Listed below are very specific rules that anyone posting in this section of the forum HAS to abide by. There is no warning or 2nd chances here.
Do Nots
- Post offensive content.
- Post images that contain sexual references.
- Post images with text content that is not tolerated in-game or on the forums.
- Post images that are meant to cause harm to another user.
- Post images that are not related to Ragnarok Online, ROSE, REQUIEM, Dragon Saga.
- Post screenshots here, there is a place for those!
- Post art work that is not your own. Do not take credit for work that is not your own.
- Posts asking for signatures.
If a post you made ends up removed, do not re-post.
If a post is locked due to the content of the thread or the discussion do not recreate a new thread.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How can I post my fan art?
A: You can use any file/image hosting website or your own website to host images.
Q: Why was my post removed from this section?
A: You broke one of the above mentioned rules, or the Community Team thought it was best to remove the thread.
Q: What happened to my Signature thread?
A: As stated in the Do Not section of this post, posts asking for signatures to be made will be removed.
In regards to "commissions".
We can not allow soliciting of art for in-game or out of game benefit on our official forums.
You CAN make a list of what art you have drawn and for whom, just leave out why.
Anything commission-like will be removed, there are many reasons we must enforce this policy.
Keep in mind that the artists put their energy and work into the art. Be kind with your comments and understand that not everyone is a professional artist. We are all amateurs and feedback is great, but be kind and humble.
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Announcement: Creative Contraption Guidelines
Posted by Hastur
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Too Legit To Quit
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