so, the good side of this is that this should "flood" the market and prizes should go down, but idk how much it would go down in one week period (since that is the idea: to make a zeny sink week). For some items like card coating paper, dye and spinel the prizes should be able to drop enough to not make profit from the boxes (because if you make profit of the box it will not sink the zenies xD). Others are just too high up in comparison to the box prize. I still think that since it is a zeny sink event all of the items contained in the boxes should be char bound, that way they wont enter the market and the zeny will be gone for good
but I really like the idea!
Zeny Sink Week is the older idea, which is now I feel, it is not a good idea to make it a permanent event on monthly basis. There are several reasons, the obvious one is, it might heavily impact WP revenue (since the boxes offer a lot of Kafra Shop Items) for long run, which is the most dangerous impact (might risk a game closure). Secondly, items price tends to change over time because of a few aspects. So the box worth this month, may not worth on two months later, means developer will have to change the box prices and contents regularly, which is impractical. So it would better to be a one time, and time limited event.
Actually to "flood" the market with lower cost items is not the main aim of Zeny Sink. For example, the [Card Enhanced Stone] from the box worth 50z each, other seller were "forced" to reduce their selling price in order to compete, and buyer see the price drop and happy. But this is only a temporary effect. After the event end, price will go up again because of the supply of lower cost items halt, hence the "price drop" effect gone, and the buyer face will dull again.
The main aim of Zeny Sink is to reduce the total amount of Zeny hold by active player in the server. Let's say [Card Enhanced Stone] for 500z each is consider as "affordable" for now, since quite a number of player holding massive amount of Zeny. After the Zeny Sink, total amount of Zeny is significantly reduced, player no longer hold that amount of Zeny, and the same item with 500z each will become "hardly affordable". Thus, seller will have to reduce the selling price permanently in order to let their item sold.
About the bound item, it might works the other way round. Certain items will be bound, but certain items shouldn't be bound. Because bound item will seriously hinder more Zeny Sink, especially on the higher tier/price boxes, for obvious reason. So I would let these items to remain on their current status (bound/not bound), so developer need less effort to create this event.
I will take [Epic+] box for example, imagine someone wants a [Queen Serenia Card (Epic+)], and he bought 2 boxes with 900kz. But luck doesn't with him, and he got the other 2 cards but not Queen Serenia. If the cards are bound items, that would seriously discourage him to further spend Zeny to buy the boxes again, because 900kz gone into water but not getting what he wants. And the worst part is, these cards stuck with him. If the cards are not bound, he can sell these 2 cards to other player, and he sold them for let's say 500kz each. Yes, he made some profits from the boxes, and yet there are still Zeny Sink (as long as there are player who still buying the boxes). After earning Zeny, he can buy the boxes again until he got what he wants. This is a much more encourage way of Zeny Sink. Zeny actually flowing from one to another hand and sink.
2 Types of Player:
- Player Group A (Those who dislike to try their luck, when they spend money, they want the exact item.)
- Player Group B (Those who like to try their luck, but depends on affordability.)
If boxes item are bound:
- Player Group B -> Buy boxes until not afford anymore -> Discouraging and limited Zeny Sink.
- Player Group A -> Refused to buy any boxes -> No Zeny Sink at all.
- Results = Little Zeny Sink.
If boxes item are not bound:
- Player Group B -> Buy boxes and get what they want -> Zeny Sink.
- Player Group B -> Buy boxes but did not get what they want -> Already a Zeny Sink and they sell the item to other player.
- Player Group A -> Buy the exact item from Player Group B -> Player Group B have Zeny again and repeat the buying process -> More Zeny Sink.
- Results = Encouraging Zeny Sink.
Player Group B themselves are directly contributed to some Zeny Sink. Although Player Group B does also made some profits from the boxes, but the Zeny actually flow from Player Group A to Player Group B and sink. The Zeny Sink would be more evenly across the server.
Of course one can say that eventually there will be excessive amount of items flood into the market and cause the Zeny Sink to be in a halt state. But I believed at that point, Player Group B already done enough Zeny Sink in order to generate excessive amount of items which is enough flood the market. 
Edited by Saturn33, 28 March 2017 - 05:50 AM.