As for the Paladins, they indeed lose something : the shared cooldown for Spear jab and Cross cut, if I recall. Like, it's a buff, since it at first was nerfed because these monsters were destroying everything in PvP.
"Everything" sounds a bit huge compared to what they're in fact losing.
a lot of you are basing the information on pally's on much older pvp environments.
even if pally skill nerfs were removed in their entirety, they would still be no match against some other classes at end game (though entirely dependent on skill and gear). the only game changer was their block rate.
You mean, this thing that had them just dashing through crowd controls of all kinds, be it freeze, stun, slow, etc. without even fearing to be hit, let alone be killed ? I think I might understand your point.
Now when do we get this 500+% CD cap on Sorcerers ? Or (AND !) a Focus based on total MATK ? I want to deal more damage per second than an Earth Master, quick.
You mean, this thing that had them just dashing through crowd controls of all kinds, be it freeze, stun, slow, etc. without even fearing to be hit, let alone be killed ? I think I might understand your point.
Now when do we get this 500+% CD cap on Sorcerers ? Or (AND !) a Focus based on total MATK ? I want to deal more damage per second than an Earth Master, quick.
when i mentioned skills, i meant attack skills, not block rate passives or buffs. my fault for not clarifying. i doubt block rate would ever be reverted to that extent.
500%+ cd cap would not make sorcerers out dps summoners. not by a mile.
I might be the one who needs to clarifiy. I meant : "Block rate ? You mean, this thing that had them just dashing through crowd controls of all kinds, be it freeze, stun, slow, etc. without even fearing to be hit, let alone be killed ?"
And I still want to deal more damage per second than an Earth Master ; the 500+% CD cap would be the first step.
I might be the one who needs to clarifiy. I meant : "Block rate ? You mean, this thing that had them just dashing through crowd controls of all kinds, be it freeze, stun, slow, etc. without even fearing to be hit, let alone be killed ?"
And I still want to deal more damage per second than an Earth Master ; the 500+% CD cap would be the first step.
right. block rate wouldn't be reverted to that extent without community outrage.
sadly, even 1000%+ cd for sorcerers would not do it.
Why "sadly" ? It only means we're a major target to buffs of all kinds (or maybe Earth Masters will be targetted by a few nerfs).
Like, this 34% total MATK Focus I was going on about. Holy mother of Madoka, this would be insane if the CD cap isn't (although Earth Masters have about that amount of buffs in terms of passive skills).
Why "sadly" ? It only means we're a major target to buffs of all kinds (or maybe Earth Masters will be targetted by a few nerfs).
Like, this 34% total MATK Focus I was going on about. Holy mother of Madoka, this would be insane if the CD cap isn't (although Earth Masters have about that amount of buffs in terms of passive skills).
at one point in time focus did work off total value. providing sorcerers with about 40k+ mattk (with solars involved). with elements not working on majority of their skills, it was a very good buff.
keep in mind, summoners can currently achieve 55k+ mattk (solars involved).
correcting buffs/debuffs to work off total value (like they should) would cause the community to have further incentive to upgrade their equipment. something that wouldn't be entirely bad for wp business wise.
I'm a PvE dragoon because I'm not a fan of pvp, and the shared cooldown is awful. It makes no sense to have 2 skills from 2 different skill branches have the same cooldown as if they were the same identical skill when they are not. Even if spear jab doesnt knock down monsters and just makes them flinch that's ok just remove the shared cooldown PLEASE. That would make a lot of us so happy.
A maint usually takes 2 to 3 hours. In some cases it can take a bit longer (I guess in cases something needs to be checked twice or such). But usually about 3 hours.