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Critical Questions.

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#1 StarScythe


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Posted 06 November 2010 - 01:09 PM

Does it ever miss if critical is 100% critical rate and you're using basic attacks?

Does it work on bosses? (by this I mean: If Crit = 100%, does Basic Attack = 100% accuracy?)

If you're able to achieve 100% Critical, would it be better to leave Dex at 1? I'm thinking it might be wise to keep at least 30 Dex for the skills' accuracy.

Please explain everything thoroughly, thank you.

PS, how much do Soldier Skeleton cards and Specialty Jur cost in Valkyrie?

Edited by StarScythe, 06 November 2010 - 01:13 PM.

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#2 Luckywhiterabbit


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Posted 07 November 2010 - 01:00 AM

Does it ever miss if critical is 100% critical rate and you're using basic attacks?

Does it work on bosses? (by this I mean: If Crit = 100%, does Basic Attack = 100% accuracy?)

If you're able to achieve 100% Critical, would it be better to leave Dex at 1? I'm thinking it might be wise to keep at least 30 Dex for the skills' accuracy.

Please explain everything thoroughly, thank you.

PS, how much do Soldier Skeleton cards and Specialty Jur cost in Valkyrie?

Monsters with lots of luk are able to reduce your critical rate by a certain %, so even if you have a 100% critical rate, some lucky monsters or players will be able to bring it down by a small amount. This is called 'crit shield'

Criticals do work on bosses, but bosses also tend to have high crit shields, meaning you need substantially more than 100% crit rate if you want to hit them every time.

You shouldn't go with 1 dex. Dex helps you when you do miss, and improves accuracy of skills like grimtooth or Cross Impact, since those can't crit. Also, dex gives you some resistance to having your gear divested.
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