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New Updates Revealed

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#1 Chigikogou


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Posted 13 September 2012 - 03:25 PM

So guys.. this is the real reason why we have no updates for 2 weeks now..
(sorry for making a whinge..)

Here ya go for those who have not received the email ;3

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“Skies of Palus” will be Maestia’s first major update since commercial launch. In this update, players will see:
  • A new level cap to level 68
  • Expanded skill trees and specializations
  • Palus, the Forgotten Swamp is a new Day/Night zone complete with harder raid bosses
  • Protect the Golem PvP mode

    And much more!
Posted Image

THIS WEEKEND ONLY!, rare monsters from Lipido will be spawning with a frenzy.

Corruption of Night Event

Heroes! Stop this madness!

The Dark Lord Keledus’s influence has been slowly creeping into the Land of Desires. His twisted dark energies corrupts the land by increasing the numbers of his strongest minions. Tales of glorious treasures hidden within their bodies have been heard in the streets of Superion.

More details about Corruption of Night Event!

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Edited by Chigikogou, 13 September 2012 - 05:49 PM.

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#2 Doodler


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Posted 13 September 2012 - 04:30 PM

I suggest that let's just wait a little bit more. Perhaps there are other things that's making them busy right now or how do you know, maybe right now they are already working on it. Just get your fingers crossed I say.

Edited by Doodler, 13 September 2012 - 04:31 PM.

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#3 SleepyAssassin


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Posted 13 September 2012 - 05:30 PM

yay and lol @ lvl 68....there you go SG, you can farm the 59's and then come and pk us on the 69 map since we won't be able to wear them. Equal gear =P

Edited by SleepyAssassin, 13 September 2012 - 05:50 PM.

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#4 Chigikogou


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Posted 13 September 2012 - 05:58 PM

Mage gets 1 skill... lame x.x.. we get to die more still huhuhuuhuhu
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#5 gbowlin0300


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Posted 13 September 2012 - 06:25 PM

Can't wait !
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#6 Alteris


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Posted 13 September 2012 - 06:27 PM

Mage gets 1 skill... lame x.x.. we get to die more still huhuhuuhuhu

Correction! They get 3 and skill specializations.
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#7 Chigikogou


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Posted 13 September 2012 - 06:37 PM

Oh yes, we have 3 on each speciality and 1 for the middle branch..

Any Descriptions you can release for us Alteris? :p_hi: s'il vous plait? :p_love:

Edited by Chigikogou, 13 September 2012 - 06:41 PM.

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#8 100001986717001


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Posted 13 September 2012 - 07:56 PM

Why does the Tk have to suffer, Cause the Sg were slacking, getting their gear ... making us only be able to Reach lvl 68.. while the Orange gear will obviously be 69... that is dumb, cause they did not go out when we did and earn their loot they want hand outs?? while we stare at the 69 stuff in our bags for months at a time?? thats Bs....,should be Equal let all of us go to 69 and let the best man win.., i mean we let the SG farm out in in nighttime atm, if we wanted to be dicks, we could easyly shut that whole zone down w/o trying.... but we like a fight., so we let them get gear now people complain???, so we have to wait longer to get the lvl 69 gear we all been waiting on for months, most of my guild has had full oranges for almost 2months.., the SG`s have about. 20-40peices total.. and thats their fault they had every chance we did to get gear.... this is a unfair advantage you are giving in the process, is acuttaly punishing all Tks . p.s Fix our 7day mount.... we were on all 3 days for the 30days., And my MP.... this is a 2month occuring event on my MP i want my MP refunded.... tired of not being able to buy stuff.. pm me ingame if u need, more information i sent in 3 tickets, and spoken to Aether,Hemera,Nyx about this.. no more information was followed up or done on their part.. fix it!!!
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#9 Wandering


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Posted 13 September 2012 - 08:06 PM

this is BS give the babys what they want total crap make them work like we did simmple
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#10 AngelShark


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Posted 13 September 2012 - 10:12 PM

I just have to laugh at the comments from TK players complaining that SG players do not work for orange gear. The reality is that some TK has had months to get their gear and only slacked off a bit over the past couple of weeks (probably out of boredom) in monopolising bosses in Night Lipido. Then, some TKs are still trying to prevent the most active SGs from getting gear... and suddenly, it is SG players slacking off that is the cause of them not having gear. In actual fact, the bosses are fairly easy to kill, even with blue equipment only. It is the monopolising of them by full orange-geared players that prevent others from getting anywhere. When the cards are stacked so unevenly, there really is no motivation to continue. So many people have already quit due to this issue. Let us see what happens after this....

On another note, any plans for events that give a sample skill reset with this new patch?

Edited by AngelShark, 13 September 2012 - 10:15 PM.

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#11 Chigikogou


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Posted 13 September 2012 - 10:34 PM

I just have to laugh at the comments from TK players complaining that SG players do not work for orange gear. The reality is that some TK has had months to get their gear and only slacked off a bit over the past couple of weeks (probably out of boredom) in monopolising bosses in Night Lipido. Then, some TKs are still trying to prevent the most active SGs from getting gear... and suddenly, it is SG players slacking off that is the cause of them not having gear. In actual fact, the bosses are fairly easy to kill, even with blue equipment only. It is the monopolising of them by full orange-geared players that prevent others from getting anywhere. When the cards are stacked so unevenly, there really is no motivation to continue. So many people have already quit due to this issue. Let us see what happens after this....

On another note, any plans for events that give a sample skill reset with this new patch?

You make us look bad :p_swt: .. we in Temple Knights (Sentinels) have given Superion Guardians ALL the kindness and consideration for SGs to herd their all gears.
We never killed any SG for a long time now.. We let Superions kill the Bosses without us PKing them in the process. Now how are we preventing Superions to gear themselves?
We are not slacking mind you, You Superions ARE slacking. We roam night lipido almost like 24/7, and during those time I or WE never saw any of you SG run boss raid parties (Well there was a party I saw this morning and they got 2 ojs, grats ;D)
You have had just plenty of time to do your stuff, and now us to blame for your (not to generalise) slacking?

How uncouth when that is what's happening and you blame us for our kind deed? We aren't even supposed to treat you like this if we are talking about competency!
PS: You are still an opponent, but after all the advantage Temple Knights gave Superion Guardians? Why are we the bad guy over something nice we gave you and just rejected?

Edited by Chigikogou, 13 September 2012 - 10:35 PM.

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#12 SleepyAssassin


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Posted 13 September 2012 - 11:11 PM

I just have to laugh at the comments from TK players complaining that SG players do not work for orange gear. The reality is that some TK has had months to get their gear and only slacked off a bit over the past couple of weeks (probably out of boredom) in monopolising bosses in Night Lipido. Then, some TKs are still trying to prevent the most active SGs from getting gear... and suddenly, it is SG players slacking off that is the cause of them not having gear. In actual fact, the bosses are fairly easy to kill, even with blue equipment only. It is the monopolising of them by full orange-geared players that prevent others from getting anywhere. When the cards are stacked so unevenly, there really is no motivation to continue. So many people have already quit due to this issue. Let us see what happens after this....

On another note, any plans for events that give a sample skill reset with this new patch?

Good day. I would like to clear up some misconceptions here. Does SG work for orange gear? Yes, some do, however the majority are not, have not, and most likely will not for whatever reason or excuse they may like to give. Of course this does not apply to everyone, there are capped SG's in lipido who are bossing it up. It's good to see. We have not "slacked" in anything, we have had an agreement with every SG that if they hit the boss first they get the kill. The only two exceptions to this rule were/are the Elites guild and Sofakings and there are various circumstances for this. Mainly, some don't know when to keep their mouth shut. As far as "most actives" I realize you are in elites, however let's not deceive anyone, you are not the most active guild in SG, nor do you boast the most active 59's. There are two currently active guilds who boss in night those would be tenacity and snoosnoo. At times you also will see Spud from conspiracy. Let us also consider something else, we made this agreement with these guilds, however we do not camp boss spawns, but this is something SG does to ensure they get first hit. I am not complaining about this, as I understand the reasoning and it is something that we have not mentioned nor complained about.

Now as far as fully orange monopolising bosses. I spend more time in night lipido than anyone currently in game. I solo bosses, this is true for guild members who do not have gear. However, I do not actively "hunt" these bosses. If I see them while grinding or traversing the map I go and kill them. Now there are cases where we have new 59's and we party with them to go around and kill bosses for their gear. However, the previous mentioned rules apply still, if SG hits first they get the kill. If we wanted to impede SG's progress than we would. As you know full orange makes a rather substantial difference in pvp, so it's not even as if it would take many of us to do so. It is a good thing you did not play when miku ran things, or you would have a real reason to feel upset.

To the issue of this patch. I do not mind that they are doing it this way. I have felt for a long time pvp would be more fun (especially rvr) if both sides has similar gear. I do not feel it's punishing TK, but I would like to state that if things do turn out as most here are assuming with the 69 gear, that 2 months is far too long to keep it that way. A week or maybe two I think would be just fine. In the end TK/SG do want the same things, however we have varying opinions on the way gravity should go about it, so yes some are upset about this recent news. I am of the opinion we should all just wait and see what the patch actually entails, as of right now it is very vague.
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#13 Doodler


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Posted 14 September 2012 - 12:59 AM

How come I haven't received any e-mail?

I did receive an e-mail, sorry. :heh:

Edited by Doodler, 14 September 2012 - 01:58 AM.

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#14 Chigikogou


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Posted 14 September 2012 - 02:15 AM

You haven't subscribed to the newsletter?
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#15 AngelShark


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Posted 14 September 2012 - 03:37 AM

Wow, hope I didn't touch a raw nerve there. Please do not read my post as a complaint or accusation. I was just responding to the post about SGs slacking. I guess being in Elites mean that my experiences in Night Lipido is not typical? I have been pk-ed several times (once just yesterday) just for being in Elites, and being harassed while trying to kill a boss just last week or so. I do realise that being pk-ed is just part of the game, and a faction can control a map to the detriment of the other is also designed into the game, but reading about the magnanimity of TK just didn't match what I experienced. This is also probably why there no longer are that many active 59s in the guild these days, while just about a month ago, our guild points jumped us from rank 11 to rank 2 as an indication of how active we were. I had this plan to farm orange equipment once I hit cap, and therefore did not bother to farm purples. Didn't work, so I slacked off once I hit cap and had nothing to do other than grind for money, since I can't grind for equipment. You know how you steal time from your busy real life to play a game you really like? Well, I tend not to do that any more.

Anyway, having an agreement with some guilds to "allow" them to farm orange equipment unhindered means that those guilds get the loot. Good for them. And it seems to be working, as you can see them actively hunting bosses these days. The problem there is there are relatively few really active players in SG. It has become known that you do not stand a chance of getting gear unless you are in TK, and this situation has not changed until fairly recently, if what is claimed above is true. This means that serious power gamers (those who will level to 59 in a relatively short time) will still join TKs, which mean that there are fewer serious gamers in SG. You might have to wait for more new SGs to level up, and then wait some more for them to gear up (I found boss drops to be frustratingly rare. I might be really unlucky, though).

Maybe a solution for boredom is to roll and power level alternate SG characters to fight your friends in TK. That might put in some new excitement into your gaming and keep you playing. I had really enjoyed this game and would wish that support for it continues. So, thank you for doing your part in trying to keep more players in the game. I hope some of you really active players would consider my suggestion and breathe new life into the game. See you in game with my purples and blues (I mean equipment, not bruises from the pks). :p_laugh:
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#16 Gobnar


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Posted 14 September 2012 - 08:55 AM

Ok i want to Start by saying this is whole 68 thing is ridiculous me nor my guild is asking for GM help. I See no reason at all for this whole 68 cap. it just doesn't make any sense at all. I don't know who told you we need help to get gear cause we don't. The tk's leave us alone when they see us out there we even have a system to share bosses. i don't have any dang clue why they can't be level 69 if we want gear we'll get our gear. Now i can't say for all of the SG's but i can say for my guild. The only problem SG has is that Everyone Quits so maybe instead of Limiting the game to people maybe you need to add more for us to do. Your awnser to Making more people play the game involves you limiting Game content? My guild most likely 50% maybe more of the SG Active 59's we don't complain about the Bosses nor gear nor anything of this. Half of my 59's will be ready for the new bosses so do us a favor and Bring it on and bring on the 69 cap cause we're already ready.

P.S. i don't want any TK's look at me or my guild or even my faction for the blame cause no one that's friends with me is gonna complain about gear.

the only way your 68 cap it's gonna help balance the Game is make TK's quit just like most of our SG's have
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#17 Estra


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Posted 14 September 2012 - 09:30 AM

......... It just keeps getting worse 1 day map 1 night map 2 months why i even spend money to keep this shizz going anyways now iam feeling depressed now.. where my therapist when i need him uggggg >.<'

This just awfull i feel bad for everyone that waited for cap to be 69......

Edited by Estra, 14 September 2012 - 09:45 AM.

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#18 Chigikogou


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Posted 14 September 2012 - 10:30 AM

The frustration sprung from the assumption that the next ojs would be at level 69 (the number and not the position)
I might lol to find out if it is 68 or there are no ojs next cap lols.

In the mean time, i am more worried about the population. Honestly the game is getting boring due to it and not being worthy to throw money at.
There are bugs and gltches that are neglected. Pfft.

Anyhow, let us drop the cap thing at the moment. I still have not got my oj staff and am not geared to level yet. *Weep*

And lol @ AngelShark xD
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#19 Estra


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Posted 14 September 2012 - 12:23 PM

The frustration sprung from the assumption that the next ojs would be at level 69 (the number and not the position)
I might lol to find out if it is 68 or there are no ojs next cap lols.

In the mean time, i am more worried about the population. Honestly the game is getting boring due to it and not being worthy to throw money at.
There are bugs and gltches that are neglected. Pfft.

Anyhow, let us drop the cap thing at the moment. I still have not got my oj staff and am not geared to level yet. *Weep*

And lol @ AngelShark xD

Hunies you have soon kk keep playin everyone gets what they want in this game just gota work for it... but once you got it you so bored that you wonder if its a good idea to even log in...and the other possable games that there is to play
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#20 Chigikogou


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Posted 14 September 2012 - 02:41 PM

Even though I want to work for it, I am a mage.. and mage neets parhtay~
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#21 WorldBosh


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Posted 15 September 2012 - 09:37 AM

It is a good thing you did not play when miku ran things, or you would have a real reason to feel upset.

when miku ran things

when miku ran things

Odd how Miku's forum picture comes up when you google that.

As for SGs whining over orange gear. Assuming ALL orange gear can only be worn at x9 levels, the level 68 cap indicates that orange gear cannot be worn. This means that everyone would run the AM Expert for 63 purples assuming that they would be AT LEAST on par with the orange 59 gear. For a while (until the cap is increased again) things would be balanced for the most part. For the SGs that are prepared (capped/moderately geared), start farming 63 purples NOW and prepare for the new cap so you can start on even footing with the TKs and hopefully give them a run for their money in Palus.

Edited by WorldBosh, 15 September 2012 - 09:40 AM.

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#22 DoomXiao


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Posted 15 September 2012 - 09:55 AM

Now..When is this?No date...
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#23 SleepyAssassin


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Posted 16 September 2012 - 10:39 AM

So far the assumption is that it's on tuesday during weekly maitenance. However, we may not be correct in this assumption.
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#24 Doodler


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Posted 16 September 2012 - 04:17 PM

You haven't subscribed to the newsletter?

It was a mistake, I did receive a newsletter e-mail. It was on the junk mail so I wasn't able to notice it. My bad. :heh:
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#25 Doodler


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Posted 16 September 2012 - 04:21 PM

Odd how Miku's forum picture comes up when you google that.

As for SGs whining over orange gear. Assuming ALL orange gear can only be worn at x9 levels, the level 68 cap indicates that orange gear cannot be worn. This means that everyone would run the AM Expert for 63 purples assuming that they would be AT LEAST on par with the orange 59 gear. For a while (until the cap is increased again) things would be balanced for the most part. For the SGs that are prepared (capped/moderately geared), start farming 63 purples NOW and prepare for the new cap so you can start on even footing with the TKs and hopefully give them a run for their money in Palus.

Hahaha! Dude, we're you referring to the 5th picture on the 1st column from your given link? That gave me a solid lulz. :heh:
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