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Guillotine Fist needs a revamp + Monk Suggestion(s)

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#1 Vanillarox


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Posted 03 July 2013 - 07:22 AM

Monk class suggestion(s):
1) Monks have absolutely no party buffs.


I was thinking that maybe we could introduce a new Monk buff. Let's call it Channel Ki for now. The idea behind it is that the Monk  channels his/her party member's excess ki (not like they're using it), amplifies it with his/her own body and returns the new ki. I understand that it's weird to try to explain how a buff works on a semi-logical level, but I felt it was important to at least state how this fits with the Monk class theme. Now then. The buff itself would raise VIT by 10% and maybe reduce damage by 5% or raise defense by 5-10%. It would be a 30 minute buff, much like blessing and earth shield.


2) More chances to raise our Crit/Dodge rate.


Now I understand a Monk isn't really meant to crit or be super high DPS (for some reason) but the fact that we get no agi at all from our gears and have to seek them out via stat points, cards and runes is pretty bad. We have next to no dodge, even with our Flee Skill. Compare this to a Warrior who gets a 30% Dodge rate increase as well as a defense and HP boost. In short, Monks need more agi gear or perhaps making Flee a passive skill which a level 5 adds 20% dodge.


3) Group Healing over time


Beastmasters are able to heal themselves. Knights get Aura heal (which sucks apparently, but it's an option), Warriors get Tension Relax. Monks get.. nothing. I am suggesting that the Monk class gets a self healing ability. Keeping with the theme of Ki, it could be called Healing Ki. I think it would be fun if this skill was a bit unique. Instead of being a watered down Gangster's Paradise or something similar to Aura Heal, I think it would be nice if this skill was like the Beastmaster's healing skill, but tweaked. I always liked the idea of a Monk drawing his/her inner energy. I also like the idea and playing with inner and outer energy. Anyways, I think that Monks should have a HoT skill that affects the entire party (within a certain diameter. Let's say 20m). I suppose it sounds like it would be like a Deluge or Sanctuary however, I think it could be different by having an even longer duration, say 30 seconds. The skill itself would rely on Attack Power and would heal 10% every 2 seconds. I think a 60 second cooldown is fair for such a skill (considering it's a group skill. Priests don't even have a cooldown on Renovatio, Sorcs can cast LoR just as it wears off, Gangster's Paradise has a small cooldown, etc).


I think giving Monks a group HoT skill gives them better utility.


I am proposing the following:


Healing Ki (3/3)


Heals all raid members within a 20m diameter for 8, 16 and 24% ATK power.



4) Lightning Attacks should hit more targets and inflict more damage.


Grand Cross and Brandish Storm hits upwards to 10 mobs at a single given time. Monk's Lightning Crush? 3 mobs at most and it has a 2 second cooldown, where as Grand Cross and Brandish Storm does not. How is this fair at all? Monks do get Heavy Tackle which hits 3 mobs, but again, against a group of enemies larger than three, a Monk has to do a lot of repositioning to hold threat on all of them and even then it's iffy. A Warrior and Knight can just use a single skill and remain rooted in place. I get that every tank class should ideally play differently so I'm not going to suggest Lightning Crush becomes Grand Cross or Brandish Storm. I'd like Lightning Crush to hit upwards to six targets and add a six second DoT at 10, 13 and 15% ATK Power.


As for Lightning Walk, I think it should also inflict a DoT at 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15% ATK Power. I am fine it with hitting a single person.


5) Dual-Wiedling Knuckles


We have two hands, why not? I think a secondary weapon with a -50% effectiveness on said weapon would help raise our DPS. As it stands, a Knight's Sword gives more STR than a Monk's Knuckle's STR and INT combined. Furthermore we get less Attack Power as well. That's.. not right. I understand that editing the stats of all the many weapons on RO2 might be a bit much, so I propose a much more development friendly solution. If we had a second weapon (which our equip menu already has a slot for) it would help raise our power in an non-intrusive manner.



Guillotine Fist/Asura Strike



I often see this issue with other players (including myself) but haven't really seen much of a topic on it. So I decided to make one.
Back in RO1 (for those who don't know) Guillotine Fist ate all your SP and converted it (mostly) into a single attack. It was powerful, final and devastating. I know we probably can't have that again as it'd be insane (It was already pretty broken against players in RO1. Without proper gear such as reflect, the Champion could strike you and move on and that was it).
I am proposing a change to Guillotine Fist. At the moment it has a long windup, stun (which starts too soon) and 130% damage. It's only good for generating some serious threat. I would like Guillotine Fist to start up faster, for the stun to start after the animation (or close to the end of it) and possibly a rise in power. I think if Guillotine Fist could use up Spirit Sphere (much like how Deadly Blow on Thief class is more powerful with more combo points) it'd help.
EDIT # 1: I think having the additional power rely on magic power with fixed percentages based on how many spheres were consumed is a good idea.
EDIT # 2: So I was on my Sorc last night and got to the end of Payon. I was watching the cutscene where that one Monk (whose name I can't remember at the moment) did some kind of super charged, laser beam looking Guillotine Fist. Now my Monk is definitely at a higher or similar level to that NPC Monk. I understand that we can't get a Guillotine Fist that can one shot Baphomet (like he did?) but it did give me an idea (along with the various lovely posts below). Assuming we roll with the whole Guillotine Fist relying on Spheres for more power, I would like to suggest that at maximum Spirit Sphere consumption, Guillotine Fist becomes a Ki Blast. It would be a ranged attack with high burst damage (much like a Sorc's VS but without the double damage proc). To balance this devastating attack I would like to suggest that at maximum Spirit Sphere consumption, Guillotine Fist should have either a semi slow start up or a semi slow cast delay animation.
So to summarize, I am proposing a faster animation, accurate start time of stun and a power increase as well as range increase at the cost of using up spirit spheres. I know that Guillotine Fist does not require Spheres (not counting Fury Explosion), but I think if it were tweaked to be similar to Deadly Blow, it'd be nice.


Let me know what you guys think below. I will be following this thread semi often and will be happy to include your suggestions to this post. I would also love to hear your criticisms. My goal is to make this topic as universally accepted and balanced for the Monk class. Avoid flaming, but please, be honest with your responses. If a suggestion of mine, or anyone for that matter, seems too underpowered or very powered, let your voice be heard. Let's work together to help make the Monk class as good as it can be!

Edited by Vanillarox, 05 September 2013 - 08:25 AM.

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#2 Boeing


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Posted 03 July 2013 - 07:25 AM

I completely agree with the stun part.  By the time the animation is done, the stun has passed so it's kind of a useless stun.

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#3 Vanillarox


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Posted 03 July 2013 - 07:30 AM

I completely agree with the stun part.  By the time the animation is done, the stun has passed so it's kind of a useless stun.


Glad you agree. It is rather silly. It feels like the stun only covers the end animation. By the time you can even attack again, the target has gotten up.

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#4 TatsuyaKeith


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Posted 03 July 2013 - 08:40 AM

Yeah, the stun is pretty lame for the Asura Strike. They only thing you get from that stun (at least in the soloing aspect) is a free extra auto attack. But, in the other hand, that stun kinda works for the party.


Anyways, I agree with you in everything you said. Especially the part of the extra damage factor using the spirit spheres, to come to think about it, I said in other Monk thread (in the Class Discussion section) that Asura Strike (or Guillotine Fist) should be receive an extra damage bonus based on your Magic Power... Parting off in what you said, it could be something like "...When you use Guillotine Fist, it consumes all your spirit spheres and do an extra damage of x% of your Magic Power for every sphere consumed".


But that it's just my idea.

Edited by TatsuyaKeith, 03 July 2013 - 08:43 AM.

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#5 Vanillarox


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Posted 03 July 2013 - 09:41 AM

Yeah, the stun is pretty lame for the Asura Strike. They only thing you get from that stun (at least in the soloing aspect) is a free extra auto attack. But, in the other hand, that stun kinda works for the party.


Anyways, I agree with you in everything you said. Especially the part of the extra damage factor using the spirit spheres, to come to think about it, I said in other Monk thread (in the Class Discussion section) that Asura Strike (or Guillotine Fist) should be receive an extra damage bonus based on your Magic Power... Parting off in what you said, it could be something like "...When you use Guillotine Fist, it consumes all your spirit spheres and do an extra damage of x% of your Magic Power for every sphere consumed".


But that it's just my idea.


Percent based on each sphere sounds good. If I understand you correctly, you want Guillotine Fist is continue to rely on attack power, but have the extra damage from spirit sphere factor in magic power? I think that's a swell idea, considering Monks typically rely on both int and str.

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#6 TatsuyaKeith


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Posted 03 July 2013 - 09:52 AM

Percent based on each sphere sounds good. If I understand you correctly, you want Guillotine Fist is continue to rely on attack power, but have the extra damage from spirit sphere factor in magic power? I think that's a swell idea, considering Monks typically rely on both int and str.


Yeah, that's it. It will continue to rely on the Attack Power and have the extra damage based on the Spirit Sphere amount and your Magic Power. That way we can use, somehow, the magic power that we gain from the INT stat from gears, title, runes and card, not only for getting more Attack Power.

Edited by TatsuyaKeith, 03 July 2013 - 10:28 AM.

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#7 Vanillarox


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Posted 03 July 2013 - 10:19 AM

Yeah, that's it. It will continue to rely on the Attack Power and have the extra damage based on the Spirit Sphere amount and your Magic Power. That way we can use, somehow, the magic power that with have from the INT stat from gears, title, runes and card, not only for getting more Attack Power.


I agree. While INT does give Monk Attack power and in term parry, our magic attack stat is useless. It'd be a great way to use it, since we do, generally, have pretty decent magic attack.

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#8 TatsuyaKeith


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Posted 03 July 2013 - 10:41 AM

Other than that, I can't think in anything else for the Asura Strike. At least, in the damage department, as for the stun and the animation time, they should either extend the stun time or fast foward the strike animation.


That's all I have to say... For now.

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#9 Vanillarox


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Posted 10 July 2013 - 09:45 AM


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#10 SoraOfKHK


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Posted 11 July 2013 - 05:20 PM

What about this?

Asura Strike:


SP Cost: All available.


Uses up 5 spirit spheres (yeah, increase it to 5) dealing 3% additional damage per spirit sphere (based around the fact that in RO1.Spirit Spheres add 15 damage each that would never miss). Uses all AVAILABLE SP, then adds to the damage.


Requires Fury Explosion to use.


Cool Down: 60 seconds.


Stuns for 5 seconds upon impact.


So, if you have, say, a max of 3000 SP, and your Asura does 6000 damage NOW, then it will do 9000 with this change, plus adding in the additional 15% damage from the Spirit Spheres. Of course, the damage amount it does normally will still be the same (82%, 91%, 101%, 110%, 120%).


It would make it more like RO1 in this way. :p_laugh:

Edited by SoraOfKHK, 11 July 2013 - 05:21 PM.

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#11 TatsuyaKeith


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Posted 11 July 2013 - 05:53 PM

What about this?

Asura Strike:


SP Cost: All available.


Uses up 5 spirit spheres (yeah, increase it to 5) dealing 3% additional damage per spirit sphere (based around the fact that in RO1.Spirit Spheres add 15 damage each that would never miss). Uses all AVAILABLE SP, then adds to the damage.


Requires Fury Explosion to use.


Cool Down: 60 seconds.


Stuns for 5 seconds upon impact.


So, if you have, say, a max of 3000 SP, and your Asura does 6000 damage NOW, then it will do 9000 with this change, plus adding in the additional 15% damage from the Spirit Spheres. Of course, the damage amount it does normally will still be the same (82%, 91%, 101%, 110%, 120%).


It would make it more like RO1 in this way. :p_laugh:


Funny, in kRO2, the maximum number of Spirit Spheres is 5.


Anyways, sounds good, except for the SP part (at least, for this system's limitations). It could be something like an extra damage based on the maximum HP converted to some X number (something like: 200 if MaxSP <= 1000; 400 if MaxSP <= 2000; and so on...), and it will consume the SP proportional to this number.


Also, the percentage of Magical Damage for each sphere it's good. I was thinking something like 5% per sphere (with a maximum of 3 spheres, although your percentage leads us to the same result thanks to the new maximum).


Edit: OR for the SP conditional extra Damage, whatever, I proppose to use a damage modifier base on your WIS (yes, the useless meat stat).... Who knows, I need to do some brainstorm for this...



Edited by TatsuyaKeith, 11 July 2013 - 06:04 PM.

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#12 SoraOfKHK


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Posted 11 July 2013 - 06:11 PM

Funny, in kRO2, the maximum number of Spirit Spheres is 5.


Anyways, sounds good, except for the SP part (at least, for this system's limitations). It could be something like an extra damage based on the maximum HP converted to some X number (something like: 200 if MaxSP <= 1000; 400 if MaxSP <= 2000; and so on...), and it will consume the SP proportional to this number.


Also, the percentage of Magical Damage for each sphere it's good. I was thinking something like 5% per sphere (with a maximum of 3 spheres, although your percentage leads us to the same result thanks to the new maximum).


Edit: OR for the SP conditional extra Damage, whatever, I proppose to use a damage modifier base on your WIS (yes, the useless meat stat).... Who knows, I need to do some brainstorm for this...




The point is that a Monk already has 2000-3000 SP at level 50 without putting a single point into Wis at all, and you can get more with the right titles/cards (if you'd want to stat for Asura specifically). The suggestion of using SP was simply due to the fact that it did in RO1, and I was under the impression that the purpose was to make them more like they were in RO1 without being 100% overkill. Besides, it's doubtful that the Monk will have max SP anyway (unless you pot to max after using a few attacks). I was suggesting it use your REMAINING SP for that reason.


I've always intended to make an Asura Monk. At some point, I will end up actually doing so.


It would be nice if they'd at least make it a bit more like RO1. It just feels like, at times, it's actually weaker than other final skills. It used to be the strongest of them all.


Edited by SoraOfKHK, 11 July 2013 - 06:12 PM.

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#13 TatsuyaKeith


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Posted 11 July 2013 - 06:20 PM


But, in this system, you have to be constantly attacking the enemy, so (using your suggestion for Asura) you an Asura and then you look at the monster with your SP bar empty... Then again, you could use a potion to recover some of your SP and keep moving with our punching life.


I see your point of the weak damage of Asura, (I'm looking at you, Crit Varetyr Spear with the Seal of Wind proc), and I like your idea. I just was trying to adapt it to the new system, because well RO2's System =/= RO1's System.


(I miss my Asura Strike of 7 digits... DAT farming of MVPs!)

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#14 SoraOfKHK


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Posted 11 July 2013 - 07:39 PM


But, in this system, you have to be constantly attacking the enemy, so (using your suggestion for Asura) you an Asura and then you look at the monster with your SP bar empty... Then again, you could use a potion to recover some of your SP and keep moving with our punching life.


I see your point of the weak damage of Asura, (I'm looking at you, Crit Varetyr Spear with the Seal of Wind proc), and I like your idea. I just was trying to adapt it to the new system, because well RO2's System =/= RO1's System.


(I miss my Asura Strike of 7 digits... DAT farming of MVPs!)


You could use a potion, so it wouldn't be too bad. Monk skills don't eat SP, so it's not horrible. It would just be nice if we could dish out a mass amount of damage.


Speaking of, the 3% per sphere at level 5 (.5% per sphere at level 1 Fury Explosion, 1% at level 2, 1.5% at level 3, 2% at level 4, 3% at level 5) in my suggestion would ONLY apply to Asura. I should've clarified that. :p_laugh:


Speaking of eating SP, off-topic, I kinda hope they balance Gunslingers (if they're ever released) so they don't eat SP like they used to. :p_laugh:

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#15 Meconopsis


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Posted 11 July 2013 - 07:40 PM

The real point of this thread...




Monks need an entire rework.

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#16 ZeroTigress


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Posted 11 July 2013 - 07:52 PM

Keeping Acolyte skills wouldn't be an issue if they didn't have all those darn RO1 Priest skills. At least let me keep my Heal and Blessing, I like being semi-support with my Monk.

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#17 SoraOfKHK


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Posted 11 July 2013 - 09:47 PM

Would be nice if, when everyone reached the final endgame (be it max level 100, max level 250, whatever), that our final class (at max level) could have access to ALL of the skills from ALL of the skill trees (in our class, anyway).


So, for example...


Say that Monks end with Shura. Shuras would have access to Champion, Monk, and Acolyte skill trees. So you could pick the first 2 rows from Acolyte, Monk, Champion, and Shura skills, for instance, without having to follow the tree from Aco to Monk, but you'd still have to follow the tree otherwise to get to certain skills. You could just pick any skills (in order) per tree.


Doubt it would happen, but for variety sake; it would be nice. :p_laugh:

Edited by SoraOfKHK, 11 July 2013 - 09:48 PM.

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#18 TatsuyaKeith


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Posted 12 July 2013 - 03:24 AM

The real point of this thread...




Monks need an entire rework.


That's true but I'll extend it to the entire game... But that's another history. :p_err:



Would be nice if, when everyone reached the final endgame (be it max level 100, max level 250, whatever), that our final class (at max level) could have access to ALL of the skills from ALL of the skill trees (in our class, anyway).


So, for example...


Say that Monks end with Shura. Shuras would have access to Champion, Monk, and Acolyte skill trees. So you could pick the first 2 rows from Acolyte, Monk, Champion, and Shura skills, for instance, without having to follow the tree from Aco to Monk, but you'd still have to follow the tree otherwise to get to certain skills. You could just pick any skills (in order) per tree.


Doubt it would happen, but for variety sake; it would be nice. :p_laugh:


It will be nice for once... But, as you, I doubt it would happen :p_ang:

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#19 Disenchanter


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Posted 12 July 2013 - 05:11 AM

I was thinking about a new skill.


Requeriments: Asura Strike level 5


Full Power Asura Strike:

When your HP is 40% or Less this skill is unlocked, Monks are invincible when they're casting this skill. (Sora part) --Uses up 5 spirit spheres dealing 3% additional damage per spirit sphere (based around the fact that in RO1.Spirit Spheres add 15 damage each that would never miss). Uses allAVAILABLE SP, then adds to the damage.--

If Asura Strike Full Power kill the target all monk's skills -insert a reverse call spirits debuff-.


FP Asura Strike: Cool Doown: 120 seconds (cannot be refreshed via call spirits).

Edited by Disenchanter, 12 July 2013 - 07:23 AM.

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#20 TatsuyaKeith


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Posted 12 July 2013 - 05:40 AM

I was thinking about a new skill.


Requeriments: Asura Strike level 5


Full Power Asura Strike:

When your HP is 40% or Less turn this skill is unlocked, Monks are invincible when they're casting this skill. (Sora part) --Uses up 5 spirit spheres dealing 3% additional damage per spirit sphere (based around the fact that in RO1.Spirit Spheres add 15 damage each that would never miss). Uses allAVAILABLE SP, then adds to the damage.--

If Asura Strike Full Power kill the target all monk's skills -insert a reverse call spirits debuff-.


FP Asura Strike: Cool Doown: 120 seconds (cannot be refreshed via call spirits).


Uhm... As a true ultimate skills sounds good. A nice touch to use the HP conditional, makes me think back on RO1's Gate of Hell

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#21 Leinzan


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Posted 12 July 2013 - 04:09 PM

uhm, I might be a monk newbie, but lets throw a rock.


Allow my imagination to run wild and sort it out like this (not like they'll put it anyway):


My idea of an Ultimate Asura Strike:

- Should be based on the remaining HP, the lower HP the stronger the strike, like a proportion of +1% damange for each 1% of HP lost, great risks for great results (feel like a hero).

- The +3% per Spirit Sphere bonus and Fury State requirement sounds awesome

- Stun for 5 seconds on connect sounds cool, but that means the target can move at that moment, hence it should have a trigger range of 2m and a lock on range of 20m then warp you to target location on comit, for the same reason, character must be facing the target and skill should show a casting time for haste to help monk cast the skill faster regardless of the animation. Also this means the said target will have a chance to escape the skill if it runs out of range or there is an object in between or managed to get behind you at the end. A risky skill all over.

- The skill should have about 3 seconds cast time which as said before should be affected by the haste parameter.

- It should also should have a 60~120 seconds cooldown, it being affected by that skill that resets the cooldowns should remain as such, is way too risky a skill already. Vigor parameter of course will play its role on this skill aswell.

- The used SP? Dunno? Maybe all? 100? 200? SP isn't as important in this RO... but it's true you can't recover it as fast as in the other RO.

- Like any other finisher in this game, it will be affected by target's DEF, Parry and Dodge parameters.

- The finishing animation should not be longer than 1 second, or have none at all, which would be a let down for such a cool skill, but they could like... make the animation cancelable? like if you don't move the char makes the finishing animation but if you do it cancels...



Well, enought dreaming for now XD

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#22 Vanillarox


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Posted 16 July 2013 - 05:57 AM


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#23 Vanillarox


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Posted 16 July 2013 - 06:04 AM

You could use a potion, so it wouldn't be too bad. Monk skills don't eat SP, so it's not horrible. It would just be nice if we could dish out a mass amount of damage.


Speaking of, the 3% per sphere at level 5 (.5% per sphere at level 1 Fury Explosion, 1% at level 2, 1.5% at level 3, 2% at level 4, 3% at level 5) in my suggestion would ONLY apply to Asura. I should've clarified that. :p_laugh:


Speaking of eating SP, off-topic, I kinda hope they balance Gunslingers (if they're ever released) so they don't eat SP like they used to. :p_laugh:


Perhaps instead of eating and factoring all your SP into the equation. It could start with 10% and go up to a maximum of 50% at level 5? The issue is, after the Guillotine Fist, you'd have no SP. You could use a potion, but then you'd be spamming blue pots to get your SP up just to attack again. It would make purple pots more valuable I suppose.


Personally I think 50% SP is fair, even 60% if they were to take SP into consideration. It would certain add some variety to the stats as WIS would now have a real use for DPS builds. Some tanks could even use it either. Heavens know Monks have more than enough skill points (I believe we can max almost every skill, save for 1 or 2).


Adding the Acolyte skills back to the Monk class would be.. interesting. The only issue with that is that most of the Priest skills are from the Acolyte tree.


EDIT: Opening post has been edited to reflect the new changes I'd like to see.

Edited by Vanillarox, 16 July 2013 - 06:26 AM.

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#24 SoraOfKHK


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Posted 16 July 2013 - 04:24 PM

Perhaps instead of eating and factoring all your SP into the equation. It could start with 10% and go up to a maximum of 50% at level 5? The issue is, after the Guillotine Fist, you'd have no SP. You could use a potion, but then you'd be spamming blue pots to get your SP up just to attack again. It would make purple pots more valuable I suppose.


Personally I think 50% SP is fair, even 60% if they were to take SP into consideration. It would certain add some variety to the stats as WIS would now have a real use for DPS builds. Some tanks could even use it either. Heavens know Monks have more than enough skill points (I believe we can max almost every skill, save for 1 or 2).


Adding the Acolyte skills back to the Monk class would be.. interesting. The only issue with that is that most of the Priest skills are from the Acolyte tree.


EDIT: Opening post has been edited to reflect the new changes I'd like to see.


Quite honestly, it's not as hard as people make it out to be to recover SP. We don't eat SP like we did in RO1, and if anything, due to having less SP and potions that recover far more SP than those in RO1 (even without being able to spam them), we'd be fine even with a 100% loss of SP. Still, it would increase the damage based on how I've suggested it.


Thing is, though, we basically don't use much SP because even in DPS builds, we're not gonna use all of it, and even if we're using a lot, Purple or Blue potions (I carry both and use both, as a Monk, but the Purples and Blues are a level lower than my Reds) are more than enough to recover SP after killing the entire amount of mobs in a room, plus the boss. I realized that last night when my SP did get low after a boss fight, but then didn't worry about it after recovering it with a potion. I've never found myself completely out of SP since turning into a Monk. Happened as an Acolyte all the time, though.


Plus, the suggestion will be useful in Colo, as well, which could give us an edge having more damage output. Asura really is a desperation skill in this game, and the fact of the matter is, it is our highest damage output skill. None of our others combined can do as much damage as Asura usually can, even fully buffed. It's kinda saddening. Truly. :p_cry:



Honestly, though, I hate that this game practically forces a role onto you. RO1 didn't do that. Monks could be DPS (Combo Monks), One-Hit-Killers (Asura), Tanks, or supportive roles, or a hybrid. Here, we basically have DPS, Tank, and Healer, and most classes are forced to only be able to be one, or two, of the three. With the right gear and build, sure, you could be one of the others, but it's typically ineffective if your class isn't meant for it. It's almost like Monks got the short end of the stick, though, because we're somewhat ineffective as DPS and absolutely unable to buff/heal other people, or even ourselves, because we don't have the skills to do so.


Edited by SoraOfKHK, 16 July 2013 - 04:35 PM.

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#25 Vanillarox


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Posted 18 July 2013 - 08:08 AM

Quite honestly, it's not as hard as people make it out to be to recover SP. We don't eat SP like we did in RO1, and if anything, due to having less SP and potions that recover far more SP than those in RO1 (even without being able to spam them), we'd be fine even with a 100% loss of SP. Still, it would increase the damage based on how I've suggested it.


Thing is, though, we basically don't use much SP because even in DPS builds, we're not gonna use all of it, and even if we're using a lot, Purple or Blue potions (I carry both and use both, as a Monk, but the Purples and Blues are a level lower than my Reds) are more than enough to recover SP after killing the entire amount of mobs in a room, plus the boss. I realized that last night when my SP did get low after a boss fight, but then didn't worry about it after recovering it with a potion. I've never found myself completely out of SP since turning into a Monk. Happened as an Acolyte all the time, though.


Plus, the suggestion will be useful in Colo, as well, which could give us an edge having more damage output. Asura really is a desperation skill in this game, and the fact of the matter is, it is our highest damage output skill. None of our others combined can do as much damage as Asura usually can, even fully buffed. It's kinda saddening. Truly. :p_cry:



Honestly, though, I hate that this game practically forces a role onto you. RO1 didn't do that. Monks could be DPS (Combo Monks), One-Hit-Killers (Asura), Tanks, or supportive roles, or a hybrid. Here, we basically have DPS, Tank, and Healer, and most classes are forced to only be able to be one, or two, of the three. With the right gear and build, sure, you could be one of the others, but it's typically ineffective if your class isn't meant for it. It's almost like Monks got the short end of the stick, though, because we're somewhat ineffective as DPS and absolutely unable to buff/heal other people, or even ourselves, because we don't have the skills to do so.



Hm, yeah you're right. We don't really use SP despite having a lot of it. Asura really has become our final, last ditch skill. Though this game kind of changes that. It's useable every 60 seconds. I do agree that as a burst skill, Asura is very weak. Perhaps factoring SP into the equation could be a nice, balanced throwback. I'm tempted to say just convert all of the SP into raw damage and add that to Asura's base value, but that seems overpowered (maybe?). I do think that SP could be a fun factor to add to Asura. Would make WIS a better stat (though I think WIS needs to be dropped or changed).


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