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[How-to] Stuck Solutions

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#26 Banrukai


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Posted 14 January 2013 - 02:50 PM

Hmm, I haven't had any problems logging in today. As far as I can tell, the logging in issues have subsided for the time being.

As for Draconis, I don't think it has to do with any particular server. I believe someone is messing around and they moved on from Leonis to Draconis.

Also, with the "Waiting..." you will eventually login. You may have to wait at most, even an hour+. Depending on how bad it is.

Another thing too, I recently heard there was a fire in some major Data Centre that cause Rose Online some problems, so maybe the location your at, is affected by it still.

Edited by Banrukai, 14 January 2013 - 02:51 PM.

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#27 Gwyndelyn


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Posted 17 January 2013 - 05:54 AM

I could not log in AT ALL on that particular day. Given that I am pay to play I expect to receive a day back in compensation. I'm not paying for no service. And I waited for over an hour on a couple of occasions. Just left it running and went and did other things. Come back, still waiting.
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#28 lyhout


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Posted 08 February 2013 - 04:29 PM

i log in my old acc but where all my char ? lv 115 run knight @_@ can fix?
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#29 Banrukai


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Posted 09 February 2013 - 02:41 AM

I'm not an Admin, nor a Support representative.

Submit a ticket at the following link to possibly get your issue resolved.

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#30 RTRT


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Posted 30 November 2013 - 06:05 PM

2. Stuck at login with 'Connecting to server.'

Solution: Hit the cancel button and restart the Rose Online Client. If that doesn't work, than the Login server is down. ( You can check the server status with the Rose Online Launcher ).


still stucked on this, and a window appears saying server is currently unavailable even though the servers are up. I've tried reinstalling still got this problem..... dont know what to do anymore.

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#31 3942130124084145663


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Posted 10 November 2014 - 05:41 AM

4. Stuck at the character select with 'Waiting...'

Solution: Don't hit cancel, or close the game. Leave it up for about 5-10 minutes+, and it will eventually go in-game. If it doesn't, then hit cancel, and restart the Rose Online Client.


this might be good idea...


i keep trying  by cancel and open new game, now all my inventory and storage gone in all char in one ID.


:sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

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#32 Banrukai


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Posted 10 November 2014 - 07:51 AM

I believe this is another issue entirely. The inventory and storage dissapearing.

I think it will eventually come back on it's own, so just try to login again after an hour or so.

If the problem persist, then you will need to make a ticket to get the problem resolved.

Go Here: https://support.warpportal.com/
How-To use: http://forums.warppo...it-a-ticket-v2/
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#33 ivqon321


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Posted 13 April 2015 - 04:17 PM

Indonesian Translate.. by me.
1. Pesan 'Account is already logged in.' 
Solusi: Tekan Ok dan login lagi.
2. Terjebak saat login dengan pesan 'Connection to Server.'
Solusi: Tekan tombol batal dan restart Client Rose Online. Jika itu tidak berhasil, kemungkinan server sedang offline. (Anda dapat memeriksa status server dengan Launcher Rose Online).
3. Terjebak saat memilih Server dengan pesan 'Downloading avatar list "
Solusi: Tekan tombol batal dan restart Client Rose Online.
4. Terjebak saat memilih karakter dengan tulisan 'Waiting ... "
Solusi: Jangan tekan 'cancel', atau menutup permainan. Biarkan selama 5-10 menit, dan akhirnya akan masuk ke dalam game. Jika tidak, lalu tekan cancel, dan restart Client Rose Online.
5. 'Server Disconnected' ketika memilih karakter Anda.
Solusi: Tekan OK dan tunggu sekitar 5-10 menit sebelum mencoba login kembali lagi. Jika masih terjadi, maka kemungkinan server perlu di-restart sebelum Anda akan dapat terhubung lagi.
6. Penyimpanan atau Akaram Storage Kupon tidak bekerja.
Solusi: Ketika Anda mengklik pada NPC Storage dan klik pilihan Use Storage, atau Anda menggunakan kupon Akaram Storage, tunggu kira kira sekitar 5-10 menit dan akhirnya akan terbuka.

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#34 pernar


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Posted 09 May 2015 - 10:50 AM

Well how about being able to log in, but the second im in the game nothing happens? Its all frozen. I was on my way to Marsh of ghost, and efter entering it all stopped. Then i try to log in again and i get disconnected.

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#35 HoneyBunz


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Posted 09 May 2015 - 11:02 AM

Well how about being able to log in, but the second im in the game nothing happens? Its all frozen. I was on my way to Marsh of ghost, and efter entering it all stopped. Then i try to log in again and i get disconnected.


What's happening now is not the same as what they are talking about in this topic. The problem you are having is shared by most other players that were able to log in because of the merge and the issues that resulted. Just be patient a little while longer until the devs can fix everything and the server is stable again.

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#36 meocutduoi


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Posted 11 May 2015 - 09:08 PM

I'm having 5th issue today :(. On my two accounts

"5. 'Server Disconnected' when selecting your character."

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#37 meocutduoi


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Posted 11 May 2015 - 09:09 PM

Well how about being able to log in, but the second im in the game nothing happens? Its all frozen. I was on my way to Marsh of ghost, and efter entering it all stopped. Then i try to log in again and i get disconnected.


Same here, i was on my way to Elveron desert. May we have to wait till server restarted

Edited by meocutduoi, 11 May 2015 - 09:11 PM.

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#38 VModCupcake


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Posted 11 May 2015 - 09:49 PM

I'm having 5th issue today :(. On my two accounts

"5. 'Server Disconnected' when selecting your character."



Same here, i was on my way to Elveron desert. May we have to wait till server restarted

There will be maintenance on Tuesday that will hopefully resolve everyone's issues with logging in and getting frozen in-game. Here is the thread you should keep watching for more news    http://forums.warppo...゚・✿ヾ╲。◕‿◕。╱✿・゚/


Note that the time listed is server time. 

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