arullo is pretty much the entire point of this class.
unblockable, hits you even if you hide, AoE, ignores gtb iirc, AND adds 1.5x damage to the next hit? yeah.
secondary points:
diamond dust's freeze effect - can't move, can't pot, can't use skills, still take damage. a far more annoying disable then manhole.
extreme vacuum - AoE fiber without the extra fire damage. holds longer then fibre. stackable. 'nuff said.
buff sorcerors amirite?
The entire point? Granted, the skill is quite good, but unlike all the other great disabling skills it is reducible by stats. Further... have you seeing Deep Sleep Lullaby? 21x21 range (screen wide and a solo music skill) and a 98% chance of it working. Sorcerers are not the best users of this status effect by a long shot. Hell, they're not even the best disablers as far as skills that where you can still attack people.
Diamond dust's freeze effect is good but also heavily reducible so long as you have reasonable VIT (which any class that WoEs has now) and are in lvl range. This is one of those skills that is an absolute bane if you are lower lvled than your enemy, but lasts a very short period if you are in range (i.e. watch how long the icon lasts on any monsters in range of you, it's less than a second even on low VIT monsters). Also the skill has decent cooldown like all Sorcerer skills.
Extreme vacuum is not stackable. If you place one down before the last it will not affect the people in it (unless you intermix fiberlock while its goes down). It the duration is heavily reducible by Str. Yes, people can be attacked while in it, and they can also attack you. Its good, but again there are other classes that have skills much like this that have longer durations and are not reducible by stats (ie. Despair Song at 16 seconds vs. 12).
Take a look at Wanderer and Maestro. Their disabling abilities are well beyond that of a sorcerer (a good deal of them are screen wide) and they out damage a sorcerers. Severe Rainstorm alone blows Psychic Wave (the highest damaging skill sorcerer has) out of the water; despite the damage per hit being comparable, Severe rainstorm does 12 hits compared to 7 with a much shorter cast time (3 vs 10) and skill delay (psychic wave has about a 5 second personal skill delay; other sorcerer skills do not come close its damage).
I'll say it again, as the second primary magic user in game one would expect Sorcerer, with their long cast times, to have some level of competition in DPS with the physical AoEs, if not the ability to surpass considering the time required to use the skill and how easily interruptible they are.
TL;DR I took time to point out where sorcerer is surpassed as a disabling class by other classes whoâ??s damage ability is beyond their own. This was done in order to provide a basis where people could realize long casting magic of sorcerer should have a place in WoE as worthwhile DPS whereas it is too weak currently. This problem is found with magic AoE generally and is not limited to the Sorcerer.
Edited by Nombus, 01 February 2011 - 10:11 PM.