Job Name | Job Grade | Skill Type | Skill Name | Skill Description | Minimum Character Level |
Defender | 1st | Normal Skill | Return | You can only save your Return Point through Ioxenic Registrars near Warp Gates. | 0 |
Defender | 1st | Normal Skill | Fighting Will | Temporarily increase your Attack Success Rate. | 1 |
Defender | 1st | Normal Skill | Chain Slash | Perform a rapid series of attacks with your weapon to inflict devastating damage. | 1 |
Defender | 1st | Normal Skill | Physical Blessing | Temporarily increase your HP Recovery. | 10 |
Defender | 1st | Normal Skill | Vital Stab | Fiercely stab the target's vital point to inflict damage upon impact, followed by continuous damage from bleeding. | 10 |
Defender | 1st | Normal Skill | Taunt | Taunt the target to increase its hostility toward you. | 20 |
Defender | 1st | Normal Skill | Dire Strike Slash | Jump high into the air, and strike an enemy with great impact as you fall. | 20 |
Defender | 1st | Normal Skill | Destructive Strike | Infuse your spiritual energy into a sword in an attempt to perform a powerful slash. This skill might fail since the sword must be wielded in such a wide motion, but it inflicts tremendous damage when it's successful. | 24 |
Defender | 1st | Normal Skill | Quick Attack | Temporarily accelerate your Attack Speed to deliver faster blows to enemies. | 30 |
Defender | 1st | Normal Skill | Survival Instinct | Permanently increase your Short and Long Range Defense Power. | 30 |
Defender | 1st | Normal Skill | Onslaught | Inflict additional damages upon surrounding enemies' with using your hands swiftly for powerful multiple attack. | 40 |
Defender | 1st | Normal Skill | Taunting Cry | Taunt nearby enemies to increase their hostility toward you. | 40 |
Defender | 1st | Normal Skill | Skin of Stone | Temporarily increase your Short Range Defense Power. | 40 |
Defender | 1st | Normal Skill | Shield Strike | Forcefully strike the target with your shield to confuse it and inflict great damage. | 40 |
Defender | 1st | DNA Skill | Strengthened Fighting Will | Increases Accuracy Rate of Fighting Will. | 1 |
Defender | 1st | DNA Skill | Extended Fighting Will | Increases duration of Fighting Will. | 1 |
Defender | 1st | DNA Skill | Extended Physical Blessing | Increases duration of Physical Blessing. | 10 |
Defender | 1st | DNA Skill | Vital Stab Intensification | Increase Additional Damage and Continuous Damage ,when using Vital Stab | 10 |
Defender | 1st | DNA Skill | Extended Vital Stab | Increase duration of Vital Stab | 10 |
Defender | 1st | DNA Skill | Strengthened Physical Blessing | Increases Recovery when using Physical Blessing. | 10 |
Defender | 1st | DNA Skill | Long Range Taunt | Increase range of Taunt | 20 |
Defender | 1st | DNA Skill | Strengthened Survival Instinct | Increases the Defense Power of Survival Instinct. | 30 |
Defender | 1st | DNA Skill | Strengthened Skin of Stone | Increases Defense Power of Skin of Stone. | 40 |
Defender | 1st | DNA Skill | Accuracy of Shield Strike | Increases Success Rate of Shield Strike. | 40 |
Defender | 1st | DNA Skill | Extended Skin of Stone | Increases duration of Skin of Stone. | 40 |
Commander | 2nd | Normal Skill | Chain Slash | Inflict additional damages upon surrounding enemies' with using your hands swiftly for multiple attack. | 50 |
Commander | 2nd | Normal Skill | Rush | Rush at the target within your range at high speed while evading enemy attacks. | 50 |
Commander | 2nd | Normal Skill | Adamant Mind | Summon the determination to resist negative combat effects for this skill's duration. | 50 |
Commander | 2nd | Normal Skill | Chain of Restraint | Throw a chain at the target to reduce its Movement Speed for this skill's duration. | 50 |
Commander | 2nd | Normal Skill | One-Handed Weapon Mastery | Hone your skills in handling One-Handed Weapons to permanently increase your Attack Power when using them. | 50 |
Commander | 2nd | Normal Skill | Beam Slash | Infuse your spiritual energy into your weapon, and discharge it to attack a distant target. | 50 |
Commander | 2nd | Normal Skill | Promise of Victory | Temporarily increase your Party Member's Attack Success Rate. | 50 |
Commander | 2nd | Normal Skill | Face Strike | Make the target unable to spell Magic Skills with striking the mouth.(Able to use Weapon Skills) | 60 |
Commander | 2nd | Normal Skill | Boomerang of Sword Aura | Slash a large number of enemies in front of you to inflict damage, followed by continuous damage from bleeding. | 60 |
Commander | 2nd | Normal Skill | Moonlight Slash | Inflict additional & continuous damages upon surrounding enemies' with spining rapidly. | 60 |
Commander | 2nd | Normal Skill | Uplifting Cry | Increase party members' Moving Speed for certain period. | 80 |
Commander | 2nd | DNA Skill | Extended Adamant Mind | Increase duration of Adamant Mind | 50 |
Commander | 2nd | DNA Skill | Swift Beam Slash | Reduce Casting Time of Beam Slash | 50 |
Commander | 2nd | DNA Skill | One-Handed Weapon Mastery Intensification | Increase Attack Power of One-Handed Weapon Mastery. | 50 |
Commander | 2nd | DNA Skill | AOE Chain Slash | Increase the range of Chain Slash. | 50 |
Commander | 2nd | DNA Skill | Potens Rush | Recast time accelerates when Rush is used | 50 |
Commander | 2nd | DNA Skill | Extended Face Strike | Increase duration of Face Strike | 60 |
Commander | 2nd | DNA Skill | Potens Moonlight Slash | Decrease recast time of Moonlight Slash. | 60 |
Commander | 2nd | DNA Skill | AOE Boomerang of Sword Aura | Increase the range of Boomerang of Sword Aura. | 60 |
Commander | 2nd | DNA Skill | Extended Boomerang of Sword Aura | Increase duration of Boomerang of Sword Aura | 60 |
Commander | 2nd | DNA Skill | Extended Moonlight Slash | Increase duration of Moonlight Slash. | 60 |
Protector | 2nd | Normal Skill | Restoration | Administer first-aid treatment to yourself slowly restore your HP. | 50 |
Protector | 2nd | Normal Skill | Restraint Rescission | Focus your thought to a meditative state to release negative combat status of both yourself and surrounding party members. | 50 |
Protector | 2nd | Normal Skill | Shield Mastery | Permanently increase your Block Defense Power when using a shield. | 50 |
Protector | 2nd | Normal Skill | Low Blow | Inflict additional damages upon Surrounding Enemies by attacking their lower bodies. Increase the hostility against you. | 50 |
Protector | 2nd | Normal Skill | Aegis of Protection | Temporarily increase your shield's Block Defense of the target for this skill's duration. | 60 |
Protector | 2nd | Normal Skill | Spiritual Intensification | Temporarily increase your Party Member's Short Range Defense Power. | 60 |
Protector | 2nd | Normal Skill | Sacred Hand | Give first-aid treatment to the target to instantly restore the target's HP, followed by slow, additional HP restoration. | 60 |
Protector | 2nd | Normal Skill | Lesser Party Heal | Restore your Party Members' HP instantly, and heal additional HP slowly, with holy power. | 70 |
Protector | 2nd | Normal Skill | Shield Fortress | Temporarily increase your shield's Block Rate. | 70 |
Protector | 2nd | Normal Skill | Broken Morale | Decrease target and surrounding enemies' Physical & Skill Critical Rate by breaking morale. | 80 |
Protector | 2nd | DNA Skill | Potens Restraint Rescission | Decrease recast time of Restraint Rescission. | 50 |
Protector | 2nd | DNA Skill | Strengthened Shield Mastery | Increases Block Defense Power of Shield Mastery. | 50 |
Protector | 2nd | DNA Skill | Strengthened Restoration | It decreases the consumption of MP and increases HP recovery when using Restoration. | 50 |
Protector | 2nd | DNA Skill | Potens Sacred Hand | Shorten recasting time of Sacred Hand. | 60 |
Protector | 2nd | DNA Skill | Strengthened Aegis of Protection | Increase Block Protection of Aegis of Protection. | 60 |
Protector | 2nd | DNA Skill | Strengthened Spiritual Intensification | Increases Defense Power of Spiritual Intensification | 60 |
Protector | 2nd | DNA Skill | Extended Aegis of Protection | Increase duration of Aegis of Protection. | 60 |
Protector | 2nd | DNA Skill | Potens Lesser Party Heal | Shorten recasting time of Lesser Party Heal. | 70 |
Protector | 2nd | DNA Skill | Extended Shield Fortress | Increases duration of Shield Fortress. | 70 |
Protector | 2nd | DNA Skill | Strengthened Shield Fortress | Increases Block Rate of Shield Fortress. | 70 |

Skill Descriptions for Defender, Commander and Protector
Started by
, May 07 2014 12:13 PM
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Posted 07 May 2014 - 12:13 PM
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