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Solar/Lunar/Stella Calculations Reference.

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#1 Agitodesu


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Posted 27 July 2015 - 06:16 PM

How much are solar/stella/lunar rings worth without the cost of labor?


Here I will explain how much it costs or should I say to make one yourself.


Feel free to comment on calculations I will fix them if I find them more accurate or if it becomes outdated.


There are 2 ways of building the rings or you can use the other option to quicken the process.

(Note: You will use sadonyx no matter what star fragments are an option)

  1. First Is using Sadonyx
  2. Second is using star fragments to quicken the farming frenzy.


This will be the long route no star fragments.

How many Sadonyx is required to make 2 15*rings without star fragments?(+ 1 14* ring leftover)


The answer is 10,080 Sadonyx = 10,080 Gold

  • Quick Math- just cause I gotta show some work :D
  • 1 Sadonyx = 1 Gold
  • 10,080 Sadonyx= 10,080 Gold


How many perfect hunches are required to make a set of rings without star fragments?

(Note you buy the 60 pack for 200IM)(Buying 100 for 500IM is pure brain damage)

  • Quick Math- Perfect Hunch to IM ratio
  • 60 Perfect Hunches = 200 IM
  • [200 Im] / [60 Perfect Hunches] = 3.33 IM for 1 Perfect Hunch
  • 100 Perfect Hunches= 500 IM
  • [500 Im] / [100 Perfect Hunches] = 5 IM for 1 Perfect Hunch
  • in Conclusion, buying 60 perfect hunches for 200 IM is the BEST choice.


The answer is 10,500 Perfect Hunches = 35,000 IM = 875,000 Gold (1:25) 1,050,000 Gold (1:30)

  • Quick Math- 420 Runs= [2 15* rings]
  • 25 Perfect Hunches are needed to complete an F6 mode for all rings
  • [25 Perfect Hunches] x [420 Runs] = [10,500 Perfect Hunches] to get all 420 rings


How much does it cost to make a pair of 15* rings now?


The Answer is 885,080 Gold to 1,060,080 Gold

  • Quick Math-
  • [10,080 Gold] + [875,000 Gold] = [885,080 Gold] For [2 15* Rings]
  • [10,080 Gold] + [1,050,000 Gold] = [1.060,080 Gold] For [2 15* Rings]



The problem here now is that we only have 2 15* rings. If you spend 10,080 gold more per set of ring you can get yourself more 15* rings.


How much does it cost to make a pair of Solar, Stella, &Lunar 15* ring?


Total Gold: 905,240 Gold to 1,080,240 Gold

  • Quick Math-
  • [10,080 Gold x 3 Pairs] + [875,000 Gold] = [905,240 Gold]
  • [10,080 Gold x 3 Pairs] + [1,050,000 Gold] = [1,080,240 Gold]


Divide that however you want to get the price on a ring.

Example:(905,240 gold/6 rings)= 150,873 Gold per ring!


Wow! That's so cheap right? Wrong. 

We know that no one buys lunar rings.(besides myself It's common sense to toss out the lunars)


How much is a Solar/Stella worth then If you toss out the Lunars?(Poor Lunars :<)


Total Gold: 875,000 Gold to 1,070,160 Gold.

  • Quick Math-
  • [10,080 Gold x 2 Pairs] + [875,000 Gold] = [895,160 Gold]
  • [10,080 Gold x 2 Pairs] + [1,050,000 Gold] = [1,070,160 Gold]


Divide that by 4 and we get the individual price.

  • Quick Math-
  • [895,160 Gold] / [4] = [223,790 Gold] Per Ring
  • [1,070,160 Gold] / [4] = [267,540 Gold] Per Ring


Question? Why is it in the market for (Enter super high price) Gold each for a solar ring and only (Enter way cheaper than solar price) Gold for a stella?

The answer is demand+Labor. Many people if offered the choice to get a free pair of rings would choose Solars. Then Stellas. Then the poop lunars.

This is why solars are more expensive than stellas and stellas being more expensive than lunars

Solars are very good in PvP and PvE, Stellas are good in PvP and meh in PvE, Lunars are a joke currently in pvp and pve(you can just +20 a cape for pve and your done with defense)



With Star Fragments!


How many sadonyx do you need to get a pair of 15* rings?


The answer is 10,080 Sadonyx! Its the same if you haven't noticed. 10,080 Gold


How many star fragments do you need to get a pair of rings?


The answer is 300 star fragments per pair. 150 Gold to 250 Gold each. Total: 45,000 Gold to 75,000 Gold

  • Quick math- 420 rings= [2 15* rings]
  • Farm 240 runs = [240 3* rings] + [240 2* rings] + [240 1* rings]
  • [240 1* rings] converts into [120 2* rings]   (1 Star fragment to convert [2 1* rings] into [1 2* ring]) cost= 120 Star Fragments
  • [240 2* rings]+[120 2* rings]=[360 2* rings]
  • [360 2* rings] converts into [180 3* rings]   (1 Star fragment to convert [2 2* rings] into [1 3* ring]) costs 180 Star Fragments
  • [180 3* rings]+[240 3* rings]= [420 3* rings]
  • In conclusion, 300 star fragments are needed to get the set of rings in 240 runs. The other method takes 420 runs and more IM since you need more perfect hunches.


How many Perfect Hunches do you need?


The answer is 6000 perfect hunches= 20,000 IM = 500,000 Gold(1:25) to 600,000 Gold(1:30)

  • Quick Math- 25 Perfect Hunches are needed to complete 1 run of F6 mode.
  • [25 PH] x [240 runs] = 6000 Perfect Hunches to complete 240 runs.

How much gold does it cost to make a pair of rings?


The answer is 555,080 Gold to 685,080 Gold

  • Quick Math-
  • [10,080 Gold] + [45,000 Gold] + [500,000 Gold] = [555,080 Gold] for [2 15* Rings]
  • [10,080 Gold] + [75,000 Gold] + [600,000 Gold] = [685,080 Gold] for [2 15* Rings]


How much does it cost to make a pair of Solars and Stellas only?


The answer is 152,540 Gold to 192,160 Gold


  • Quick Math-
  • [10,080 Gold x 2 pairs] + [45,000 Gold x 2] + [500,000 Gold] = [610,160 Gold]
  • [10,080 Gold x 2 pairs] + [75,000 Gold x 2] + [600,000 Gold] = [770,160 Gold]

Now I will let you know ahead of time, If you are about to spend gold and sadonyx on lunars to get all 3 this way, it's a trap.

Do not under any circumstance spend 300 star fragments and 10,080 sadonyx on lunars. 



Star fragments save a lot of time, and it is cheaper if you can find it for a good price and buy IM at a cheap rate.

I will make a final comparison so you guys can decide on how much gold you are putting into these rings.

AGAIN- This is not taking account for the labor, This is very time consuming and a lot of farming thus making it cost way more than it actually is!


This is based on if you farm solars and stellas. No lunars.

  • ​How much is a solar ring or Stella ring worth? Runs are assumed 9 Minutes per run, time may vary.
  • No star fragments- [223,790 Gold] To [267,540 Gold]     Total of :420 F6 Runs= 3780 minutes= 63 Hours (Bleh)
  • With Star Fragments- [152,540 Gold] To [192,160 Gold]   Total of: 240 F6 Runs= 2160 Minutes= 36 Hours (Wow saves time!)

One more thing- Solars are worth more than Stellas. Expect stellas to cost a lot less and Solars to be crazy expensive.



Answers from questions I got.


How much is 1 [14* ring]?


Approximately 50,000 Gold


Quick Math:

  • 152,000 Gold = 2 [15* ring]
  • 2 [15* ring] = 3 [14* ring]
  • 3 [14* ring] = 150,000 Gold
  • Divide by 3 since you have 3 rings.
  • 152,000/3 = 50,666 gold per ring.
  • This is the cheapest way with star fragments while buying IM/phs at 1:25




Things to remember:

  • 3 Carachas = 2 Cerbs
  • 6000 PH With star fragments= 2 15* Carachas
  • 10,500 PH Without star fragments = 2 15* Carachas
  • 12,000 PH With star fragments= 2 15* Cerbs+ 1 15* Caracha leftover
  • 21,000 PH Without star fragments = 2 15*Cerbs+ 1 15* Caracha leftover
  • Total cost of IM for the long route is 35,000 IM  :Emo_18:
  • Total cost of IM for short route is 20,000 IM  :Emo_18:





74 runs yields around 518, 73 runs 511. Clearly you need 74 runs while only stopping at the 3rd/4th wave. But for math sake I assume the complete 74 runs.


1*=1 1* Necks

2*=2 1* Necks

3*=4 1* Necks

4*=8 1* Necks

5*=16 1* Necks

6*=32 1* Necks

7*=64 1* Necks

8*=128 1* Necks

9*=256 1* Necks

10*=512 1* Necks


74 Runs = 512 1* worth of necks (technically either 518/516/512 necks depending on which wave you stop on)

74 Runs = 1850 star fragments (Lazy to math the 3 different * rounds to star frag ratio so it's the full 74 runs)

Combining necks fee using the 74 run method = 438 star frags


Total Star frags needed= 2288 Star frags

How much gold is that (star frags) worth= 457,600 gold

How many runs of virgo? 74

Is it worth? Totally(not really)












I finished.


If someone tells me to add more info or missing stuff feel free to comment. This is for everyone so the better it will be more "generally" accurate.

Lately I have been seeing IM rates going to 1:6 so prices may go higher :x And I really don't want to add a third calculation for 1:6 IM rate.

Edited by Agitodesu, 29 December 2016 - 06:28 PM.

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#2 ManItsMike


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Posted 27 July 2015 - 08:44 PM

I recently finished my solars, I have 15* stella and lunar just chilling in my vault. I would NEVER sell them for that low, not because of the cost to make them, but the time invested into it as well. 420 F6's at 9 minutes each. 3780 minutes, that's sixty three HOURS of time invested on top of the monetary cost.
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#3 Agitodesu


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Posted 27 July 2015 - 11:01 PM

I know right! Its the labor cost and the fact that you have to invest a large amount of gold/im/time without quitting half way. I am not trying to make the sellers look bad or make the ring look cheaper than it should be. But in reality if you work hard enough to farm enough to buy 2 solar carachas from the market around 90-100k+ gold, you are better off getting everything done and not only end with 2 solar caracha rings but also 2 stella or even lunars if wanted. I bet you if the labor done was simplified by a ton, the price would definitely drop. 

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#4 ManItsMike


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Posted 27 July 2015 - 11:47 PM

Absolutely. I hope it never does though! I busted my.... rear end for weeks for my pretty rings haha.
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#5 deanp692


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Posted 28 July 2015 - 07:07 PM

thank you for this information! i will use this to plan my farming for the rings

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#6 Yuumikitsu


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Posted 22 August 2015 - 07:58 AM

Well what about the lvl 81 rings? The ones in Galaxy where you need 2 Star fragments and 3 Rings for ea time you up 1*

I tried to calculate and came to the conclusion that 2187 1* Rings = 1 8* Ring and it's 2924 Star Fragments. and star fragments is like 100-150g ea. How can you ever make them then or am I doing something wrong?

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#7 Agitodesu


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Posted 22 August 2015 - 10:38 AM

To make 2 cerberus rings, you have to just trade in 3 15* caracha rings. You can't really make cerberus rings into higher cerberus rings. You just trade in carachas for cerberus and that is the end. Once you trade a caracha for a cerberus(81ring) You cant upgrade it or trade it in for a higher level or Star. So in conclusion Buy/Farm 3 caracha solar rings-> go to cretes in port of the winds->go to the ring you want to trade in by looking through the pages->trade->pops out 2 cerberus rings for the 3 carachas.


You can trade cerberus rings for higher cerberus rings by going to the reinforce section from cretes.

Edited by Agitodesu, 07 September 2015 - 04:11 AM.

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#8 SoulSight


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Posted 25 August 2015 - 07:22 AM

Your calculation helps a lot even though I do not understand at all. However, can you calculate how much it costs to have a pair of 14* carache solar rings?

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#9 Agitodesu


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Posted 27 August 2015 - 08:27 PM

Well at least you got the calculations, I guess my guide isn't very good haha :c

To calculate the price of a 14 star ring, All you have to do is divide the total ring price by 3. Because it takes 3 14* rings to make 2 15* rings. I put it on the bottom of my post. 

Edited by Agitodesu, 27 August 2015 - 08:35 PM.

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#10 SoulSight


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Posted 27 August 2015 - 08:38 PM

Thank you I feel bad for myself because I have honor precalculus class and cannot even do this.


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#11 Agitodesu


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Posted 30 August 2015 - 03:14 PM

Its all stoichiometry (chemistry) np

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#12 SoulSight


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Posted 30 August 2015 - 05:26 PM

is it simple like what we basically learned?

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#13 Agitodesu


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Posted 01 September 2015 - 06:41 PM

It's really simple. Its like how to figure out how to Find out how many seconds are in a year.  

1 year = 365 days

1 Day = 24 hours

1 hour = 60 minutes

1 minute= 60 seconds


365x24x60x60= 31,536,000 seconds in a year.


Same thing with gold and items. You just have to know where to put the stuff.


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#14 SoulSight


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Posted 01 September 2015 - 07:04 PM

i cannot calculate how many PH to make a pair of 15* solar! It's complicated from 2* one.

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#15 Agitodesu


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Posted 02 September 2015 - 08:53 AM

You need 10,500 ph without star fragments and 6000 ph with star fragments. 420 rings to make 15* rings. 420 rings=420 runs of f6. 1 run of f6= 25 ph. So 420x25= 10,500ph. 10,500 ph allows you to run f6 420 times getting those 3*s allowing you to get 15*s when you trade em.
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#16 SoulSight


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Posted 02 September 2015 - 09:06 AM

So how do you know that you will need 6000 PH? That's my question.

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#17 Agitodesu


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Posted 02 September 2015 - 09:58 AM

Takes 240 runs to get 240 rings with starfragments. With 240 runs you can get 240 2* rings and 240 1*rings. Those rings combined give 180 3* rings. 240+ 180= 420 = 15* rings. 240 runs x 25 ph per run= 6000ph. With 6000 ph you can run it 240 times getting yourself those 15* rings if you have all the starfragments and stuff I have in the reference guide.
If you read my guide it has all the work you need in there you just have to read under the quick calculation section

Edited by Agitodesu, 02 September 2015 - 09:59 AM.

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#18 SoulSight


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Posted 02 September 2015 - 10:09 AM

i took it as a fresh calculation (no knowing how many runs). I did math by the formula that every 3 lower level rings = 2 higher level rings; 2 stars one is exception and 1 14* left over. That's basic knowledge to figure but i did it wrong.

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#19 Agitodesu


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Posted 02 September 2015 - 10:12 AM

Well I just hope you just trust my guide and roll with it lol
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#20 SoulSight


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Posted 02 September 2015 - 12:01 PM

i trust your math lol as i said.

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#21 Precrush


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Posted 18 June 2016 - 12:16 AM

Now I will let you know ahead of time, If you are about to spend gold and sadonyx on lunars to get all 3 this way, it's a trap.

Do not under any circumstance spend 300 star fragments and 10,080 sadonyx on lunars. 




You underestimate my craziness.


Also should totally pin this topic imo, I really useful and I always have to find it trough the search.

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#22 eyes2kill


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Posted 18 June 2016 - 08:45 AM

Takes 240 runs to get 240 rings with starfragments. With 240 runs you can get 240 2* rings and 240 1*rings. Those rings combined give 180 3* rings. 240+ 180= 420 = 15* rings. 240 runs x 25 ph per run= 6000ph. With 6000 ph you can run it 240 times getting yourself those 15* rings if you have all the starfragments and stuff I have in the reference guide.
If you read my guide it has all the work you need in there you just have to read under the quick calculation section


I'm too lazy to do math and too tired to look at it. Hurry up and do the galaxy neck level 8-10* and the galaxy card hunt level 8- 5. Calvin is waiting for your answer. My never wrong answer is, takes a lot muahahahaha........

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#23 Agitodesu


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Posted 18 June 2016 - 03:11 PM

I did this before but my post got deleted. I'll do it later when I can :(

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#24 Agitodesu


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Posted 22 June 2016 - 06:21 PM

74 runs yields around 518, 73 runs 511. Clearly you need 74 runs while only stopping at the 3rd/4th wave. But for math sake I assume the complete 74 runs.


1*=1 1* Necks

2*=2 1* Necks

3*=4 1* Necks

4*=8 1* Necks

5*=16 1* Necks

6*=32 1* Necks

7*=64 1* Necks

8*=128 1* Necks

9*=256 1* Necks

10*=512 1* Necks


74 Runs = 512 1* worth of necks (technically either 518/516/512 necks depending on which wave you stop on)

74 Runs = 1850 star fragments (Lazy to math the 3 different * rounds to star frag ratio so it's the full 74 runs)

Combining necks fee using the 74 run method = 438 star frags


Total Star frags needed= 2288 Star frags

How much gold is that (star frags) worth= 457,600 gold

How many runs of virgo? 74

Is it worth? Totally(not really)



Btw I don't know what you meant by this:

galaxy card hunt level 8- 5

Edited by Agitodesu, 22 June 2016 - 06:28 PM.

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#25 GogAcc


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Posted 22 June 2016 - 11:48 PM

I think that he meant G.8 skill socket card 5 stars.
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