This section of the forums is for guild recruitment only.
One thread per guild. If your original poster is no longer able to maintain your thread, contact staff to close it and you may reopen a new one.
No posting videos, meetups, recruitment, or discussion of games that are not WarpPortal titles. Please discuss other game play outside of this forum. This is a board wide rule. Your posts will be removed and moderator action taken.
All threads must follow board guidelines: http://forums.warppo...conduct-update/
Guild-centered drama in this section will not be tolerated. This includes harassing a guild in your own thread and others. Signatures or icons that target other guilds are not acceptable.
Violating posts, signatures, icons, or profile content will be removed. Suspensions will be issued to players who participate in any activity that instigates animosity between guilds.
If you see a post or member violating board rules, please report it via the report feature available on every post.
Continual breaking of these rules will result in moderator action that will not be pleasant. Keep your guild recruitment posts on topic and friendly!