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New Acolyte Issues

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#1 Saitosen


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Posted 21 December 2013 - 05:55 AM

Hey guys!


   I just recently started playing Ragnarok Online 2 (pretty much just yesterday), and I decided that the class I want to make first is a Monk, because c'mon, who doesn't like punching stuff? So, I did a bit of research (nothing too extensive) and made myself an Acolyte (Level 9 now!).


   However, training has been tougher than I expected.


   I see myself burning out of SP extremely quickly (I have to sit down and heal all of my SP after every single mob I kill), mainly due to the hundreds of misses that I land on the mob. Is that normal to miss so much as an Acolyte? I mean, I know I'm going full INT and no AGI, so of course I'm going to have accuracy issues, but is it really THIS bad? I can understand every few hits will be a miss, but this is like... a stream of four-five misses, and then one Holy Light manages to work.


   I'm sorry if I sound like I'm complaining, but it's been bugging me since, well, yesterday. Acolyte accuracy can't be THAT bad, right? If you guys have any tips on how to improve my accuracy, I'm all ears!


Thanks again!


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#2 TifaValentine


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Posted 21 December 2013 - 07:54 AM

Hello! I'm sorry to inform you that you just had the worst timing to start playing =/ We just had a recent HUGE patch that implemented lots of new content and also completely revamped the stats/skills/etc system along other things. Accuracy isnt really working as it should, for everyone, both players AND bosses, thus you missing most of your hits if not all and even bosses/mobs missing on you more often than they would. This is supposed to be fixed soon, altho I have no idea exactly when. I'm sad to tell you magic-based classes (like your acolyte right now) has been affected greatly as well, apparently they had their magic-power nerfed somehow. On top of this mess, job change quests (if you reach lv25 to change to monk, in your case), are currently bugged and aren't triggering corrently, thus not allowing lv25 players to change job, any job. GMs are well aware of this and many other bugs cause by the latest patch.


I can't tell you much more other than to be patient and keep an eye on forums to be informed for when all the issues have been fixed. Rest assured, you did nothing wrong and everyone is pretty much in the same situation as you are at the moment =/


For the moment, agi affects crit AND accuracy, so you may want to put more points in it at least for now. Just be patient, as all these major changes/bugs are NOT intended and GMs are working to report everything and get it fixed asap.

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#3 Saitosen


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Posted 21 December 2013 - 08:35 AM

Oh so that's what's been going on. I saw a bunch of posts earlier about the game being broken and whatnot, but I wasn't sure WHAT was broken. Honestly, I've been playing perfectly fine except for the misses. I mean, I'm having the time of my life in this game (the graphics are amaaaaazing), and there's just so much to explore! Except for the lack of company (in the span of two days, I've only met one person that actually responded to my questions ._.), it's a fantastic game. I don't mind waiting a few days for the fixes, especially since I don't think I'll be advancing anytime soon anyway.


Thanks a ton for the information Tifa! Not to offend anyone, but you're pretty much the first person I've seen on the forums that hasn't bashed the company because of the bugs. Since I'm new, I don't know what the norm in-game is, but I'm not about to go off on the company for the glitches (even though class changing not working sounds pretty terrifying). Like you said, I'll just wait it out. Hopefully, by that time I'll be ready to job change and finally find a guild to join, too...


For the time being, though, I found a card that adds 3 Wisdom and my goodness it's boosted my SP by a ton! I think I'll just add WIS to my armor whenever I get a chance (however you do that...).

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#4 Feighris


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Posted 23 December 2013 - 06:14 AM

I know the feeling =__=


I'm a new player and started with an acolyte too. And it really pisses me off that my char's SP is burning out really fast and ain't doing any decent damage at all. I felt so very weak and I went completely broke because of buying/brewing so many blue potions.   :p_sad: 

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#5 lokasenna


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Posted 23 December 2013 - 06:30 AM

Oh so that's what's been going on. I saw a bunch of posts earlier about the game being broken and whatnot, but I wasn't sure WHAT was broken. Honestly, I've been playing perfectly fine except for the misses. I mean, I'm having the time of my life in this game (the graphics are amaaaaazing), and there's just so much to explore! Except for the lack of company (in the span of two days, I've only met one person that actually responded to my questions ._.), it's a fantastic game. I don't mind waiting a few days for the fixes, especially since I don't think I'll be advancing anytime soon anyway.
Thanks a ton for the information Tifa! Not to offend anyone, but you're pretty much the first person I've seen on the forums that hasn't bashed the company because of the bugs. Since I'm new, I don't know what the norm in-game is, but I'm not about to go off on the company for the glitches (even though class changing not working sounds pretty terrifying). Like you said, I'll just wait it out. Hopefully, by that time I'll be ready to job change and finally find a guild to join, too...
For the time being, though, I found a card that adds 3 Wisdom and my goodness it's boosted my SP by a ton! I think I'll just add WIS to my armor whenever I get a chance (however you do that...).

Armor you get when you level up add WIS normally. You can start punching holes in your equipment when you're lvl 25 iirc, then add WIS runes.
I only spent my stat points on INT and VIT when I was levelling my acolyte, he did just fine with spamming Holy Light and Oratio. That was before the patch though, haha. Like Tifa said, you might want to split your points between INT and AGI, since you get a stat reset at lvl 25, you can decide your build from there.


The problem is, the bugs aren't just glitches, some of them are game-breaking. Like right now, the patch isn't working at all. Quests are disappearing, etc.


I know the feeling =__=
I'm a new player and started with an acolyte too. And it really pisses me off that my char's SP is burning out really fast and ain't doing any decent damage at all. I felt so very weak and I went completely broke because of buying/brewing so many blue potions.   :p_sad: 

Do you have Aqua Benedicta yet? It restores some SP, 23% iirc.

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#6 Saitosen


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Posted 23 December 2013 - 06:33 AM

Well, unless you're over level 15-16, I could probably help you out. Trust me, once you get Aspersio and Aqua Benedicta, the whole experience changes. ESPECIALLY with Aspersio. With it activated, your next three Holy Lights are crits, meaning you're dealing at least double the damage with each of those. And, regardless of what guides say about Oratio, I think it should be maxed. The DoT is fantastic for racking up damage and last hitting when your Lex Divina misses. And it only costs 2 SP (at level 1). And if you get the chance, make those WIS buff potions (the 30 minute ones), because it adds onto your max SP and your SP regen. Honestly, all of these factors put together have really helped mitigate the whole SP burn I had before. Hope it helps some ^^

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#7 Feighris


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Posted 23 December 2013 - 07:16 AM

I already got the Aqua Benidicta and Aspersio max out already but I'm still having a hard time grinding up (unlike days ago before the patch). It's like 1 Asperio + 1 Oratio + 3HL = almost full SP drained. And the most frustrating part is my HL and even the Oratio miss too often. What a really bad timing for us starters indeed. (you know the pain of researching and learning about the game and it ended up like this lol.)


PS: Do you guys think that it is a good idea to invest on wis? coz it adds up your SP right? just for the mean time only in case the game is not yet fixed after the maintenance.

Edited by Feighris, 23 December 2013 - 07:21 AM.

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#8 Saitosen


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Posted 23 December 2013 - 07:23 AM

I already got the Aqua Benidicta and Aspersio max out already but I'm still having a hard time grinding up (unlike days ago before the patch). It's like 1 Asperio + 1 Oratio + 3HL = almost full SP drained. And the most frustrating part is my HL and even the Oratio miss too often.

What a really bad timing for us starters indeed. (you know the pain of researching and learning about the game and it ended up like this lol).


PS: Do you guys think that it is a good idea to invest on wis? coz it adds up your SP right? just for the mean time only in case the game is not yet fixed after the maintenance.



Well, if we do indeed get a stat reset at level 25, then I don't really see a problem with investing in WIS; though, you're damage is going to suffer, even if a little. How much SP do you happen to have? I have around 607 buffed and I can go for at least... three-four mobs before burning out. I won't lie, though. I do take a break every so often and start roaming the internet/walking around while my character regens the lost SP. But still, losing all of your SP after just one combo sounds... weird.


And yeah, I didn't expect the game to be this buggy. But, I'll live with it, since I'll feel that much more accomplished when I change to Monk o3o


Offer still stands, though: If you need help, we could quest/grind together. I'm up for anything =P

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#9 Feighris


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Posted 23 December 2013 - 07:37 AM

hmm I already forgot. After the patch I could only kill 1 or 1 and a half mob with my full SP and I was like crazy checking up my equipment, clicking the "c" button everytime coz it felt like all of my gears got broke.  :lol: 


meh my goal is too get that cool looking Eremes set.


yes please I would love too ~

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#10 ItsFierce


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Posted 23 December 2013 - 03:08 PM

All I can say is hang in there. Leveling becomes exponentially easier if you decide to change to the Priest class at 25 (if you decide to go Monk, then, well...that's outside of my area of expertise). This latest patch has all of us scrambling, trying to figure out what the heck was going on in the dev's minds (if anything at all), but from what I've heard, it's still not particularly worthwhile to allocate a lot of stat points into your WIS stat.


It's been said already, but leveling as an acolyte is not supposed to be this difficult. Hopefully it'll be fixed soon.

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