[Bug?/Suggestion] Display name, RETURN option, and distance/object detection - Ragnarok 2 Community Chat - WarpPortal Community Forums

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[Bug?/Suggestion] Display name, RETURN option, and distance/object detection

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#1 Ryouichi


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Posted 24 April 2013 - 06:14 PM

Hi all and Warpportal, I have some simple suggestions and a bug to inform you of. I hope you guys can get this to your dev team.

First, is it possible to have an option to disable monster and player display names and to only show who it is when you target them? (I also hope we can turn off the VIP angeling display but I think that has been discussed.) I found it difficult to see my surroundings during OPEN BETA with the display name are everywhere. It is very hard to target the specific monster or person when they are being covered by names. During the Monster Summon event, the only issue I had was with player's title and names. At least I was able to disable the guild name but it still didn't help. Furthermore, it is also very hard to see the damage you are dealing with the display names blocking the view. When you zoom out, unfortunately those display name doesn't get smaller and remain the same size. This makes it pretty hard to see everything when you are in an instance.

I am also hoping we have an option to DISABLE the ability to display our titles. It is distracting to see someone's title and it is hard to make out their name.

My next suggestion is to have a "RETURN" option on the game to help players when they are stuck. The option can have a long cool down maybe once per hour but it will alleviate a lot of headache for both us and you guys.

After that, I don't really think this is a bug but just something that really needs to be work on. RO2 seems to have an issue with object placement and detection. When there is an object in the middle between the target and the player, using certain skills will bug out the game. For example, using Knight's Shield Charge or Beastmaster's Beast Charge on a Poring and it is behind or semi-behind a rock will bug out RO2 where sometimes you are stuck in the animation. Furthermore, if you are behind a tree and the monster is on the other side, you shouldn't be able to shoot at it. I find it weird that my Archer is able to shoot something behind a tree and the monster gets bugged out. It would chase after me and once it reaches the tree, it would stop and reset. My arrows shouldn't be able to move through objects and I think this my be an exploit in the future in certain dungeons.

Speaking of Shield Charge, if you are riding a mount like PECOPECO and you use Shield Charge, the animation doesn't change. Instead, your PECOPECO slide across the screen and sometimes it gets stuck.

Thank you for your time. Hope to see everyone during release!
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#2 LemnzestManatee


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Posted 24 April 2013 - 06:34 PM

I would love to have all these options!
I'm not sure if we'll get the option to hide names, because I think that would have to be approved by the kRO2 devs. But someone posted in another thread that either SEA or kRO2 has the option to hide the Angeling, so that would probably be the quickest thing we would get.

I haven't run into the object placement bug, but the furthest I got in beta was a lvl 9 (700 exp away from lvl 10 when server shut down, DARRNNN YYEEWWWW!) Acolyte. I don't know if others have experienced it as well.
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