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#1 Laner


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Posted 24 July 2010 - 04:23 PM

Hi I need the rich text editor, so I went under my settings and check off "Enable visual (RTE) editor? " Right? OK I did that! And I saved those settings.
So in my post I'm suppose to see this icon Posted Image ?? Because I don't see it.. I only see Posted Image this which is useless.
So how the heck am I suppose to get into html format without this icon...I"m confused... because I looked for it in both IE and Firefox. And my settings certainly have RTE enabled. So is there something else I'm missing to get this done?
Because I just did alot of work in dreamweaver, then to sign up here, and not find the way into RTE.
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#2 espeon


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Posted 24 July 2010 - 05:10 PM

Forum software such as IPB and vB generally do not allow users to use HTML in posts (layout integrity, security, etc.). What the RTE option does is it lets you format your posts like you would in a text editor such as WordPad. The other option is using bbcode, which is similar to HTML (the software parses the bbcode and replaces it with the appropriate HTML code). A list of bbcodes can be found by clicking the Posted Image icon in the post editor, or by clicking the link below:

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#3 Maison


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Posted 24 July 2010 - 07:02 PM

Dude....I could use html on the old requiem forums. And I'm pretty sure on hotmail when you click on rich text editor you can insert html code. And that's what it's for. Anyway I had the idea I'd be able to do so here. If not then I'll just have to start from scratch on my post, which will take a little bit of time, but not a lot since I have the layout in dreamerweaver.
But dude if I know what html is, why the FFFFFFF would I not know what bbcode is? :mellow: Yes, it's regular forum code. Duh. I know. Thanks captain obvious. And I've seen that useless thread that you really really didn't need to post.

Maybe I'll sumbit a ticket, to get a faster response from GM.

well this is a new forum, so let them slowly fix stuff
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#4 Kaizy


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Posted 24 July 2010 - 07:42 PM

Back when I had an IPB board years ago, you would have to enable the dohtml tag for certain forums if you wanted to allow people to use html in their posts. It could be restricted to certain groups and whatnot too. I think they have it globally disabled on these forums. They should at least enable it for certain sections.
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#5 Miyuki


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Posted 25 July 2010 - 02:35 PM

Dude....I could use html on the old requiem forums.

General forums like Invision and vBulletin (the more "famous" forum softwares) have HTML disabled by default (and most owners don't turn it on). Our old forum software, whatever that was (never able to figure it out), allowed us to use HTML for whatever reason, but that was a rare case.

Replacing HTML codes with BBcodes shouldn't be that hard anyways with the Replace feature. :T
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#6 Rockyonfire


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Posted 25 July 2010 - 03:14 PM

BBCODE is just a rewrite of HTML
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#7 Laner


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Posted 25 July 2010 - 05:22 PM

Yea but the bbcode here wasn't enough. The only thing that could be converted from my html layout was the images LOL

The only thing I really needed here was the ability to make tables. Without tables my guide would stretch out on forever lol. Anyways my guide is done. I just made the nice tables I had into images instead. So it's all ok now. Lol in case you are curious it's FloorMatt's guide under Turan temple.

I think if html wasn't allowed. They could at least enable tables. They are such a useful tool especially for guide making.
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#8 Miyuki


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Posted 25 July 2010 - 07:48 PM

Only when a chart's needed, but then you can just use [ code ] instead.

 Simple   | Table   | Nothing Fancy

Maybe you can ask them and see if they're willing to setup table codes, though I don't think they'd do it since it's not something used often... =\

Edited by Miyuki, 25 July 2010 - 07:56 PM.

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