Suggestion Description: Make Evanesco a Party Buff, (I also mention this in the first feedback thread). Evanesco is pretty usesless since the max of this is just hardly 20% reflect (correct me if i'm wrong) to the monster, based on it's damage, if the monster attack you, this doesn't apply also to party members. 20% is too low considering it didn't depend on the stats of cres, likely if the monster crit you with 3k (the highest i've seen) would only reflect back 600? meanwhile, it's hp is more or less 65k? boss be like 3m?
Video/Image Link (if applicable): none
Another one
Suggestion Type: Animation
Suggestion Description: It would be awesome if the cres' "Awesome" scythe can be seen at the back during idle, not just it magically appear and disappear.
Character Name: Sality Suggestion Type: Animation Suggestion Description: It would be awesome if the cres' "Awesome" scythe can be seen at the back during idle, not just it magically appear and disappear.
I'm going to throw in my strongly disagree here, before someone gets the idea of removing one of my favourite parts of this class. Pressing the wield key already allows people to show their scythe, carrying that huge thing around all the time would just get rather ugly. I've learned not speaking up to change requests like this (when the current model is liked) can result in unhappiness.
Suggestion Description: "STIGMA MASTERY", this skill looks pretty useless for Cres, only gives Crit Rate if Stigma is applied... and this class is doesnt known to be a critical specialist, is known to be a DoT-Nuke Damage dealer... so, "STIGMA MASTERY" Should reinforce other Crescentia atributes [Since we have no auto-buffs like other classes] Maybe like increasing DoT Dmg if Stigma is applied, decreasing cooldowns of skill who gives stigma debuff... etc, etc... but not the Critical Rate :/.
Character Name: Sality Suggestion Type: Skill Suggestion Description: Make Evanesco a Party Buff, (I also mention this in the first feedback thread). Evanesco is pretty usesless since the max of this is just hardly 20% reflect (correct me if i'm wrong) to the monster, based on it's damage, if the monster attack you, this doesn't apply also to party members. 20% is too low considering it didn't depend on the stats of cres, likely if the monster crit you with 3k (the highest i've seen) would only reflect back 600? meanwhile, it's hp is more or less 65k? boss be like 3m?
I've heard many people talk about how useless Evanesco is over the past few months... I would LOVE to expand on this some more and possibly get a change made. A party buff is really a coveted thing for us, love the idea!
Same goes for this:
Character Name: DazHLisk Suggestion Type: Skill Suggestion Description: "STIGMA MASTERY", this skill looks pretty useless for Cres, only gives Crit Rate if Stigma is applied... and this class is doesnt known to be a critical specialist, is known to be a DoT-Nuke Damage dealer... so, "STIGMA MASTERY" Should reinforce other Crescentia atributes [Since we have no auto-buffs like other classes] Maybe like increasing DoT Dmg if Stigma is applied, decreasing cooldowns of skill who gives stigma debuff... etc, etc... but not the Critical Rate :/.
Crit is virtually useless as far as our class stands now. I agree a change should be made.
Character Name: DazHLisk Suggestion Type: Skill Suggestion Description: "STIGMA MASTERY", this skill looks pretty useless for Cres, only gives Crit Rate if Stigma is applied... and this class is doesnt known to be a critical specialist, is known to be a DoT-Nuke Damage dealer... so, "STIGMA MASTERY" Should reinforce other Crescentia atributes [Since we have no auto-buffs like other classes] Maybe like increasing DoT Dmg if Stigma is applied, decreasing cooldowns of skill who gives stigma debuff... etc, etc... but not the Critical Rate :/.
As a main crescentia here, I am going to have to disagree on your points I quoted; For me, as someone who enjoys Stigma Build I believe mastery of the Stigma debuff is fine as it is, if not, already OverPowered, at least upon reaching Master Level. A very strong passive skill anyhow if you rely on (giggled here, bad joke, of course you do ) the stigma.
Why? Let's take a quick peek at how Stigma and his mastery work:
Text in the Green rectangles are the changes made upon reaching Master Level.
By reaching master level, the duration of Stigma can be increased by up to 5 secs if maxed! Wich is actually double it's time!
With that added on, you can fairly high boost the damage of skills that heavily rely on Stigma (oops, bad pun thrown here ), which I may be refering to Land of Darkness and my favourite, Curse Burst<3
Both LoD & CB get additional damage boost by Stigma debuff on enemy(ies), hybrid and Stigma-oriented (???) builds must dedicate their time half of it cursing and half-time building up stigma to get the most out of their DPS'ing with LoD and going sniper with CB, which is kinda hard when the it fades away real quick even more so if you stop by a milisecond. Here is when Stigma Mastery comes on... by prolonging the duration of the stigma, which by the way, DOES NOT get consumed by any skill while still boosting their damage, let other classes envy our Cresc Combo Points..
To make it short, Stigma Mastery can double your DPS numbers if you rely on LoD + CD combo (PVE pref.), by saving you time of building Stigma and changing it for free CB shots and LoD spikes. I think it is already good enough to have that, since they don't get consumed on use, the added crit it's not a shiny stone, but rather than a fancy bonus to description I guess? haha.
My guess is that Stigma Mastery may not need a change, it is already perfectly good PvE skill
Anyhow, Cheers to all the Crescs out there~
btw I used to be a teacher so I kinda tend to make stuff look so complex LOL sorry tehehe~
I suggest, rather than giving us crit rate on Sigma Mastery, change it to the stun. So it passive 1%-5% stun. Crit rate suitable for melee dps but passive stun good for us crecentia for the purpose crowd control. Cres skills like CB, LoD and Earth Worm are good crowd control skills but at the same time those mob easily kill us that don't have high survivability rate (Levicorpus has 1 min CD which is long to get decent survival rate). If once in a while we can stun randomly, survival rate can be up a bit. Stun at 5% is not overpower in pvp too because its still low and we cannot control when its going to proc. Its rather fun to see it proc randomly haha
As we got Forgotten Payon update, I rarely use crowd control skill because im kissing floor too often. 2-3 mob on you then kthxbye