Hi Guys... this is just a simple FAQ bout colosseum (mostly based from my experience)
I decided to make this one since i havent seen a Thread about some of the useful things you need to know about Colosseum
here goes:
1. What is Colosseum and how to enter/join?
- Colosseum is one of the limited PVP features of Ragnarok Online 2 LOTS (besides 1v1 duel and War of Emperium which will be implemented soon)
- Colosseum is available 3 times per day and must be at least lvl 10 to enter. 1am-2am/1pm-2pm/6pm-7pm Server time. You'll get a colosseum icon in the lower rigth side of your screen and will need to click it to join.
- Setting is a circular arena and is a Free For All PVP type (30 players max)
- It has 5 elimination rounds. Six players will be eliminated per round and only 1 winner will get points at final round.
1st round = 30players = 3220 blood points when you get eliminated
2nd round = 24 players = 3220 points + round performance
3rd round = 18players = 7720 points + round performance
4th round = 12 players = 10650 points + round performance
5th round = 6 players = 12810 points + round performance
Champ = 15355 + round performance
2. What rewards do i get when i participate in Colosseum?
-You will get certain amounts of blood points which can be used to buy Colosseum Gears, Mounts, and Miscellaneous items
-You will be given gift box as a consolation reward for every round you advance (5 giftbox max) which is sent in your in game mail.
-You will recieve a victory medal as a champ (use stilll unknown atm)
3. Do Gears/Cards matter inside Colosseum?
- Non-Colo Gears/Cards doesn't matter inside Colosseum
- Everyone has a preset stats inside according to their class
- If your wearing non-colo armor... you can just take those offf and just be naked inside so you save durability and repair bills XD
4. What do i need to get better edge/advantage when everyone has preset stats inside?
- Colosseum/PvP Gear enhances your damage by percentage and offer damage reduction in percentage (only the stat marked with (PVP) works inside... and makes you look badass so some players rather not target you)
- Your Stat build + Title is added to your preset stats (makes alil difference)
- Skill build optimized for pvp/colosseum helps alot (you may need to sacrifice some PVE skills for it)
- VIP, Skill Buffs, Wind Elixir, Pump Up Pills and Potion Buffs will greatly enhance your performance
- Spending zenny on some Master Red Potions are worth it (only for lvl50s)
- Practice and master your class (tab targetting, kill stealing, speed kill on mobs and luck)
5. Where can i see my current rank? so i can keep track on it.
- You can see your current rank at the top left corner of your screen beside the TROPHY icon. It also shows your kill count, remaining time for the round and the lowest rank you need to get in order to advance to the next round
- You can also just press the default key (CapsLock) to show the rankings
6. I see cute Porings with 1HP inside... do i kill them?
- Kill them if you want to try your luck... those Porings gives random buffs/debuffs
200% Damage buff = 30sec Yellow Buff Icon
50% Defense Rate buff = 20sec Yellow Buff icon
Full Hp Heal
10seconds Snare/Root
5seconds Stun
5seconds Silence
5seconds Slow
Debatable Question:
I've saved up some blood points what do i purchase first?
Weapon = save up and invest on this first if you plan to have overall better performance inside colosseum or in PVE... it gives a huge chunk of dmg and vit/hp for you to be able to greatly improve your performance in Raids (offers 8.64% dmg advantage in colosseum)
Accessory = if you only login your toon to do colosseum... it offers an early dmg advantage inside colosseum (cheapest to buy and offers 12.95% dmg advantage full set)
Armors = some tanks choose to buy this first for better tanking in raids and you'll be alot harder to kill inside colosseum (full set armor gives 14.4% dmg reduction)
Edited by Rafnex, 20 July 2013 - 05:46 PM.