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Suggestions for the game

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#1 Carsomane


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Posted 21 April 2013 - 01:43 AM

I've been playing the beta the last few days and gotten fairly far, I'm level 33 now. It's great but I have a couple suggestions to make dungeon groups a tiny bit easier. Can we get some ingame tip letting people know about the dungeon que system to find groups or maybe a quest that gets people to use it at least once so they're aware of it? I've come across a lot of people who don't know about it and spend a very long time putting groups together in chat and getting frustrated. People in the random ques won't bite and they're the same folks you'd get by looking in the chat with the added bonus of getting quickly matched up with a tank, heals, and three dps. :) Also I've noticed since hitting level 20 on I was always two levels behind the mobs and quests I picked up even though I did grinding along the way and completed Kharas for extra exp along with running some dungeons more than once. Anyway just my two cents, hopefully a dev or a GM catches wind of this stuff.
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#2 Thaiku


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Posted 21 April 2013 - 01:45 AM

The suggestions are ignored here i think... but btw... good luck..
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#3 synesthetic


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Posted 21 April 2013 - 02:24 AM

I've actually never had any luck with the Find Dungeon function. First time I ever used it back in seaRO2, after half an hour, it grouped me with two Lv.50 DPSes, and I was maybe.. Lv.2x at the time. No tank, and it tried to send us off somewhere; I freaked out and left the party as the confused newbie I was. Ever since then, between seaRO2 and this beta, it hasn't grouped me with anyone.

If someone who's experienced with the system and had better luck with it can vouch for its effectiveness (or ineffectiveness?), maybe they could write a little guide on all of the ways to find a party and get it stickied? And explain the looting rules, and how to join or leave parties? I've had to explain the last to a few people lately.
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#4 StryfeK


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Posted 21 April 2013 - 03:04 AM

I've actually never had any luck with the Find Dungeon function. First time I ever used it back in seaRO2, after half an hour, it grouped me with two Lv.50 DPSes, and I was maybe.. Lv.2x at the time. No tank, and it tried to send us off somewhere; I freaked out and left the party as the confused newbie I was. Ever since then, between seaRO2 and this beta, it hasn't grouped me with anyone.

If someone who's experienced with the system and had better luck with it can vouch for its effectiveness (or ineffectiveness?), maybe they could write a little guide on all of the ways to find a party and get it stickied? And explain the looting rules, and how to join or leave parties? I've had to explain the last to a few people lately.

I might be able to work on something like that later. More specifically to include stuff like RHD, Raid Etiquette and how it works.

Anyways, as far as the dungeon finder is concerned, I never used it prior to lv50. The reason for that is its seldom used for the low lvl dungeons. Everyone either hangs out near the entrance of a dungeon, shouts, or posts in the recruit or party finder. It's a lot more commonly used for lv50 though, since RHD parties are pretty much all you can do once you hit 50, and the only way to enter RHD is through the find dungeon.

It's not the -smoothest- and polished feature. There are a lot of bugs (The one where lowbies get paired with lv50's in RHDs is a well known one). There's also a lot of inconviniences, such as Finding a Dungeon and dropping into a "failed" team. A failed team is when something goes wrong (Either they can't complete, etc.) and people start leaving the party. Then there's a few people left trying to get kicked (Leaving a party gives you the "deserter status", preventing you from joining another RHD for 30 minutes) with no intent to run the dungeon. What happens next, is people end up joining that party through the finder, putting that player in the same position as the other players. It creates a pretty big inconvinience for players in that way.

Still, its good enough to get the job done. I've used it enough to say that its a good "last resort" option. Often times its better to organize a party before hand, or a premade of 3 or 4 people.
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#5 Thaiku


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Posted 21 April 2013 - 03:41 AM

The VIP should be account wide and nor for one character...
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