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Servers still crashing. What a night of crazyness!
Jan 13 2015 04:04 AM

JuicyJuush → Sandyman

I believe you're the only one left that I remember from the forums before WP. Thanks for the WB ;p
Jan 13 2015 02:39 AM
  • Sandyman's Photo
    surly not the only one, don`t go missing again =)
    Jan 17 2015 11:09 PM


It's really annoying having topics that are relevant to a game moved or deleted. u.u; No wonder these forums are dead now :-( Makes me sad.
Jan 13 2015 02:38 AM
  • VModBlueberry's Photo
    Moved because aren't in the right place, where it should be. Deleted because I assume the member who created wasn't so careful on the Rules we have around.

    It's indeed sad.

    All could work our for everyone...
    Jan 13 2015 02:47 AM
  • JuicyJuush's Photo
    It is very sad!

    Good to see we are getting responses from mods and such now! It's really good to know that you guys care about the community here :-)
    Jan 13 2015 02:49 AM

JuicyJuush → AngelicPretty

It appears I can't log in. T-T Was fun seeing you again, have a great night! :-)
Jan 13 2015 01:54 AM

JuicyJuush → VanillaNinja

You don't remember me? You dickbag. It's Beloved D:<
Jan 07 2015 03:11 AM
  • JuicyJuush's Photo
    Then I have no use for you. Just give me all your lants and items and we're good. Thanks <3
    Jan 07 2015 03:18 AM
  • VanillaNinja's Photo
    well i think ill keep my 640kk for myself :P u dont deserve that :D
    Jan 07 2015 03:19 AM
  • Sandyman's Photo
    i really wonder how they fix the Radiant Class...
    WB btw. =)
    Jan 07 2015 03:24 PM