Well, Ranger's one shot is supposed to be AV but GL hitting max damage with that. The one shot from stealth is possible ofc but judex and healing won't really save a priest from that xD

VCR Priest Report!
Posted 24 March 2014 - 02:57 PM
Posted 24 March 2014 - 03:02 PM
Well, Ranger's one shot is supposed to be AV but GL hitting max damage with that. The one shot from stealth is possible ofc but judex and healing won't really save a priest from that xD
Hence why I said it's the easiest way to deal with a priest that I've found so far
Posted 24 March 2014 - 03:12 PM
Wasn't the damage reduction from assumptio supposed to be the counter for 1 shots? I mean that's what it's always been in PvE alongside deluge/sanc/SF
Posted 24 March 2014 - 03:12 PM
Wasn't the damage reduction from assumptio supposed to be the counter for 1 shots? I mean that's what it's always been in PvE alongside deluge/sanc/SF
Ummm well if they notice that vital and can react in less that a second yeah but most priests don't react that fast. I only know fo two that have ever countered that.
Posted 24 March 2014 - 03:13 PM
You really don't read much other than whatever suits your own very biased ideas it seems. Again, all I see you doing is bashing on people who doesn't fully agree with you. That, and your (probably very biased too) hatred towards the ranger class, especifically VCRs, without probably knowing really anything about the class OR others classes. Quite blind aren't we?
Instead of spamming said things, try and give real honest and unbiased feedback. The hit/dodge rate issue is the only thing so far that I agree on with you and others do as well. But that's all.
This is the VCR Report for Priests. Can we freaking keep it as is and NOT use it to unleash everyone's personal hatred towards other classes and/or discuss other classes entirely?? Feedback is one thing, but personal feelings shouldn't be involved. Learn to see things from other perspectives and NOT the one that just benefits your own needs and desires. These are just ideas, feedback, noone said whatever VCRs suggest/want is actually gonna be implemented ingame. Ultimately this is up to devs after all. There's a lot going on aside from just these "suggestions".
Edited by TifaValentine, 24 March 2014 - 03:15 PM.
Posted 24 March 2014 - 03:14 PM
Wasn't the damage reduction from assumptio supposed to be the counter for 1 shots? I mean that's what it's always been in PvE alongside deluge/sanc/SF
Whoa now.
Those points into Judex and Aspersio and the other DoTs skills gotta come from somewhere, you know.
This is the VCR Report for Priests. Can we freaking keep it as is and NOT use it to unleash everyone's personal hatred towards other classes?? Feedback is one thing, but personal feelings shouldn't be involved. Learn to see things from other perspectives and NOT the one that just benefits your own needs and desires. These are just ideas, feedback, noone said whatever VCRs suggest/want is actually gonna be implemented ingame. Ultimately this is up to devs after all. There's a lot going on aside from just these "suggestions".
Tall order for a discussion on class balance
Edited by Sestuplo, 24 March 2014 - 03:16 PM.
Posted 24 March 2014 - 03:21 PM
Whoa now.
Those points into Judex and Aspersio and the other DoTs skills gotta come from somewhere, you know.
Tall order for a discussion on class balance
Well ughh in fact my build allows me to chain stun, lvl5 assumptio, cast deadly dots, and fully heal myself ~_~
Posted 24 March 2014 - 03:23 PM
You added to showing that "they suffer no negatives for healing while going down the Offensive/DPS path" is a false statement.
Must requote this: "Assuming that all priests level their Judex to level 3 or their Aspersio to lv6 for a 5s stun or 10s cd."
Not everyone will put that extra 2 skill points in Judex and some 1-2 more skill points into Asperio because the cd of holy water can't catch up to the Asperio usage.
You need lvl 3 judex + lvl 6 asperio + some 50% vigor to be able to stun 5 x 3 seconds, and again at the mercy of hit/dodge kindness. I don't see any easy way to get 50% vigor. Maybe need some "lucky/p2w" hon + "lucky/p2w" red seed + always on pills?
If you count in all the p2w power I think every class can be OP. This whole discussion, seeing the game from the eyes of the VCRs (probably only seeing the game from ML lvl 20, +20 gears, +20 sk pts, +xy stat pts) versus seeing the game from the eyes of casual players (at all stage of the game) is making the VCR system fail even more.
Simple question: How do you make me agree on something that is seen on your character and not on my character but we are still the same class?
Edit: @TifaVwatever, your posts in here were for the most part not about this priest report but about me. Why did you do exactly what you said not to do in your post is beyond my understanding.
Edited by KnightOf0, 24 March 2014 - 03:29 PM.
Posted 24 March 2014 - 03:28 PM
You need lvl 3 judex + lvl 6 asperio + some 50% vigor to be able to stun 5 x 3 seconds, and again at the mercy of hit/dodge kindness. I don't see any easy way to get 50% vigor. Maybe need some "lucky/p2w" hon + "lucky/p2w" red seed + always on pills?
I can get to 50% vigor with just in-game zeny buffs and <20% redseeds. I don't even need windwalk or guardian to achieve that. That also excluded SM's buff. With fully buffed. My vigor is >100% and again, my redseeds for my 2 stars gears are <20%. Each gears, I only honed 1 time with 50% NPC Kafra non-vigor ones.
Edited by samsam2610, 24 March 2014 - 03:31 PM.
Posted 24 March 2014 - 03:30 PM
First off, this thread is more entertaining than the Real Housewives of Atlanta finale last night.
Well ughh in fact my build allows me to chain stun, lvl5 assumptio, cast deadly dots, and fully heal myself ~_~
Do you also have +20 armors? If you place a Priest against another class with both +20 armors, the Priest would probably win because defence mitigates a good chunk of damage so that even if you sacrifice points on healing, it would still be sufficient to heal out damage. However for the other class, their +20 armors won't do anything for them because DoT damage goes through defence. Oh and if you have enough agi to land all yo Judexes, you might not even take damage in the first place lols. So there's the problem right there.
Posted 24 March 2014 - 03:31 PM
SamSam, are you priest? I don't have this skill called windwalk in my skill tree, probably might have different gear stats too.
Edited by KnightOf0, 24 March 2014 - 03:31 PM.
Posted 24 March 2014 - 03:39 PM
First off, this thread is more entertaining than the Real Housewives of Atlanta finale last night.
Do you also have +20 armors? If you place a Priest against another class with both +20 armors, the Priest would probably win because defence mitigates a good chunk of damage so that even if you sacrifice points on healing, it would still be sufficient to heal out damage. However for the other class, their +20 armors won't do anything for them because DoT damage goes through defence. Oh and if you have enough agi to land all yo Judexes, you might not even take damage in the first place lols. So there's the problem right there.
What if...
1) def could mitigate SOME of dot dmg and im not meaning a tank with 75% def could mitigate 75% cause then some dps class could just refine armor to +20 and faceroll on front of DoT class :v (funny that i dont support this idea at all)
2) Defensive skills mitigates dots dmg like shadow armor/endure...Btw should they work on dots

Posted 24 March 2014 - 03:42 PM
SamSam, are you priest? I don't have this skill called windwalk in my skill tree, probably might have different gear stats too.
You can check out the vigor from both ranger and priest gears here. Ranger's quiver has vigor compared to priest. I'm currently using all colo tier 2's accessories.
Posted 24 March 2014 - 03:43 PM
For Defence and DoT damage reduction, I don't think it is within my power to suggest formulas on those lol.
I'm pretty sure skills that have damage reduction (such as Assumptio) can reduce dot damage. I'm not a sin and I don't play tanks so I can't give you an edumuhcated answer on those. I tested it out with a Warrior last night where even if I took off all my armor, his Headcrush/Headbash/whatever its called still had the same damage range. o-o
Edited by kimsera, 24 March 2014 - 03:43 PM.
Posted 24 March 2014 - 03:48 PM
Hmm frankly as some may had mentioned, I think perhaps before requesting any touches to the DoTs we see a fix on stats, hit and what other issues we have with ALL classes and then we could properly see what should be done regarding our "OP" DoTs. I say "OP", because, yes at the moment we are "the flavor of the month" (I recall this somewhere - part reason somewhat a few more priests about) but that is now, soon we'll go back burner or something amongst those lines. So...basically don't touch until sure about things, then maybe with this....
Although, the idea of moving the dmg about, does seem good, dmg reduction would depend once the proper fixes for all classes comes out however. Since then we might not need to reduce them since they won't really be as powerful as we think.
As for making out supportive skills better, I approve, as well the use of Aqua Benedicta as a party skill, given at least it'd be loved with other magic users.
One thing Doppio mentioned, http://forums.warppo...iest/?p=1701325 , which I think is something that could be looked into more....
The last thing I say for now (hour difference...sigh), and just a selfish request, is maybe asking the devs for our old Ray of Genesis animation but maybe speeded up or something since someone, don't recall where/when, about it taking longer hence the change. (don't quote me fully on that).
Edited by DarkKurayami, 24 March 2014 - 03:50 PM.
Posted 24 March 2014 - 03:54 PM
For Defence and DoT damage reduction, I don't think it is within my power to suggest formulas on those lol.
I'm pretty sure skills that have damage reduction (such as Assumptio) can reduce dot damage. I'm not a sin and I don't play tanks so I can't give you an edumuhcated answer on those. I tested it out with a Warrior last night where even if I took off all my armor, his Headcrush/Headbash/whatever its called still had the same damage range. o-o
Just tested it out, Assumptio does actually cut the damage from dots.
Posted 24 March 2014 - 04:04 PM
You may check with Oti about it, however, we exchanged gear information and my gear far exceeded her gear in terms of runeholes being punched and runes placed in them. You might also refer to my character as P2W (even if I dont win xD). Oti has better costumes than I do, only when she removed them I was able to beat her once.
Honestly, I knew when the rangers were too OP, I never tried to deny it when we had that insane DoT from Poison Arrow and Multishot DoT as well. Surely, you folks as priests can see how OP you are currently.
You need lvl 3 judex + lvl 6 asperio + some 50% vigor to be able to stun 5 x 3 seconds, and again at the mercy of hit/dodge kindness. I don't see any easy way to get 50% vigor. Maybe need some "lucky/p2w" hon + "lucky/p2w" red seed + always on pills?
If you count in all the p2w power I think every class can be OP. This whole discussion, seeing the game from the eyes of the VCRs (probably only seeing the game from ML lvl 20, +20 gears, +20 sk pts, +xy stat pts) versus seeing the game from the eyes of casual players (at all stage of the game) is making the VCR system fail even more.
Simple question: How do you make me agree on something that is seen on your character and not on my character but we are still the same class?
@ knightOf0, please refer to fluke's post above. I've seen Oti's gears and I can assure you they're not p2w at all.
@mangopudding, my statement is based on +20 weapon and +0 armors, all with average seedrunes (25% max) and 9% armor greenseed. And im am not AGI build ~_~ But yes I do see a problem if we increase judex cd. Will work towards the will debuff idea guardianTK proposed.
@Rabastan, we may be the favor of month, with ranger being the last one, but it's been almost 3 months already since the last DoT balance (Jan 8). However, we can see that people are upset about the nerf, despite the fact that we were buffed too much in the Jan8 DoT balance ~_~ Anywayssss~ we will be work on some different approach so hopefully we can not be FS and DPS at the same time XD
EDIT: fixed mango's name XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I SWEAR I FIXED IT ONCE! but some happened and I copied and pasted the wrong version QQ
Edited by ChocoVivi, 24 March 2014 - 04:11 PM.
Posted 24 March 2014 - 04:06 PM
m-mangopuggin.. ;_;
Posted 24 March 2014 - 04:16 PM
+20 weapon makes all the difference.
Like, 1500 extra damage with level 1 DoTs difference
Posted 24 March 2014 - 04:50 PM
+20 weapon makes all the difference.
Like, 1500 extra damage with level 1 DoTs difference
+20 weapon makes all the difference for every class ; - ; anyway~ what about colo? we've seen plenty of complaints about priest DoTs in community chat forum.
Posted 24 March 2014 - 05:03 PM
+20 weapon makes all the difference for every class ; - ; anyway~ what about colo? we've seen plenty of complaints about priest DoTs in community chat forum.
IF you manage to get them to land. We (all classes minus sin/rogue?) miss insanely in there. Hence the need to fix hit/etc before messing with anything else.
Posted 24 March 2014 - 05:12 PM
Not everyone will put that extra 2 skill points in Judex and some 1-2 more skill points into Asperio because the cd of holy water can't catch up to the Asperio usage.
You need lvl 3 judex + lvl 6 asperio + some 50% vigor to be able to stun 5 x 3 seconds, and again at the mercy of hit/dodge kindness. I don't see any easy way to get 50% vigor. Maybe need some "lucky/p2w" hon + "lucky/p2w" red seed + always on pills?
If you count in all the p2w power I think every class can be OP. This whole discussion, seeing the game from the eyes of the VCRs (probably only seeing the game from ML lvl 20, +20 gears, +20 sk pts, +xy stat pts) versus seeing the game from the eyes of casual players (at all stage of the game) is making the VCR system fail even more.
1. If I had a skill that can instantly one shot you at the start of the fight in my skill tree, I could choose not to use it, that doesn't make it any less op.
2. I can hit 45% vigor with just osiris gear and ~17-19 red seeds, the pront buff would add another 4.5% and honing can easily make up the difference with the 20-40 vigor per gear piece.
3. Most VCRs aren't p2w, we've just been here longer. All of my gear is +0 except for a +10 weapon. If you want us to consider casuals of your class, then you have to consider casuals of other classes. And then you have to consider dedicated players who understand a class' weaknesses and strengths.
4. The fixes proposed aren't necessarily for now. We're expecting hit and dodge to get fixed when we come up with these values. You talk as if your judex miss half the time and your dots very rarely hit, but at the same time my gap closers/finishers/heals/combo builders can't hit either. Once hit/dodge is fixed, that's 15s that you don't need any heals and can do as much damage as you like. Once the 15s of judex chains is over, the dots are still up and you can still heal yourself. If you need help imagining the situation, pretend that you don't have judex, but every enemy you face in a duel starts with 40%hp.
Edited by Turniper, 24 March 2014 - 05:15 PM.
Posted 24 March 2014 - 05:26 PM
we will be work on some different approach so hopefully we can not be FS and DPS at the same time XD
What if priests have two different weapons. like bible for dps skills and mace for support trees =)
make middle tree as a prerequisite to dps and support tree. must have at least level 2 skills from middle tree to get either dps or support so that spending skill points will be tighter.
dps skills depend on str, support on int
Posted 24 March 2014 - 05:31 PM
What if priests have two different weapons. like bible for dps skills and mace for support trees =)
make middle tree as a prerequisite to dps and support tree. must have at least level 2 skills from middle tree to get either dps or support so that spending skill points will be tighter.
dps skills depend on str, support on int
Good idea xD
Dps skills should, however, depend on Wis. It's kinda awkward when you need strength to land magical spells
Posted 24 March 2014 - 05:37 PM
Good idea xD
Dps skills should, however, depend on Wis. It's kinda awkward when you need strength to land magical spells
yea wis make more sense haha however i think wis is related to elemental resistance (obviously 0 atm) but idk
yeah having 3 stat build makes you go one way or the other like ro1 int/agi/vit vs wis/agi/vit
Edited by asabayou, 24 March 2014 - 05:42 PM.
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