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Monk outplayed Assassin

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#1 TbatmanT


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Posted 02 November 2014 - 06:06 PM

As most of you might know, monks can literally 1shot-KO other classes.


SO here's the question, " how can a sin kill a monk?"


so on this case we'll be  looking at 2 newly made ml20 monk and  ml20 sin. Both have full osi set with same bs 10%, rs10%, x5 same cards,  no greenseed, no honing, no gears refined.


- note: an example of item balance in order to test  pure "class vs class"  or "class item vs class item" or "class skill vs class skill."


 * If sin has x5 osiris card[epic+], then monk has them also.

 * If sin has 22% bs on claw, then monk has 22% bs on knuckle also.

---- something like that is called class vs class, cuz they have same stuff.



To all of that above, sins will likely to lose.

Even the hone and the seeds are exactly the same or same cards, monks still have higher defense, damage and health.


what most monks would do is wait for our shadow armor to go down, then 1 hit us assassins.


How to kill a monk with a sin???

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#2 171140207082416520


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Posted 03 November 2014 - 06:19 PM

Intra, a assassin member of uncrowned outplayed the BEST MONK OF RO2 without using hiding


first you know how to use a sin :3


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#3 VuoriDevine


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Posted 03 November 2014 - 06:35 PM

Intra, a assassin member of uncrowned outplayed the BEST MONK OF RO2 without using hiding


first you know how to use a sin :3

With a green seed power over 9000 is not that impresive,and not usefull information at all.

Its really hard to kill a monk with a sin since both are melee and pretty much monk has a 3 skill rotation and it's an insta 1 shot.
Hadouken>Teleport knockdown> normal hit (by this points you have already 3 combo points to use the buff to unlock gfist, and your target is down) >Saiyan mode>Gfist ( if knock down is insta crit so GG)

BUT WAIT! did you miss?! just reset and try again :D

if we are talking about a class vs class with the same stuff is so freakin' hard for a sin (or any class) to kill a monk, this game is poorly balanced so you just have to deal with it.

I guess you can try to run away and shadow assault/shadow armour as much as possible to help you out and stay our of range of the monk teleport (its a pain in the balls coz is 20 mts range)

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#4 TbatmanT


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Posted 03 November 2014 - 06:39 PM

Intra, a assassin member of uncrowned outplayed the BEST MONK OF RO2 without using hiding


first you know how to use a sin



im talking about class vs class.


no hone/ no card / no seed / no costumes buff


or same hone / same card / same seed % / same costume buff . 

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#5 TbatmanT


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Posted 03 November 2014 - 06:49 PM

and for some reason, it's really easy for crec to kill monk.  ... element of surprise...


so @ vdivine, in my interpretation from your comment. Im assuming that the best thing for sin to do is to execute shadow armour perfectly , right timing in other word.

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#6 VuoriDevine


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Posted 03 November 2014 - 06:58 PM

and for some reason, it's really easy for crec to kill monk.  ... element of surprise...


so @ vdivine, in my interpretation from your comment. Im assuming that the best thing for sin to do is to execute shadow armour perfectly , right timing in other word.

a mix of shadow armour (5 secs w/o dmg) + shadow assault ( 3 secs of stun) you have like 8 secs of dps.
But then! you have the monk defense being sooo op retarded.

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#7 TbatmanT


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Posted 03 November 2014 - 07:13 PM

But then! you have the monk defense being sooo op retarded.


hhahaah so what should sins do?   It's not just for me. It's for the whole sins community . Im sure a lot of sins hate monks.

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#8 xLuc


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Posted 03 November 2014 - 07:35 PM

Simple, forget about monks and go 1-shot every other class in the game with your Hide + Cross Impact combo. gg

Edited by xLuc, 03 November 2014 - 07:36 PM.

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#9 VuoriDevine


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Posted 03 November 2014 - 07:40 PM

hhahaah so what should sins do?   It's not just for me. It's for the whole sins community . Im sure a lot of sins hate monks.


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#10 FishDeity


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Posted 05 November 2014 - 11:09 PM

a mix of shadow armour (5 secs w/o dmg) + shadow assault ( 3 secs of stun) you have like 8 secs of dps.
But then! you have the monk defense being sooo op retarded.

defense rate debuff guild skill will help a lot

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#11 kamoteee


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Posted 06 November 2014 - 01:29 AM

1. Good Character Build... For me, SINS > MONKS, but under certain conditions. Still depends.

2. Tactics/Smart Play/Techniques... Really needed to outplay any hard opponent.

3. Luck... might as well consider this. Just hope that your ultimate crit hit will land and RNGesus would hear your prayers.

These are some of the things that you'll definitely need. :no1:


Edited by kamoteee, 06 November 2014 - 01:30 AM.

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#12 jhay1825


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Posted 06 November 2014 - 07:00 AM

Well one thing other classes is you must and let RNG give you the crit while monks have 100% crit gfist.

If gfist worked like the same as every other classes finisher where luck is involved then sin vs monk scenarios can be different now like a sin shouldnt need to outgear a monk just to beat him/her.

Also the stupid seedrunes and the effect it causes are a big factor for this.

Edited by jhay1825, 06 November 2014 - 07:01 AM.

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#13 VuoriDevine


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Posted 10 November 2014 - 05:37 AM

1. Good Character Build... For me, SINS > MONKS, but under certain conditions. Still depends.

2. Tactics/Smart Play/Techniques... Really needed to outplay any hard opponent.

3. Luck... might as well consider this. Just hope that your ultimate crit hit will land and RNGesus would hear your prayers.

These are some of the things that you'll definitely need. :no1:


The thing is, monk is more imba than sin Hahahaha
High def, and insta crit w/o RNG!

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#14 Fluidz


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Posted 10 November 2014 - 09:00 AM

G Fist has too many additional buffs for no reason


Guaranteed Crit if knockdowned enemy

Target below 20% HP,  addition damage 100% of your  P.Attack is added on

If internal wounded (heavy tackle stun proc)  addition damage 100% of your  P.Attack is added on

Deals 1680% Of your P.Attack

Can fire 2 of these with Summon spirit Sphere

if Sphere hits G fist does ANOTHER 20% additional Damage.


Maybe removing the Guaranteed crit for more survivability for people getting G fisted?



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#15 Pr3


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Posted 10 November 2014 - 10:13 AM

I'm waiting for someone to say that sins need a buff so I can shake my head.  Anyone? 

Lets just make cross impact 1400%


Regardless, sins is a dps class and monk is a tank class.  Lets not make sins more OP than they need to be.

Edited by Pr3, 10 November 2014 - 10:15 AM.

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#16 Vau


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Posted 10 November 2014 - 11:26 AM

You just said it Pr3, monk is a f***ing Tank class, why would they 1 shot everyone all the time, that's why this game is so unbalanced, Tank classes can tank and DPS, while DPS classes just dps.


If Gravity  implemented Threat on tank skills it's cause their DPS should be shit. Makes sense?.

I think the only tank that has a tank dps  is Beastmaster, compared to Knights, Warriors and Monks.


Assassin on LoTs used to have the fastest attack speed(Haste) with 1.30 - 1.60 while Warriors had 2.10 - 2.30. Why do i point this out?, cause before on LoTs, tanks had less skills per second than thief classes, they just couldn't RS or Shield Cannon or Gfist on 4-5 seconds.


Now every class hits fast, build enough X points to combo in 3-5 seconds and prays for RNGsus to 1 hit.




Game is too screwed don't even try to have a discussion about balancing.



PS: And i didn't even start talking about nerfing DoT's on WIzard/Ranger and Thief classes. *balance please*



Edit : Some dumb typo and stats.

Edited by Vau, 10 November 2014 - 11:59 AM.

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#17 Sirceye


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Posted 10 November 2014 - 04:01 PM

buff warriors pls 

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#18 SolM77186


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Posted 10 November 2014 - 04:26 PM



1: for me, monk is a cheap class, for me the players who did chose a monk are not bad, that's not       their fault if they did., the 

    problem is that monk is "OP" a lot (Over Powered), as Fluidz said they haev OP one shot plus they can do it twice in a raw.


2: if by chance they miss their first charge, they have OP defense and dodge whoch are very unfair.       They have OP Dammages and OP def/dodge/Hp




1; For me the 2 Weakest class now are of course Wizard and Ranger, they should fix the OPest class like monk/priest/sin and they have to fix in same time Wizard and Ranger.



PS: About the monk they have some anticlass, monk vs BM, the Monk is probably dead before starting the battle..BM with 80K HP will out DPS the monk and the monk could not out heal the BM.

Edited by SolM77186, 10 November 2014 - 04:26 PM.

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#19 jhay1825


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Posted 11 November 2014 - 07:44 AM

Well assassins shouldnt 1 shot tank classes in the first place. They are called tanks for a reason. But seriously classes here doesnt mean crap, you just pick the one that does the most damage, put some broken runes and viola!

People go for assasins now adays coz theyre fast, damage is OP, can slow(i dont get why this one was added sins are already fast) and has a invincibility buff. No matter how tanky or high HP you got since ignores defense, and are pretty much has the advantage over almost all classes.

Monks on the other hand i think they are alright just the way they are its just the gfist crit for 100% is too uncalled for. Every classes finisher is based on rng to get the crit while monks can just knock you down and get that 100% crit down. Sure they miss yeah, even other classes do so yeah. They already have the 30% more damage dealt while knockdowned or is that with the DOT i cant remember. But the 100% crit on gfist is the only thing i see with the real problem on monks, their defense, dodge and HP are ok coz they are supposed to be tanks and be hard to kill same with other tanks like warriors, knights, BM. But that survivability issue i think is pretty much invalid in this game for tanks.
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#20 Rhein14


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Posted 18 November 2014 - 11:19 PM

I just hate Monks got effin' defense and damage, Priests got DOTS, SMs got OP cure and so much hurt like a b-word CRIT, ( WoE and Colo problem). The developers just nerfed the hide skill and its what a Sinz whole just that SKILL and the crit.. I have 8.2k hit, monks got 7k dodge still I can't hit him ( we have weekly PVP in our guild).. so I don't know how this games work.. So Assassins are pretty poor class with PVP with tanks and other class except BM no problem on killing them ^_^

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#21 Kirhito


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Posted 19 November 2014 - 09:42 AM

Uhm i dunno but assassins pretty much wrekt everything PvP wise. Agree we have problems hitting monks with their dodge and defense BBBUUUUUUTTTT they are called tank classes to begin with and for a reason.
If you think 1 shotting tank classes should be normal then yeah i guess you could say sins are balanced. Lol.

All i know is assassins are too buffed atm, and yeah im also a sin and i think Cross Impact and penetration is way broken. Killing tank classes with 2-4 skills. Before penetration was implemented, i do agree we needed a little damage buff but we got is overkill to be honest.

Well i guess its to be expected. Broken game= more broken stuff.

Also because of this penetration a lot of trash sins think they so good and pro now. So now just because they cant 1-shot someone, they think its not supposed to be. Most of the assassins playing right now would not pick sin as a class if it werent for the penetration.

Edited by Kirhito, 19 November 2014 - 09:54 AM.

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#22 Pr3


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Posted 19 November 2014 - 10:21 AM

inb4 new gear comes out.  Get Ready.

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#23 zJuliusx


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Posted 19 November 2014 - 10:34 AM

As most of you might know, monks can literally 1shot-KO other classes.


SO here's the question, " how can a sin kill a monk?"


so on this case we'll be  looking at 2 newly made ml20 monk and  ml20 sin. Both have full osi set with same bs 10%, rs10%, x5 same cards,  no greenseed, no honing, no gears refined.


- note: an example of item balance in order to test  pure "class vs class"  or "class item vs class item" or "class skill vs class skill."


 * If sin has x5 osiris card[epic+], then monk has them also.

 * If sin has 22% bs on claw, then monk has 22% bs on knuckle also.

---- something like that is called class vs class, cuz they have same stuff.



To all of that above, sins will likely to lose.

Even the hone and the seeds are exactly the same or same cards, monks still have higher defense, damage and health.


what most monks would do is wait for our shadow armor to go down, then 1 hit us assassins.


How to kill a monk with a sin???

When will the scenario of "even gears" ever happen? It'll never happen, because some people still remain to use colo gears. Some people also remain to only ml30 gears, or even change gears through battle. Sins can outplay monks, Monks can outplay sins. Some people will try different builds, that will give a edge above another person's build. The class vs class with same item will never happen in Ro2 unless done intentionally. 

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#24 Bezelheim


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Posted 19 November 2014 - 11:05 AM

Intra, a assassin member of uncrowned outplayed the BEST MONK OF RO2 without using hiding


first you know how to use a sin :3



Hahahahaha! alright then

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#25 TbatmanT


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Posted 22 November 2014 - 04:38 PM

When will the scenario of "even gears" ever happen? It'll never happen, because some people still remain to use colo gears. Some people also remain to only ml30 gears, or even change gears through battle. Sins can outplay monks, Monks can outplay sins. Some people will try different builds, that will give a edge above another person's build. The class vs class with same item will never happen in Ro2 unless done intentional



By meaning even gears , I mean same name and same level gears. For instance, Osiris knuckle and Osiris claw.

oohhh now it happens, omg... Am i beyond genius ? 


that is, by far, the most balance content that this game has to offer.

Edited by TbatmanT, 22 November 2014 - 04:54 PM.

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