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Really Bad Guys...

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#1 yurioj75


    Amateur Blogger

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Posted 02 September 2014 - 10:32 AM

We (me and my wife) always try to have fun with our character names.

This time we decided to make two chars which are really bad guys... really.

And their pets are aswell.




Some of you may know them, some of you not. 

For those who don't know some or all of them, here an explanation:


My wife plays MaBaker

The name is inspired by the Boney M. song "Ma Baker" which is inspired by "Ma Barker":

and her pet is Dalton, which is the family name of the gangster family in Lucky Luke which is also inspired by "Ma Barker".



My Char is PaBaker

PaBaker is also inspired by "Ma Barker", but absolutely fictional.

I named my pet Capone

Surely it is based on "Al Capone", which is probably known by everyone.

But if not, here is the wikipedia entry:


Again we had fun creating this chars - as always  :heh:


Edited by yurioj75, 02 September 2014 - 10:33 AM.

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