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Help with Stalker - SC

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#1 Dinmak


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Posted 23 April 2011 - 08:09 AM

So, I just rebirthed my Rogue and am willing to do a dagger stalker/shadowchaser.

The thing is, I dont know if a dagger can be decently effective in woe as he can be in pvm.

I want to use feint bombs, ASSs and Reproduces as my main skills in the end and dont really know what could be a ood build in stats/skills.

I see Agi aint the greatest stat since renewal, but I also dont want to sacrfice much of it for pvm issues.
Also, need some dex so I can be effective in woe, with masquereda and divest skills...

I'm not much turned to Woeing, but seems I wont have much future in guilds if I dont focus some on that so....
Any suggestions??

Would really apreciate some help!!
Thx in advance
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#2 meaning42


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Posted 23 April 2011 - 08:16 AM

The top SC build is Trapper, we copy the Fire trap from Rangers and use that as our own main skill.

I've never seen faint bomb used in action, but I asked a SC that had used it in the past but resetted, she confirmed my suspisions, Feint Bomb is USELESS. Especially now when they are going to change it from going into a backalide into going into hiding.

Basically, how you want to play the SC is your choice, but you could also follow the cookiecutter build that I am getting, 100Vit 100dex 100Int 100Str/Agi(Whichever you prefer, I'm going for STR because the low weighlimit is pissing me off)
With the main skill being Fire Trap.
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#3 Dinmak


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Posted 23 April 2011 - 10:26 AM

Well, I dont really want to sacrifice all Agi or all Str....not really much into traps either...

I'm looking for a build for a dagger stalker/, going with no Str would make me useless... Also, no Agi would make me too vulnerable in PVM (I know the 100 vit would make it a lil better, but yet....dont wanna be getting hit all of the time) and also, nt usefull since my ASPD would be low without agi.

I made this on a stat calc for renewal...:

Str - 95
Agi - 91
Vit - 97
Dex - 94
Int - 64
Luk - 1

Wit the equips, cards and job bonuses it would be something like:

Str - 110
Agi - 102
Vit - 104
Dex - 100
Int - 70
Luk - 6

Would that be good in a dagger SC?

I'm looking for something that can be mildly effective in woe, more turned into pvm.

Also, even if the feit bomb will be useless, I really like it so, I wanted a skill build that had feint bomb, ASS, reproduce and some divest and masquereda skills (the ASS and FB for pvm - and divest/masque for woe)

I really don't know much of the mecanics in the game to know if this would do the job....
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#4 meaning42


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Posted 23 April 2011 - 10:45 AM

Thing is, STR doesn't work like it used to, when you got a huge atk bonus with every total 10 you had, now str is much less valuable, a good weapon is what makes your attack output, on a rough scale, 1str = 0.5 weapon-atk, so it might be better to place out some of the stats from str into other stats like AGI, since you want as high ASPD as possible when you are going to dagger. other then that, I think the stats look ok.

After renewal, you'd have to do some grave errors in stats to make a visable difference, so don't worry about the small stat differences that much.

Whats more important is your skillbuild. (With stats like that, you could easily just change to Trap build if you wanted.)

Getting feint bomb is really going to drain skillpoints from the rest of your tree though.

I suggest you make a build using this simulator and let others check it out: http://web.hc.keio.a...skill4/sch.html
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#5 Dinmak


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Posted 23 April 2011 - 11:45 AM

So, Str isn't all that much anymore??...well, even so, Skills like Feint Bomb, Bowling Bash and such still really heavily (althought not mainly) in Str, right?

Also, when I was Rogue 99/50, with 75 Str and a + 5 damascus, I only did 300~400 with each attack (no buffs nor anything)

Anyways, the stats, as they are, do you guys think it will work at least a lil effective in WOE?

As for the Skill biuld, I'll make one and post here.

Thx for the help!
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#6 Dinmak


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Posted 23 April 2011 - 12:03 PM


Thats the skill build I thought of.

But, appart from the evaluation of you guys, I have a few questions?

Masquerade skills are affected by Agi or Dex diference betwen caster and victim?

Also, the insignia it any usefull in WOEs other than being a pain in the ass for pre casts?

Anyways...I know I'm being a pain here, but your opinions really count.

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#7 meaning42


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Posted 23 April 2011 - 12:06 PM

How effective you'll be in woe or not, will mainly come down to how well you play, in 1v1, SC can be quite hard to beat~ since you'll have Manhole, which paralyses your opponent, use that with Full Divest + whatever skill of your choice*coughFireTrapcough* is quite devestating, you'll also have Shadow Formation, which nullifies damage on you and send it to your enemy, even if he/she was the one whom inflicted it, though I am unsure if it works with magical damage aswell. But you can always use Hide to avoid most spells.

If you use Bowling Bash with a Bow weapon, the govering stat will be dexterity.
I don't know what stat governs Feint Bomb though.

I really wish someone else would reply as well, it's always good to have a second opinion.
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#8 Dinmak


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Posted 23 April 2011 - 01:57 PM

Well, I've seem some vids of Feint Bomb in action and some of fire traps can be way more devsating yes, but still....I really loved Feint bomb :)

So, how about the skill build (guess everyone is/was at woe today, which explains why noone came to give a second opinion.]

Anyway, thx for all the help.
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#9 meaning42


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Posted 24 April 2011 - 02:01 AM

I'm almost in chock over your skill build to be honest, no Full Divest and no Stealth?
I guess with manhole, full divest won't matter as you cam use all divests while they are stuck, but still, feels wrong somehow.

Maelstrom and Chaos Panic are both very good skills to use in WoE aswell, Chaos makes them unable to control where they walk, if it's a range character though, it won't matter as much, they can still hit you. Maelstrom allows you to devour any spell thats laid down ontop of it, say that you are fighting a sorceres, he/she starts a ground based AOE spell ontop of you, before the spell is cast, you lay down maelstrom underneith you, now the area of Maelstorm is a deadspace, meaning that you won't take damage inside that area and you will gain the SP from the spell used ontop of it.

Maelstrom also cancels out traps/penuma/manhole and most/all groundbased skills.

This is my skill build: http://web.hc.keio.a...sqsdqkDedjQjNIn

Having Divest Accessory might be a bit unnecessary, but hell, with 1 agi, I won't have any use for AutoShadowSpell anyway. and I only need lv 5 in reproduce for Fire trap.
Deadly Infection is pretty neat, get poisoned/blind/chaos, just hit that baby on and everyone that strikes you will share yout burdan.

Gotta cut this post short.

Edited by meaning42, 24 April 2011 - 02:15 AM.

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#10 GuardianTK


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Posted 24 April 2011 - 08:33 AM

To add to what meaning42 has said, you'll never be able to MVP seriously on a hybrid Trap/ASS Chaser build. In order for the ASS build to be effective, you need to be able to max out as much Aspd as possible to proc their autocasts. This means you need to get base 120Agi. This in turn limits you on the other stats you can get. You need high Dex for Trap damage. You need 100 total Vit(This includes job50 bonus) for stun and poison immunity. You need Int for augmenting your spells somewhat. 100Int grants immunity to Freeze. Not like those autocasted spells are very useful for DPS anyways, because you can only copy non-trans spells for its use.

If you are a Pure Trap Chaser, you can PVM/MVP/WoE just as good and be much more effective and efficient than an ASS Chaser ever will be if you use it right. :V The basic leveling equip for a Fire Trap Chaser is the x4 Hunterfly carded Main Gauche[4]. It allows a Chaser to recover HP based on the damage(60% of said damage) the Chaser does per attack with a 12% stacked proc rate. This helps a Chaser save on potions in the longrun if coupled with a Rideword Hat. Much more efficient than an ASS Chaser who would have to use potions in a large mob. As a result, Fire Trap Chasers can last a long time in terms of leveling.

Feint Bomb is considered a Trap-type skill. Therefore its damage will be based on Dex/Base Level/Int. Fire Trap works heavily in the same manner. Atk has nothing to do with it. Fire Trap's damage will also always top the DPS Bowling Bashes a Chaser will ever deal. Although Fire Trap offers the best DPS a Chaser can have, don't expect the same out of Feint Bomb. It's a fun skill to have, but it's impractical to use considering how there's so many MayaP cards floating out there nowadays. It also deals too little damage to be considered threatening.

Divest Accessory1 is highly necessary. You never know when you'll run into a Megged player. If you don't have Full Divest or Stealth, you can't ever be taken seriously for WoE.

Currently, there is no form of resistance against Masquerade skills. The only reduction system is based on differences in Base Levels between the players.
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#11 Dinmak


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Posted 25 April 2011 - 06:54 AM

I've seem a vid on youtube, a SC uses feint bomb with diferent stats and equips, and, I don't really know if its real, but with 100 Str, 100 Dex and a +7 Ice Pick with a minouros card, I belive, he does over 50k damage to....I really don't know the mosnter...

Check the video out:

Anyways, I really don't wanna use traps all that much (at least not for any other reason than leveling till I get my Feint Bomb... and I want to make a hybrid, even if it's not the top effectveness EVAR seen...I justwant to enjoy everything a SC has to offer in all aspects of the game, even if not a master in any of 'em.

the build I posted would be a good hybrid build?
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#12 Andini


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Posted 25 April 2011 - 07:53 AM

you need a moderate amount of agi/aspd for backslide/trapping
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#13 meaning42


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Posted 25 April 2011 - 07:56 AM

Well, if you want to be a jack of all trades, thats your choice to make, we are just trying to advice you which build is the most viable in terms of leveling, woe and MVP.

And that video is probably outdated, besides, Feint bomb has a cast time whilst Fire Trap is instant and highly spammable, only bad thing about it is that you can only put out 1 trap at the time, so, if it doesn't detonate, you have to move the mob to it, or wait until it runs out.

Also note that that video shows a huge range in damage of Feint Bomb, first 2min it does far less damage then Fire Bomb and takes a lot longer time to cast. In the time you've cast 1 Feint Bomb, you could have casted 3-5 Fire Trap.

I'm not telling you that you Have to be a Trap SC, you chose what you want to do with your character, I am just making sure that you are properly informed so that you don't regret it later, but hey, for the price of a couple dollars you can always fully reset.
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#14 Dinmak


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Posted 25 April 2011 - 09:36 AM

Oh, I know you guys are warning me. And I've seem both SCs in action (ASSs and Trap) so, I see the huge diference in DPS possibilities. Well, I've researched further and, well, Feint Bomb does look cool, but it seems it will be dowgraded from backsliding to hiding AND, I've watched diferent versions of that same vid I posted, the max damage shown in 4 out of 5 vids was 10 tops, with 100 str, 100 de and the +7 Ice Pick with...some card I can't recall right now.

I thx you guys. I've been moved from my idea of a MUST HAVE FEINT BOMB OMGFTW!!!

But now, seems I won't be needing as many skill points as before...

Does anyone have a good Skill Tree suggestion for a Hybrid SC?
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#15 GuardianTK


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Posted 25 April 2011 - 11:53 AM

I just dug this thread up:
I guess it does rely on atk. The problem with this is finding a good reliable weapon that a Chaser can equip for it.
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#16 Dinmak


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Posted 26 April 2011 - 06:03 AM

Yeah, I've seem that thread too, and that's why I pumped all that strenght in my build...but I've been reading some archive discussion over chasers and I think I'll down a little my Str and invest some in it true that after renewal, luck adds flee, hit, matk and atk, as well as perfect dodge and crit chance?

If so, it'd be really good to invest some in the build... anyone ever tested a Chaser with Luck?
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#17 GuardianTK


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Posted 26 April 2011 - 10:37 AM

Yeah, I've seem that thread too, and that's why I pumped all that strenght in my build...but I've been reading some archive discussion over chasers and I think I'll down a little my Str and invest some in it true that after renewal, luck adds flee, hit, matk and atk, as well as perfect dodge and crit chance?

If so, it'd be really good to invest some in the build... anyone ever tested a Chaser with Luck?

There really is no point in getting all of that Str anyways. Feint Bomb relies on Atk like any normal skill/melee attack would rely on. Therefore, a majority of the damage will rely on your weapon.

Luck does add a "little bit" of everything. Not worth investing Luck into a Chaser build though, considering how much more important Vit/Dex/Agi/Int is compared to Luck. And if you do plan to get some Str, there will indeed be no room for Luck at all.
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#18 meaning42


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Posted 26 April 2011 - 11:13 AM

One thing you should remember if you plan on ever going to PvP and WoE is that 100 vit grants immunity to stun and 100 int grant immunity to freeze. So, those are two very good stats to play out before you start adding into strenght.
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#19 Dinmak


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Posted 27 April 2011 - 05:37 AM

Well, now it's done:

Skills: http://web.hc.keio.a...KqqdohddDkAabIn


Str - 80
Agi - 110
Vit - 102
Dex - 110
Int - 80
Luk - 7

Since I couldn't find a nice use for luck, I invested some more points in Agi/Dex for aspd.

I'm completely satisfied with this (ideally, at least....when I get to test it pratically, I'll probably want to change a thing or two), but I think it's a good enough Hybrid pvm/woe build.

Thx for all the help, guys.

Actually, I just noticed Guardian TK...I'm kinda in your guild. XD
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#20 meaning42


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Posted 27 April 2011 - 05:40 AM

Well, when you get to SC, lets have a duel.
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#21 GuardianTK


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Posted 27 April 2011 - 05:43 AM

Well, when you get to SC, lets have a duel.

I've had a lv120 SC for a while now. xD I'm simply lazy to level it outside of events lol!

You'll see me in WoE quite often though.

Edited by GuardianTK, 27 April 2011 - 05:43 AM.

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#22 Dinmak


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Posted 27 April 2011 - 05:53 AM

SC might take a while, since I became a Stalker yesterday...
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