After playing a few WoEs it's pretty clear to me that BM simply doesn't have any unfair PvP mechanics like knight, priest, SM, cres, assassin etc have, so he is relegated to just being an annoying crowd control class with his stuns and is good in some siege weapons due to high health. So I've pretty much decided to just go for a PvE bear which is kinda what I made him for anyway, since WoE is twice a week and I do way more in PvE content than PvP and I don't really engage enemies anyway.
With the +50 and +80 runes the stat spread matters a lot and there are 3 choices to go:
- STR - higher damage output, more threat, more pet damage
- AGI - BM gets 2 dodge per AGI so it's pretty useful here, BM can get very dodgy and avoid a lot of damage, crit more
- VIT - bolsters BM's OP PvE skills that are cruel bite and survival, but largely irrelevant until +50/80 VIT runes arrive
There's also the choice of equipment:
- Cazar gear - nicer stat bonus, all 3 seed runes available, more vigor
- Eddga gear - +80 rune capability, ridiculous hones that may overdo the stat loss, nice stat bonus too
I'm honestly thinking that eddga gear with +80 runes might be better than cazar, with blueseeds in the rune slots except for power, armor and wind. Thoughts?