Crit/Sharp enchants all the way, as high as you can get. You will most likely need a few of these for elements and utility cards like Porcellio/Ancient Mimic. Can also be carded with Tao Gunka, Gloom Under Night, Amdarais or Ktullanux if you have VERY high funds. The latest addition to the game should also have brought the MVP cards from Biolab 4 which holds quite a lot of promise for damage and crit. However, these are to be used with caution because of a lack of element. (Refer to this info here for the enchants http://irowiki.org/wiki/Mora_Enchants)
15039.png Nab's Cloth - Not recommended as you lose a large amount of potential crit, although it can be offset with buffs/consumables. (Refer to this info here for the enchants http://irowiki.org/wiki/Mora_Enchants
2383.png Brynhild - Not recommended for the same reason as Nab's Cloth.
2388.png Kandura - Used if you have consumables for crit, but still struggle to reach 193 aspd consistently.
2344.png Slotted Elemental Armors - Self explanatory, use depends on the MVP. Also can be enchanted with up to +3 in a single stat.

Main Hand Dagger

6325.png Faceworm Queen Leg - 2 hidden slots, high atk, chance to autocast Earthquake. To be carded with Drake Card and either Aunoe Card, Abyssal Knight Card or Turtle General Card.
13092.png RWC Memory Knife - If you don't have access to a Drake Card, this dagger has high attack if used with the combo and also has a chance to autocast Weapon Perfection.
13042.png Glorious Gladius - For Demi-Humans, gives a large damage bonus.
13027.png Scalpel - Okay for low budget builds, outclassed by FQL though.

N.B. Thanatos Memory Card is also a great option for mainhand. A Drake + Thanatos FQL would be pretty great and you would be able to use different combos for offhand which I will not list as there are tons.

Offhand Dagger

1230.png Ice Pick - Either [1] or enchanted, both have uses. Slotted one should be carded with Aunoe/Racial Cards/Turtle General/Abyssal Knight OR Baphomet. Enchanted one should be Sharp 4-5/Sharp 4-5 OR ASPD, depending on what you still need for your build. (http://irowiki.org/w...langdo_Enchants is the guide for Malangdo enchanting)
13042.png Glorious Gladius - For Demi-Humans, gives a large damage bonus. Can be either better or worse than Ice Pick, according to the situation and the build in use.

1208.png Main Gauche - With 4x Abysmal Knight Cards, for those MVPs with very low def.

13035.png Sandstorm - Slightly better alternative to Main Gauche.



2589.png Fallen Angel Wings - For all around offensive use. Should be carded with Deviling/Raydric/Elemental resist cards for specific MVPs. Can also be carded with Green Maiden Card if you're struggling to get more crit rate. To be enchanted with Attack Speed/Fatal/FS/Special Agi depending on the balance you already have in your build. More recent possibilities include Wakwak card for a little more equip atk, Cenere Card for aspd% and Petal Card for more crit damage as well as the Kades Card for plenty of elemental resist for when there's a MVP with tons of elemental attacks. The last card here would be Pyuriel Card, but that one is a bit more dangerous as it increases the damage you take in return for adding 30% crit damage.
2576.png Heroic Backpack - Not really a fan of this one for this build as DD crit requires a heavier investment in specific stats than a katar build would.
2577.png Sapha Hood - Not really an optimal choice, to be enchanted with Crit Rate. Used if you already get 193 aspd from other sources and still need quite a bit of crit. Keep in mind you are giving up on garment cards if you use this.


22002.png Temporal Agi Boots - Should be enchanted with AttackDelay 4 and Lucky Day. 
22005.png Temporal Luk Boots - Enchantment should be AttackDelay 4 and Lucky day. 

N.B. Lucky Day is great, but not 100% necessary. If your funds are low, you can just use Temp Boots without the last enchant and just use AD4.


2910.png Bakonawa Agimat Tattoo
2678.png Advanced Ring of Flame Lord - Good stats, Fury for +10 crit, but autocasts interfere with recasting of EDP.
2620.pngRogue's Treasure - +10 crit, +10 atk, good accessory if you already have 193 aspd.
2967.png Chambered RWC Ring - To be carded with Kafra Blossom Card/Ifrit Card/Kobold Card and enchanted with Agi/Luk and FS. Recently, Tiyanak card was added, this card adds +12 crit against demi-humans, fish and brute.
2967.png RWC Ring - For use with the RWC Memory Knife. Enchants should be like the chambered version.
2772.png Glorious Ring

2928.png Luk Glove [1]  -  +1 crit rate per 10 luk, +1% crit damage if you have 110+ base luk.

~ Shadow Gear/Costumes ~


18921.png Costume Tarnished Lamp
5373.png Any enchantable costume with your choice of enchants, I recommend +1 Agi to make it easier to reach 193 aspd or +1% damage to large.

5451.png Costume: Gold Dragonelm - For fighting dragons.

19538.png Costume: Full Moon - Chance for +50 atk.


19787.png Any enchantable costume with +1% Atk.


19552.png Any enchantable lower costume with either Hit+1 or SP recovery to help when grinding.


24024.png +7 Critical Shadow Armor - +10 Crit rate, pretty much the only viable option for this slot.


24043.png Physical Shadow Weapon - Best choice currently in my opinion.
24043.png Critical Shadow Weapon


24026.png +9 Athletic Shadow Shield - More Agi, easier to reach 193 aspd with this.
24026.png Vital Shadow Shield - For more stun resist/HP.

24026.png +9 Safeguard Shadow Shield - Combo with Liberation Shadow Shoes for more boss damage.


20746.png Costume Rudra's Grace - Enchanted with +1 Aspd.

2573.png Costume Archangel's Wing - Enchanted with +1 Aspd.


24038.png Athletic Shadow Shoes - More Agi and Flee, easier to reach 193 aspd.
24038.png +9 Vital Shadow Shoes - For more stun resist/HP.

24038.png +9 Liberation Shadow Shoes - Combo with Safeguard Shadow Shield.


24021.png +7 or higher Physical Shadow Earring - Pretty much the best choice, can't go wrong with aspd%.


24023.png Physical Shadow Pendant - To be used with the Physical Shadow Set.
24023.png Power Shadow Pendant - To be used with the Critical Shadow Set.



Below is an example of the kind of gear you might be using with a completed build. Keep in mind there are various ways to make this build work and plenty of them are perfectly valid.




And here is my max amount of crit with my current gear (without Lucky Day activating)







This part is VERY important. You cannot make a DD crit build out of an existing GX. As a High Thief, you must go no higher than job 42 for this build to work as you will not want Double Attack anywhere near this build, it interferes with crits.

As for the skills themselves, you will not be using katars at all because of a lack of Advanced Katar Mastery (Requires Double Attack) so the rest is pretty straightforward. You will be spamming EDP and Ctrl+Clicking pretty much all the way. As long as you do not ever get Double Attack, there is no way your build can go wrong really. Just make sure you grab both Main hand and Offhand mastery and max them. Well there is one time you'll be using Katars, when you're fighting tons of weak monsters like in ET. Then you can still get Rolling Cutter as it doesn't require Double Attack. Keep in mind, you will not have Advanced Katar Mastery.


What you need from the GX skills:


- Hallucination Walk 5 and its pre-reqs. (19 points total)

- Venom Impression 5 (5 points)

- New Poison Research 10 (10 points)

- Dark Claw


You can get:


- Rolling Cutter 5 (5 points)

- Cross Ripper Slasher 5 (5 points on top of Rolling Cutter)

- Counter Slash 5 (10 points total)

- Cross Impact 5 (2 more points after the Hallucination Walk reqs)



A skill build example for job lvl 60 which we will be getting in January 2015:




As for leveling, be ready to solo a lot. The only real exception for this would be to use Perfect Dodge gear and PD tank for TI groups. As always, the current spotlight and Bounty Boards are your friends.

I might add specific locations later on, but for now I will leave this up to everyone to find their own leveling spots as to not crowd up the same maps.




Here's my normal leveling path:


lvl 1-15 


Rockers 1 - 1 south and 1 west from Prontera, use fire endow/Mild Wind


lvl 15-30


Poporings and Marins as well from lvl 22 - 2 south and 1 east from Prontera, use VVS Wind Damascus for the Marins.


lvl 30-40 


Wolves - 1 south and 1 west from Payon, fire endow/Mild Wind and an Ice Pick with Sharp8+.


lvl 40-56


Metallers - Teleport to the lighthouse from Morroc and go 1 east. Water endow/Mild Wind and an Ice Pick with Sharp8


lvl 56-71


Eden turn in quest for Maneater Blossoms, easy and not very expensive to skip that many levels.


lvl 71-80


Mi Gaos - 1 south of Louyang (Teleport from Alberta). Fire endow/Mild Wind, Grimtooth with Sharp enchants and Ice Pick with Sharp8+


From there, there are a lot more options. Also depends on the week's TI. There are quite a few bounty boards you can do now too. Getting to 99 keeps getting easier. Just remember to job change at max 42 if you're a High Thief.


These maps might not be the best for AoE grinding, but for 1v1 they're good enough and normally free of bots/hordes of players. Frankly, as long as you can handle the monster well enough and are within lvl range, it's good.



Once you're a GX, you'll be leveling off TI/Bounty boards. At this point you can just take base lvl as reward, your job levels will only matter at endgame for a little more agi. Since you're going to be autoattacking a lot, your good skills are the ones you get as a SinX and Hallucination Walk/New Poison research.


As a GX with a lot of luk, you're going to be able to gear up with Perfect Dodge to lure easily in TIs. This will make it much easier for you to get into parties. Once you feel confident enough, you can just solo the TIs.



And here we are, one of the most important parts of this build. Aside from other classes' buffs, this would be the best way to complete your build, adding those last few points of crit, that oh-so-valuable attack speed and some more damage/resist.


Enriched Celermine Juice - +10% aspd, counted as equip aspd.
Awakening Potion
Poison Bottle - For your EDP needs.

Great to have

Abrasive - +30 Crit.
Buche de Noel - +7 Crit, +3 Hit.
Petite Tail Noodles - +20 Luk.
Drosera Herb Stew - +20 Agi.
Savage BBQ - +20 Str.
Elemental Converters - Mostly for Earth and Wind as the Mild Wind Headgear for these elements have bad activation rates.
Guarana Candy - Lvl 5 Agi Up.
Elemental Resist Potions
Arunafeltz Desert Sandwitch - +7 Crit.

Steamed Scorpions  -  +10 Agi for 30 minutes, replaces the VIP agi buff. Every point of agi counts.

Nice little extras

Takoyaki - +10 Luk (replaces the VIP buff's Luk), +20 Atk, +20 Matk.
Sesame Pastry - +30 Hit.
LV5 Aspersio Scroll - For those Shadow monsters you encounter.
Glass of Illusion - +20 Perfect Dodge.
Cursed Water - For Holy monsters.
Blessing 10 Scroll
Increased Agi 10 Scroll

Aloevera  -  Self Provoke for a little more damage.


Ground Petite - 1% more aspd
Dullahan - 5% crit damage
Lunatic - +2 Atk, +2 Crit
Poring - +2 Luk, +1 Crit
Yoyo - +3 Crit, -1 Luk
Orc Warrior - +10 Atk

Succubus - Little healing depending on the damage you do.



Here are a few future items to pay attention to.

Rapid Shadow Pendant - +4% aspd at +9

Brave Hiding Cloak [1]  -  Armor. Max HP/SP +5%, Cross Impact and Cross Ripper Slasher damage is increased by 10%. Small chance to get the following stat bonuses when physically attacking for 10 seconds: Crit +20, Flee +20, ATK +10%, MATK +10%. The chance is increased with a higher upgrade level.

Infinite Phreeoni Card - Not sure when or if we'll get it, but +100 crit...

Infinite Vagabond Wolf Card - Same as above, but a potential of +35 atk as a shoes card.

Infinite Chimera Card - Once more not sure when/if we'll get it, but it's a garment card that gives MaxHP +8%, MaxSP +4% as well as a combo with the Infinite Vagabond Wolf Card that adds an extra +10% atk and matk.

This guide is a work in progress. If you have anything to add, please let me know.

LOW BUDGET BUILD - To start with and build on

OK, had some time tonight so I thought of a cheaper version DD crit. It's still kind of expensive, but not in the multiples of billions.

Upper Headgear:
+9 Mercury Riser [Angra Mantis]

Mid Headgear:

Lower Headgear:
Adv. Assassin Mask

Sapha's Cloth with 15+ Crit rate

Main hand:
Scalpel [3x Aunoe]

Ice Pick Sharp8

+9 Fallen Angel Wings AttackDelay9

+6 Temp Agi Boots AttackDelay4 (no need for second enchant for the aspd to work and costs hundreds of millions less than with Lucky Day)

Glorious Ring

Glorious Ring

Shadow Items and Costumes:
Tarnished Lamp
+7 Critical Shadow Armor
+7 Physical Shadow Earring


70 Str
120 Agi
80 Vit
1 Int
34 Dex
100 Luk

This build should get you 193 aspd when using Enriched Celermine Juice + Guarana Candy and VIP buffs as well as 100+ crit rate. As for your damage, with EDP on it would be decent, but not insane. You can build on that by getting more funds from there to improve your gear. Considering the price of gear nowadays, I consider this build rather REALLY cheap.


- Addendum -

You can improve on the build by first changing the weapon to a FQL, then get rudra's wing with +1 aspd (at which point you can change the FAW to AD6 Fatal4 most likely) and perfecting a physical shadow set. Think of this build as something to start with and work on the pieces one after the other, changing enchants and some of the gear as you go to maintain 193 aspd, but just barely. Improve the damage slowly and work your way up to a drake card at some point in time.


A quick GTB in ET.

Mistress in ET.


Giant Octopus.



White Lady in ET.



Turtle General.



Moonlight Flower in ET.



Root of Corruption






Nidhoggur's Shadow










Edited by Omnipheles, 20 December 2015 - 06:30 PM.

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#2 frohzn


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Posted 10 November 2014 - 02:37 AM

Very good Guide Pin Please

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#3 MintRoyale


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Posted 10 November 2014 - 05:08 AM

Needs to be pinned, this is awesome mate ! :D :D :D

i got a question for this


when you say having the drake on the FQL, leaving the offhand for variable encounters


do you mean:


Main hand: FQL [ Drake ] [ Samurai spec for example ] (if ice pick not used on offhand)

Off hand: Main Gauge [ Card 1 ] [ Card 2 ] [ Card 3 ] [ Card 4 ]



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#4 spikexp


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Posted 10 November 2014 - 05:20 AM

Thanatos replaces Ice Pick. And yes, racial/size or quad AK should win on the off hand if Thanatos presents, I suppose. This ofc, if you don't need Sharps from both hands.
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#5 Darksorrow1234


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Posted 10 November 2014 - 05:47 AM

so... whats the difference btwn:


1.  QFL [2 AKs/Aunoes] (mainhand)  + icepick [Drake] (offhand)


2. QFL [1 AK/Aunoe + 1 Drake] (mainhand) + icepick [AK/Aunoe] (offhand)



Edited by Darksorrow1234, 10 November 2014 - 05:48 AM.

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#6 Havenn


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Posted 10 November 2014 - 06:17 AM

Videos please!

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#7 Omnipheles


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Posted 10 November 2014 - 08:14 AM

You want to be able to switch offhands for different targets, so having Drake in main hand is the logical choice. By having a FQL with more general cards you don't need to get multiple MVP cards. Having Drake on your offhand would pretty much force you to never change offhand weapon while having to make multiple high enchant FQLs. Also, you lose the possibility to have sharp 10 on an ice pick (less build flexibility).

For example, imagine you need to use unfrozen wind armor, you would lose quite a large amount of crit from not using sapha cloth. You would not be able to recover it by using an ice pick with more crit, giving up only a bit of damage in exchange for 100% hit rate.

Also, with Thanatos, I'm not certain a MG would be optimal, I'll come back to you with a better answer to this tonight as I am on break at work right now.


As for videos, I'll probably do some once my gear is 100% done.

Edited by Omnipheles, 10 November 2014 - 02:09 PM.

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#8 Omnipheles


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Posted 10 November 2014 - 04:07 PM

Added a pet section.

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#9 Yugacky


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Posted 10 November 2014 - 04:56 PM

Dullahan Pet is +5% Crit damage which is awesome!!

And, add Arunafeltz Desert Sandwitch!! +7 Crit rate for 10min.


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#10 Omnipheles


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Posted 10 November 2014 - 05:01 PM

Yeah, but it's kind of annoying that you can only have a limited amount of them at once... I suppose I'll add them anyway.

Edited by Omnipheles, 12 November 2014 - 08:27 AM.

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#11 Darksorrow1234


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Posted 10 November 2014 - 05:01 PM

other best tip for lvling = Recruit and Gwing all the way  :heh:


as for the sandwich, you can carry any amount. its just limited to how many you can turn-in. i just simply make every 5 sandwiches, and then transfer to alt. rinse and repeat. the only downside is its weight : 30 per sandwich  :wacko:

Edited by Darksorrow1234, 10 November 2014 - 05:04 PM.

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#12 Omnipheles


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Posted 10 November 2014 - 05:04 PM

Oh... I thought it was a max of 5 total. Well, I won't be needing them anyway since I already have high enough crit to 100% hit everything, but it's good for others to use then. OUCH for the weight though, all those consumables are starting to get heavy.


Also G Wings work I guess, but it's more expensive to do that in the long run than to PD tank. Well, as long as you get into a good party everything works.

Edited by Omnipheles, 10 November 2014 - 05:10 PM.

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#13 mariono1986


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Posted 11 November 2014 - 11:49 PM

Bookmarked.. Another video request from me.. :rice: :rice: :rice:

Edited by mariono1986, 11 November 2014 - 11:50 PM.

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#14 Havenn


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Posted 12 November 2014 - 06:01 AM

I would think with this build you could level strictly on MVPs - no?


Camping higher exp MVPs on this would be fairly easy, using BMX3 and logging in only to kill then log-out

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#15 VModCinnamon



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Posted 12 November 2014 - 06:19 AM

Very good Guide Pin Please


Needs to be pinned, this is awesome mate ! :D :D :D



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#16 Omnipheles


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Posted 12 November 2014 - 08:18 AM

With this week's maintenance, there is no longer an excuse not to use a pet. I personally recommend dullahan or ground (green) petite, but the other ones I wrote about also work.

As for leveling on MVPs I guess it would be possible, but it would be pretty slow unless you're using BBs.

Edited by Omnipheles, 12 November 2014 - 08:30 AM.

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#17 KMCF


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Posted 12 November 2014 - 11:52 AM

Great guide Mad! Hope we get to see a video of your GX in action soon!


~ [N]itrous

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#18 frohzn


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Posted 12 November 2014 - 11:54 AM

which weapon do would use for Nid?

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#19 Omnipheles


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Posted 12 November 2014 - 12:42 PM

The weapons are pretty standard imo. Mainhand FQL with drake and aunoe and an ice pick with AK for MVPS, ice pick with Turtle General or aunoe for normal mobs OR a sharp8-10 ice pick if your crit rate isn't high enough or you'd rather not use abrasives.

For demi-human it's between the ice picks and a glorious gladius for offhand, depending on which monster you're fighting. (Disregard this, it should be in Main Hand against demi-humans.)

As for videos, I will post some, but only once I get the items I'm after. I am in the process of changing some of my gear.

Edited by Omnipheles, 12 November 2014 - 04:08 PM.

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#20 frohzn


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Posted 12 November 2014 - 12:55 PM

Nid has only 62 vit so ice pick is still better?

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#21 spikexp


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Posted 12 November 2014 - 01:51 PM

Isn't Ice Pick affected by monster's DEF?
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#22 Omnipheles


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Posted 12 November 2014 - 02:05 PM

Yes, it's Acid Bomb that is only based off Vit (+ your stats of course).

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#23 Omnipheles


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Posted 15 November 2014 - 05:04 PM

OK, had some time tonight so I thought of a cheaper version DD crit. It's still kind of expensive, but not in the multiples of billions.


Upper Headgear:

+9 Mercury Riser [Angra Mantis]


Mid Headgear:



Lower Headgear:

Adv. Assassin Mask



Sapha's Cloth with 15+ Crit rate


Main hand:

Scalpel [3x Aunoe]



Ice Pick Sharp8



+9 Fallen Angel Wings AttackDelay9



+6 Temp Agi Boots AttackDelay4 (no need for second enchant for the aspd to work and costs hundreds of millions less than with Lucky Day)



Glorious Ring



Glorious Ring


Shadow Items and Costumes:

Tarnished Lamp

+7 Critical Shadow Armor

+7 Physical Shadow Earring





70 Str

120 Agi

80 Vit

1 Int

34 Dex

100 Luk


This build should get you 193 aspd when using Enriched Celermine Juice + Guarana Candy and VIP buffs as well as 100+ crit rate. As for your damage, with EDP on it would be decent, but not insane. You can build on that by getting more funds from there to improve your gear. Considering the price of gear nowadays, I consider this build rather REALLY cheap.






- Addendum -


You can improve on the build by first changing the weapon to a FQL, then get rudra's wing with +1 aspd (at which point you can change the FAW to AD6 Fatal4 most likely) and perfecting a physical shadow set. Think of this build as something to start with and work on the pieces one after the other, changing enchants and some of the gear as you go to maintain 193 aspd, but just barely. Improve the damage slowly and work your way up to a drake card at some point in time. 



Edited by Omnipheles, 15 November 2014 - 05:14 PM.

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#24 Riemn


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Posted 16 November 2014 - 05:39 PM

Super awesome what you just did with that Budget version of the build and with the comments on how to improve it!!!

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#25 Omnipheles


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Posted 16 November 2014 - 08:59 PM

Glad to know some people find it useful.
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