First off, how do you say 'fabulous' in German? 
That's the spirit! Why did you choose to stay as a Priest?
Edit: Oops didn't see 2/3 Reno there. My bad. 
It should be 3/3, period.
But Mom Fishdeity! Don't you think 5/10 RoG is weak for Master Priests?
I agree with 6/10 HH. He plans to get 5/5 Assumptio, though. No more points~
Any thoughts on Assumptio?
I didnt find Level 5/10 Ray of Genesis weak b/c i also had credo on the target before i casted it. The only times i actually used it was for lvl1-50, Colosseum, or picking off stray mobs. I just prefer to put those 5 points into another skill that i would use more since during Master Level it is mostly about keeping your party alive and using AoEs instead of picking mobs off 1 by 1.
My link for ML1 skill build has enough points for level 5 assumptio xD. It is very useful when some1's armor breaks, you accidentally overthreat the tank, or your ML11-19 party tank is taking too much damage in the room filled with Executioners in Osiris Tomb
fabulous= German: fabelhaft (fabulous, magnificent, splendid, phenomenal)
fabulous= German: sagenhaft (legendary, fabled, fabulous, gorgeous, super, unbelievable)
fabulous= German: märchenhaft (fairytale, fabulous, fantastic, fantastical)
But why full VIT?
Now im really confused, and have to buy now Skill Reset haha
(Off topic question)
2 Most needed end-game Classes are?
1- Full Support Priest
2- Full Tank Knight
Full vit for slightly more hp to help you stay alive because the mobs start to hurt more once you reach Master Level, especially if you are undergeared and dont have Menace Set.
If your lvl is still low, i'd suggest remaking the priest instead since you will most likely need a skill reset once you reach ML22 where the mobs have sooo much defense and Ray of Genesis is practically useless. Or you can just open the Level 35 Starter Package for free skill & stat reset if you dont want to remake the priest.
I'd say soulmakers are most needed endgame in terms of PvP because of their skill, Cure. Full Support Priests arentt necessary and are boring to play; it's better to be a hybrid priest b/c you can keep your party alive and priests have amazing dps endgame b/c of their DoTs. Knights dont need to be a full tank neither; the main reason they are "needed" is b/c of their PvP capability