Hi! What is the best PVE build and stats for Sin?

Assassin PVE build/stats
Posted 25 December 2014 - 03:52 PM
Posted 25 December 2014 - 07:27 PM
You will end up with 20 more skill points, up to you on deciding.
Shadow Armor 8/8
Shadow Strike/Explosion
This is full PVE, you wouldn't need more shadow fang otherwise.
for stats ~ full str or full agi, again mainly for PVE purposes
Posted 28 December 2014 - 01:40 PM
Thanks! And Sin is easy soloing everything high level? example: osiris dungeon and bosses?
Posted 28 December 2014 - 09:47 PM
Yes. You have an OP emergency skill called shadow armor, an AoE skill with lifesteal, a very nice movement speed bonus from shadow form that makes you superior in kiting a group of mobs, also a good set of single targeting skills for bosses. Main issue here is that you may need some refined gears to get 75% def, not really a problem since sins wear light armor and not cloth armors.
Posted 29 December 2014 - 02:14 AM
You will end up with 20 more skill points, up to you on deciding.
Shadow Armor 8/8
Shadow Strike/Explosion
This is full PVE, you wouldn't need more shadow fang otherwise.
for stats ~ full str or full agi, again mainly for PVE purposes
I agree, except that shadow armor only gets useful if you max it. The normal defense boost isn't that important, it's the short duration of immunity that makes the skill OP.
I also highlighted an interesting part. Although there are free skill reset scrolls in the level-up gift boxes, most assassins I've seen haven't spent single point in shadow fang. There's simply no good PvE anymore in this game. But if the devs would swap the position of grimtooth and shadow fang in the skill tree, this problem would be 'fixed' a bit, since assassins wouldn't be able to skip their primary AoE anymore.
Posted 30 December 2014 - 08:18 AM
I still find Vit better. Even if you go PVE, sometimes you need that extra health bonus from Potions. Plus Vit provides good chunk of HP too
This is me believing that the formula for Raw Damage is: Weapon Damage + (Attack Power / 14). Is this correct? Meaning, the Attack Power you get per STR point does not calculate enough to warrant it as a real good booster of high damage.
You can easily get the bonus from hones. Heck, even for VIT, you can get it via hones. Bottom line is - primary stats in this game sucks. Refined gears and the Secondary stats (ie. Vigor and Penetration) are way better.
Edited by 7397141015204128823, 30 December 2014 - 08:21 AM.
Posted 30 December 2014 - 11:59 AM
you will never need more vit for PvE sin once you have a nice amount of vigor+heal pet.
Posted 11 January 2015 - 10:21 AM
Full STR, full AGI or full VIT? im confused what stats need:S
Posted 11 January 2015 - 10:38 AM
you know, you can still do fine even without applying those 325 stats. If you are not really sure, you can leave it and decide later on.
Posted 29 January 2015 - 06:37 AM
Shadow Fang need max or not? Leave 1? i think weak skill:S And Hiding Exceed?
This good for PVE?
Edited by Henin1987, 29 January 2015 - 08:44 AM.
Posted 30 January 2015 - 06:39 AM
ANYONE?? .-.
Posted 30 January 2015 - 01:58 PM
Hiding Exceed is unnecessary.
Shadow Fang isn't that bad after all. Low damage, but fast attack rate. Can't compete with other skills, but maxing it states your willingness to contribute your share for the team and it can be used to grind pretty well on your own. Raising it from level 1 to 6 still doubles the damage output, but of course, it isn't essential.
The reason why noone answered yet is because PvE isn't the essential part of the game. You'll surely be faster mastering the existing content than Gravity can produce a new one. So you'll either end up PvPing or AFKing. And in the former case, different rules apply and your build would look different.
Posted 05 February 2015 - 07:44 PM
Sorry for late reply, I usually think it's much better for players to find out their own builds through testing skills on their own, or observing the game to see and understand the flow.
If you want to grind with parties, I suggest you max your aoe skills first. I didn't max Grimtooth (even though it gets higher damage than it should have) because in the end you'll focus on using Shadow fang more often while grinding. Most players save Grimtooth for the heal, but the rotations you use is entirely your choice.
Hiding exceed isn't needed usually because you won't run much in hide except outside of battle. You'd use your points better if you put them in Shadow armor (to get 100% invulnerability when luring). However, keep in mind the tree you shared implies you already farmed all the skill points you buy from Dapara.
You should first state what level you are so we can tell you in which order to get your skills. For reference this my current build at ML20 after farming all skill points: http://ro2base.com/b...1.1.1/
As you can see, i didn't max Shadow Armor because i never found the invulnerability neccessary myself (though the damage reduction helps as an emergency save while you wait for the pot/grimtooth/ymir/heal pet cooldown to reach 0 and use the heal) and got Hiding Exceed because i found that my speed helped in osi to bring mobs to the tank when they were slower.
If you're just starting as a sin (Level 25), you'll probably want to start with Cross Impact, Shadow Form and Hide; then Mark of Genocide and Shadow Claw, to boost your damage. Then you can max Grimtooth and Shadow Fang (as a preparation for ML), and add some points to Shadow Explosion and Shadow Strike (just to complete a skill rotation for mobs). This is because most 1-50 content you'll be using single-dps skills (Of course you could do perfectly fine with just Hide > Cross Impact, but i think we're not that good "tanking" many mobs with the pre-ml gear, that's why i focused on single dps). Of course I suggest saving points for Ymir.
If you're already ML, you can do same as above, but focus on having AoEs first, and Shadow Armor if you're doing muka or condors. This is because the invulnerability will help you a lot while luring, though i never really needed it if i had a good Healer in the party (that's why it isn't maxed on my tree). Single-dps skills of sin lose their shine after ML mostly, except when you're fighting bosses, or if you decide to grind solo (there are a few spots where you can do perfectly fine without a party, but it takes longer to gather enough mp.)
Edited by faku1810, 05 February 2015 - 07:48 PM.
Posted 25 May 2016 - 10:54 PM
I still find Vit better. Even if you go PVE, sometimes you need that extra health bonus from Potions. Plus Vit provides good chunk of HP too
This is me believing that the formula for Raw Damage is: Weapon Damage + (Attack Power / 14). Is this correct? Meaning, the Attack Power you get per STR point does not calculate enough to warrant it as a real good booster of high damage.
You can easily get the bonus from hones. Heck, even for VIT, you can get it via hones. Bottom line is - primary stats in this game sucks. Refined gears and the Secondary stats (ie. Vigor and Penetration) are way better.
hmmm...VIT eh,,able to tank high boss too i believe,,1 question..if stat pure vit..shud i slot str cards or aso vit cards?
Posted 18 June 2016 - 04:35 AM
please update your builds. Link is not work
Posted 05 December 2016 - 06:21 PM
Can someone update the build/links please?
Posted 07 December 2016 - 01:34 AM
Here's my skill build. Take note that my skill build already has the additional 20 skill points bought from Dapara.
This is my build for end-game PvP. Just posted it here for reference as the links above are not working.
Posted 30 January 2017 - 12:08 PM
Posted 21 February 2017 - 12:59 PM
as long as vigor aren't nerfed i think its best to use vit and vigor build, high HP, fast cooldown, less deaths
Posted 22 February 2017 - 01:48 PM
I have full str and shadow fang maxed, im soling most of pve mobs
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