Skill Descriptions for Templar, Tempest and Radiant - Turan Temple - WarpPortal Community Forums

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Skill Descriptions for Templar, Tempest and Radiant

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#1 Helium


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Posted 07 May 2014 - 12:16 PM

Job NameJob GradeSkill TypeSkill NameSkill DescriptionMinimum Character Level
Templar1stNormal SkillReturnYou can only save your Return Point through Ioxenic Registrars near Warp Gates.0
Templar1stNormal SkillElec BoltShoot an electric bolt at the target to inflict elemental damage.1
Templar1stNormal SkillIon ShieldGenerate an electric shield around you that will increase Short and Long Range Defense Power.1
Templar1stNormal SkillRejuvenationSlowly restore your HP with holy power.1
Templar1stNormal SkillConcentrationIncrease your Maximum MP for a certain period.10
Templar1stNormal SkillElec TwisterSummon a lightning twister around you to inflict Elec damage and shock surrounding enemies.10
Templar1stNormal SkillCharged BoltAttack the target with a lightning bolt that will continuously shock it with electricity.20
Templar1stNormal SkillDivine ProtectionShield the target with electric energy to increase its Short and Long Range Defense Power.20
Templar1stNormal SkillLesser HealRestore the target's HP with holy power.20
Templar1stNormal SkillElec ShockAttack the target with an electric bolt that explodes and electrically shocks enemies in the target's vicinity.30
Templar1stNormal SkillHoly BoltShot an electric bolt to deal damages to the target and others around the target, and also decrease their Movement Speed.40
Templar1stNormal SkillResistance (Curse)Permanently increase your tolerance against the Curse effects. 40
Templar1stNormal SkillMagic Shield MasteryIncreases block defensive power when magic shield is used40
Templar1stNormal SkillInvigorationIncrease the target's HP Recovery for a set duration. 40
Templar1stNormal SkillBlessed RevelationIncrease the target's MP Recovery for a set duration. 40
Templar1stNormal SkillSleepCast a magic spell to put the target and enemies in its vicinity to sleep for this skill's duration. The targets may wake up if you attack or approach them too closely.43
Templar1stDNA SkillExtended Ion ShieldIncreases duration of Ion Shield.1
Templar1stDNA SkillStrengthened RejuvenationReduces MP consumption and increases HP Recovery of Rejuvenation.1
Templar1stDNA SkillStrengthened Ion ShieldIncreases Defense Power of Ion Shield.1
Templar1stDNA SkillStrengthened ConcentrationIncrease Maximum MP by concentrating.10
Templar1stDNA SkillExtended ConcentrationIncreases duration of Concentration.10
Templar1stDNA SkillStrengthened TwisterIncreases Attack Power of Elec Twister.10
Templar1stDNA SkillExtended Elec TwisterIncrease Elec Twister's Lightning attack duration.10
Templar1stDNA SkillStrengthened Lesser HealIncreases Recovery of Lesser Heal.20
Templar1stDNA SkillSwift Lesser HealReduces Casting Time of Lesser Heal.20
Templar1stDNA SkillModerated Lesser HealReduces MP consumption of Lesser Heal.20
Templar1stDNA SkillPotens Elec ShockReduces Down Time of Thunder Twister.30
Tempest2ndNormal SkillLightning RestraintCast a magical magnetic field on the targeted area to reduce Movement Speed and inflict Elec damage to enemies within the affected area.50
Tempest2ndNormal SkillBlessing of HasteIncrease the Party member's Attack Speed for a set duration. 50
Tempest2ndNormal SkillGlaring LightShower the target area with dazzling light that explodes and inflicts damage to enemies within the affected area.50
Tempest2ndNormal SkillMagic Weapon MasteryHone your Magic Weapon handling skills to permanently increase your Magic Attack Power.50
Tempest2ndNormal SkillWeapon of GodIncrease the Party Member's Short range Attack Power for a set duration. 50
Tempest2ndNormal SkillSoul DepurationArdently pray to remove all curse effects cast on you.50
Tempest2ndNormal SkillMagic Mastery (Elec)Permanently increase electric skill effects.60
Tempest2ndNormal SkillInstant MovingInstantly teleport to a random spot within this skill's range.60
Tempest2ndNormal SkillGodly MirrorCreate a chance of inflicting Elec damage to targets attacking you.60
Tempest2ndNormal SkillHoly LightCast a blinding light that inflicts continuous damage to enemies within this skill's range.60
Tempest2ndNormal SkillSeal of AccelerationIncrease surrounding party members' casting Time.80
Tempest2ndDNA SkillExtended Range of Glaring LightIncrease AOE area of Glaring Light50
Tempest2ndDNA SkillExtended Lightning RestraintIncrease AOE duration of Lightning Restraint50
Tempest2ndDNA SkillStrengthened Weapon of GodIncrease Short range attack of Weapon of God50
Tempest2ndDNA SkillMagic Weapon Mastery IntensificationIncrease elemental damage, when using Magic Weapon Mastery50
Tempest2ndDNA SkillHoly Light IntensificationIncrease Elec damage, when using Holy Light60
Tempest2ndDNA SkillExtended Holy LightIncrease AOE duration of Holy Light60
Tempest2ndDNA SkillExtended Godly MirrorIncreases duration of Godly Mirror.60
Tempest2ndDNA SkillAccuracy of Godly MirrorIncreases counterattack success rate of Godly Mirror.60
Tempest2ndDNA SkillMagic Mastery(Elec) IntensificationIncrease Elec damage, when using Magic Mastery (Elec)60
Tempest2ndDNA SkillSwift Instant MovingShorten the casting time of Instant Moving60
Radiant2ndNormal SkillLesser Party HealRestore your Party Member's HP with holy power.50
Radiant2ndNormal SkillSurvival InstinctPermanently increase your Short and Long Range Defense Power.50
Radiant2ndNormal SkillModerate HealRestore the target's HP with holy power.50
Radiant2ndNormal SkillDivine ProtectionIncrease your entire party's Defense Power for a set duration.50
Radiant2ndNormal SkillSalvationResurrect the target, reviving him on his current location.50
Radiant2ndNormal SkillMana ShieldShield yourself with magic energy so that you consume MP instead of HP while increasing your maximum MP.60
Radiant2ndNormal SkillRestorationRemove party members' Curses through devoted praying.60
Radiant2ndNormal SkillHushSeal the target's mouth to temporarily inhibit its magic casting. Skills that are not reliant on magic can still be used.60
Radiant2ndNormal SkillModerate Party HealIncrease the HP of surrounding Party Members with holy power.60
Radiant2ndNormal SkillDivine CleansingCure party members with negative status(Paralysis, Sleep, Fear, Halt, Slow) according to certain rate.80
Radiant2ndDNA SkillStrengthened Divine ProtectionIncrease Short/Long range physical protection of Divine Protection50
Radiant2ndDNA SkillStrengthened Lesser Party HealIncreases HP Recovery of Lesser Party Heal.50
Radiant2ndDNA SkillLong Range Moderate HealIncrease effective range of Moderate Party Heal50
Radiant2ndDNA SkillSwift SalvationShorten the casting time of Salvation50
Radiant2ndDNA SkillStrengthened Survival InstinctIncreases the Defense Power of Survival Instinct.50
Radiant2ndDNA SkillLong Range Moderate Party HealIncrease effective range of Moderate Party Heal60
Radiant2ndDNA SkillSwift HushReduce Down Time of Restoration60
Radiant2ndDNA SkillSwift HushReduce Casting Time of Hush63
Radiant2ndDNA SkillSwift Mana ShieldShorten the casting time of Mana Shield60
Radiant2ndDNA SkillPotens RestorationReduce Down Time of Restoration60
Radiant2ndDNA SkillMana Shield IntensificationIncrease Maximum MP while shielding yourself in Mana.60

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