Assasin Skill Build Just for Lvling - Thief - WarpPortal Community Forums

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Assasin Skill Build Just for Lvling

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#1 LordInuyasha


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Posted 20 January 2014 - 01:45 PM

Ok im kinda new to the game and i just want a normal build just for lvling up wise to 50 first... and ill worry about anything else later on for now so i need some help and ima post my builds up here that was given to me before the new patch came in.


This is the first build i plan on going full agi till its 41.. then str 35. and 17 vit. when i hit 50 Below is just a lvl 25 build thats basically what i think is good at 25.. idk if it actually is.





Now for the lvl 50 build this is where im kinda stumped on what to actually get now i know the new patch lets u have more skill points but i want a build for basically a fresh lvl 50 sin. Below is another 50 build that was given to me same deal would like help on it aswell if its wrong ^^






If anyone could help me out would greatly appreciate it ^^ fresh new player goona start when the download is finish check back in a few hours see if i go any help aswell.



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#2 Leinzan


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Posted 21 January 2014 - 08:49 AM

uhm, well, I could recomend you this build


You still have 8 free points there.


Im quite the weirdo so I dont see much value in skills like <Mark of Genocide> or <Shadow Cloack> but well, thats totally up to your choice.


<Dark Illusion> is a skill I love a lot, a ton, I would say its my favorite skill in the game, but is not a requirement for an Assassin, you can pretty much drop it (I still would put one point in it tho XD)


<Poison Weapon> is weakened in a very drastic manner, however using it is NEVER a negative DPS, since you never actually use it mid battle and it can proc passively from any of your attack skills, however the current DMG scaling per level is really poor.


You won't really need <Combo Training>, <Grimtooth> and <Shadow Strike> will do the trick for insta Combo Point maxing most of the time. But if you still feel like getting it, lvl 2 is more than enough.


<Deadly Blow> DMG scaling per level is very poor, and is quite dubious if it actually beats <Double Attack> in the end.

A 5 Combo Points Lvl 1 DB = A 4 Combo Points Lvl 5 DB

A 5 Combo Points Lvl 5 DB > 2 DA (Damage wise)

A 5 Combo Points Lvl 1 DB >= 2 DA (As in, the 4 hits of DA Land, Crit or Miss)

If you like betting, this is a good skill for you.


Grimtooth is perfect heal every 10 seconds and will only get better as you go up. If you want to solo stuff, this is a must.


<Shadow Fang> might not shine so much in a 1v1 as most of the lvling part is, but to kill many at once is awesome, specially while you wait for Grimtooth. And if you can master Kiting, this is your best companion.


<Shadow Armor> is a must, you do well on including it, when you get it, you max it, or you max it, no questions asked.


We don't even need to start discussing about <Shadow Form> XD


<Shadow Assault> has 2 utilities, one is to instantly jump on a target 20m away, and another is to knock that target down for 3 seconds. The damage output outdoes DA since level 1, but the animation is pretty long and you always want this skill for either of those 2 utilities and never for the damage it deals, so level 1 is all you need and want (unless you are a fully PvP focused player).


<Shadow Strike> and <Shadow Explosion> are a set, get one, and get the other, no need to get them lower. The cooldown might seem long at the beginning, but later on you'll get them back real fast (to the point that DB will seem even more pointless).



Good luck!

Edited by Leinzan, 21 January 2014 - 08:52 AM.

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#3 LordInuyasha


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Posted 22 January 2014 - 09:55 PM

hmm ok so for lvling do i lvl str first or agi... say if im going 35 str. and 41 agi for now. like i heared the way stats work changed with the new patch that came along.. and i guess agi is the way to go now ? or is it str.. from what i have read so far.. im thinking agi.

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#4 Leinzan


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Posted 23 January 2014 - 07:42 AM

Well, if you hover your mouse over the ATK parameter you'll see a sub-parameter which says Skill Effect Points something or the other, this one will increase in 1 point with every 8 STR you have... or rather every 15.53 ATK you have.


This means that any skill that does a 100% will do 1 more damage and one that does 1000% will do 10 more damage.


So currently, you have 5 Skill Effect points from your base stat build, and missing 1 STR for the next jump.


About AGI, well, Im not so sure of what to say just yet. I noticed that my Master Level 3 Crescentia gains 0.03% per AGI point, but it might differ slightly per level.

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#5 sniffobox


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Posted 25 February 2014 - 07:48 AM

Sorry, but could you post a screenshot of the skill build? For some reason ro2base messes up all the skill points when I load the site @__@

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#6 Leinzan


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Posted 25 February 2014 - 10:51 AM

ooh the calculator got updated...


oh well, I like this one more either way


hmm, I don't really remember what I posted there but this is my current build


Its more focused on AoE than single target but thats as far as AoE I will go xP

I like exploring a lot with my Sin so «Shadow Exceed» has been a great help, I wouldn't account it as important, same for «Hide» or all the skills in that side of the tree.

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#7 Henin1987


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Posted 13 March 2014 - 05:52 AM

Hi. Please link a new build for Sin. Shadow Explosion fixed:)

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