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Kagerou Questions

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#1 wvwvw


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 04:56 AM

Hello everyone,


I've been reading a lot about the class these past months but couldn't play with it since my server still haven't implemented it yet. There are a few skills I just can't know how they exactly work and would apreciate if someone could shine some light on the subject.


They are:


Cast Ninja Spell (Can it be cast on top of an enemy, unlike traps from other classes?)


Cross Slash (How close do you get to the target after the attack? 1 cell, 2 cells, same cell as target? Can you teleport in KvM/BG, or just stand from afar while damage is dealt?)


Illusion-Bewitch (Does it work in KvM/BG? Some skills have their instant movement feature disabled, like Shadow Slash. Is Illusion-Bewitch one of them?)


Illusion-Shadow (Same as above, movement-wise. I just couldn't stop thinking about the "Feint Bomb" skill that Shadow Chasers have. They get to move around when they use that skill as if they made use of Backslide, that is not useable in GvG mechanics.)


Illusion-Shock (by WoE, does it also mean KvM and BG? Locking enemy equipment on these scenarios interest me.)


Shadow Trampling (Can you move with this one toggled on? Would it be exactly like the skill "Sight" from Mage class, but bigger and better? Can you conceal yourself while having it running? I mean, like Pure Soul.)


Empty Shadow (Does the level affect chance of applying the debuff? Because I've read somewhere that it is pretty low and higher level makes it be pulled off more often, would that be correct?)


Illusion-Death seems to be an amazing skill, as it reduces the enemy HP, can Curse and even cause Coma, is it really like that? (Does the health reduction make a difference if attempting a one shot knockout using a buffed Killing Stroke?)



Thank you very much for your time!

Edited by wvwvw, 16 January 2014 - 11:11 AM.

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#2 Majikero7


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 07:13 AM

I'll give you what I know. Facekiller knows more so wait for him to explain.


Cast Ninja spell - gives elements to your weapon if friendlies and inflicts status per second to enemies as long as your standing inside.


Cross Slash - range is 2+skill level so 7 is max.


Illusion Shadow - leaves a decoy for enemies to attack. They have to be already attacking you or else they go for you. Not sure though. The Shadow uses the Shinobi sprite so it's useless in PvP.


Not sure about the other skills.

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#3 Facekiller


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 09:57 AM

Cast Ninja Spell (Can it be cast on the target, unlike traps from other classes?) yes the status effects can be cast on top of enemies or enemies can walk into the aoe... note that you can cast multiple spells in one area and stack the effects


Cross Slash (How close do you get to the target? 1 cell, 2 cells, same cell as target? Can you teleport in KvM/BG, or just stand from afar?) it moves you right next to your target.. it is a great skill for melee builds to close the gap quickly... its ranged so Archer skeletons help boost its damage... in pvp it will still move you to the target... i dont know about woe but i assume it does damage but doesnt move you...


Illusion-Bewitch (Does it work in KvM/BG? I mean, like in PvP, not that I know how it works in PvP though, but can imagine :P) this skill does work  in pvp switching places with the target... i havent tested it enough in pvp to know if you can make a target hit themselves with their own skills yet... dont know if it works in woe yet


Illusion-Shadow (Same as above :S I just couldn't stop thinking about the Feint Bomb from Shadow Chasers) illusion shadow is pretty much a pvm/MVP skill... it wont fool anybody in pvp... it works like a portable tank for you... it doesnt attack but when youre attacked it will transfer the monsters agro from you to the clone... also if you kill a monster that is actively attacking the clone you get a small bump in exp recieved from that monster....


Illusion-Shock (by WoE, does it also mean KvM and BG? x_x) works in all pvp situations... you need to be higher level than your target for this skill to be used effectively


Shadow Trampling (Can you move with this one turned on? Would be exactly like Sight from Mage class, but bigger and better? Can you conceal yourself while having it running? I mean, like Pure Soul) this skill can only be used on other players in pvp only (does not work on monsters)... you can move while its active and i believe you can hide... assassins and rogue classes can backslide out of it for some reason and i think sura can snap out... it seems to really only work on ninja for some reason...


Empty Shadow (Does the level affect chance of success? Because I've read somewhere that it is pretty low and higher level works more often than the other way around) after initial testing the reflect stripping effects seem to work as long as they are inflicted with empty shadow... i think stats can help prevent a player from being effected tho (not sure which stat that would be)... the skill failure rate seems pretty low... the reflect strip works on both physical and magical reflects including reflect from skills, cards, and gears (totally makes Maya useless)... so this skill is good for both magic and physical types of ninja


Illusion-Death seems to be an amazing skill, as it reduces the enemy HP, can Curse and even cause Coma, is it really like that? the coma effect is REALLY low (ive had coma from tarot card of fate [death card] while using Ring of Resonance work more often) the curse effect is just your basic curse status and lowering enemy HP isnt that big of a deal overall... you might as well card a Main Gauche [4] with 4 magnolia cards and just use throw kunai....


hope this helps

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#4 wvwvw


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 10:44 AM

Interesting! Really liked the mechanics of Cast Ninja Spell; and about Illusion-Shadow, I was more interested as if Kagerou could use the instant movement from the skill in scenarios which Cicada Skin Shed doesn't propel him backwards, as a way to escape dangerous threats, that would be the main concern really! Hehe, that Shinobi Sprite is kinda cute though. (And opens room for Shadow Slash/Cross Slash quick maneuvers in PvP as those two require a target, which the clone would be perfectly fit for the task.)


Illusion-Shock! So it does work in PvP, that's nice! That alone makes me really want to max it. (Thanks for the base level advice, I'll remember it ;3). Shadow Trampling could shine even brighter in a scenario which the Thief classes can't backslide then eh? Cool! And about Empty Shadow, the concern is if Kagerou hits the target with it, the effect is immediately applied (mainly the removal of damage reflection), I mean could the Kagerou apply level 1 and it would be inflicted just like a level 5 (not having to keep trying to inflict the debuff for too long, that would make the user vulnerable, he wants to inflict it on the first hit and still save skill points, even if level 1 grants only 10 seconds of debuff duration, that would be great if he could remove damage reflects from the enemy on his first try.)


Well, Illusion-Death still confuses me, I meant to use that as a form of easing One-Hit kills from Killing Stroke (this one buffed with level 9 Mirror Image), not so much for causing Curse and Chaos really. If a level 5 would temporarily reduce target's maximum HP, I believe it would be worth the skill points, just to get rid of that tanky guy. I heard it reduces 5% Max HP at level 1 and 25% at level 5, is that it?


Thanks again for lending experience, I'll be sure to repay the community in the future, with whatever I can.

(I edited my first post, trying to clear the questions emphasis')

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#5 Facekiller


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 11:23 AM

illusion shadow has a cooldown and and be targeted by yourself... you can use it like a backslide in emergency situations like to get out of an AoE spell being cast... empty shadow (once its applied) the reflect strip takes effect right away... tho most things with reflect in the first place will have enough HP that youll generally need longer that 10 seconds to kill especially with all the demi human reducts used in PVP/WoE... as for illusion -Death i havent had much opportunity to play with the skill outside of Sakkray and everybody is 150 on Sakkray... i just never felt it was worth the skill points to get the skill on the main servers

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#6 wvwvw


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 11:57 AM

Understood, I see the class is still mysterious in some aspects. I believe it can achieve many great feats if it's fully explored!


This is what crossed my mind after taking everything into account: irowiki.org/~himeyasha/skill4/knr.html?10x1brFsKGN3fOafdn1rFbqdBdBrC


I guess it's not the final form but can be pretty good (considering Illusion-Death isn't worth getting).


What do you guys think? The goal is to kill players one by one.

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#7 Facekiller


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 12:42 PM

if youre not playing on our servers id say wait and test it out on your test server...

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#8 samudra


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 03:46 PM

ahhh, i wanna really want play this job, it almost 4 month, after bio4 patch (and i read in someone blog, in this patch they have k/o sprite too in grf)
i hope in this month or february k/o release on my server

i want ask too
what skill should i take
should i take shadow slash for shadow hiding? because i think i will put scaraba card (if they implementation) on my RWC pendant
or should i take water/wind tree?
on my server (dntk on iRO) blaze shield cant use(didnt have effect) in woe, so idntk if watery evasion will have same case with blaze shield (is this skill effect work in woe on iRO?, slow movement speed 50%& reduce agi)

and for oboro, what skill they use often, for support in woe?
because in woe i think, i will use shield & combat knife spell for survive,
(and they have kirin armor-holy element armor in item cash too, with kirin+Valk shield, so the magic damage very reduce dramatically in woe)

cast release ninja spell (for ice&wind charm) right in the portal emperium room, can help for defend i think, but what the other skill


and for status, it was good if i make, int vit dex luk 100? or to much dex?

Edited by samudra, 16 January 2014 - 04:26 PM.

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#9 Facekiller


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 04:32 PM

i cannot comment on other servers

Edited by Facekiller, 16 January 2014 - 04:32 PM.

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#10 james818


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Posted 18 January 2014 - 12:03 PM

whats the max hp for a 100 vit, lvl 150 kagarou/oboro, with +9 woe suit, with martyr?


or how much hp does kagarou have generally?

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#11 Facekiller


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Posted 18 January 2014 - 12:09 PM

i have around 15k hp with 100 vit

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#12 james818


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Posted 18 January 2014 - 12:29 PM

:(. feelz like a 1 hit KO by a DB....

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#13 james818


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Posted 18 January 2014 - 12:31 PM

is it worth making a FS/Kunai Kagarou in pvp? Even with such low base hp?

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#14 Facekiller


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Posted 18 January 2014 - 12:32 PM

if you know how to play it right... its not hard to kill people in pvp if you know what youre doing

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#15 james818


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Posted 18 January 2014 - 01:01 PM

@facekiller mind makin a vid of ur kagero in pvp, MVP, and pve? There isn't much vid on YouTube Atm.
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#16 Facekiller


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Posted 18 January 2014 - 01:11 PM

i dont really make vids and i dont write guides... it takes entirely too long and far more work than i want to put in... i would have to make guides for like 7 different builds...

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