Aside from being one of the few, is there any reason to play the class?
at first i thought of this class as the Epitomy of debuffs/dot, apparently, a priest offers tons of things rather than this class, their dot is better, they have stun, they have heal, they have hp buff for party. sure, the 10s debuffs of crec are awesome, but the long cooldown negates it's usablity and not a single survivability skill was given to this class. Is there any statement out there that can persuade a person to roll this one instead of the others?

Aside from the cool scythe and unloved class
Posted 26 May 2015 - 11:53 AM
Posted 26 May 2015 - 02:38 PM
Cres are unloved D: when did this happen?
Personally~ I find it hard to roll other classes since making my cres my main. Short answer: they are fun, adorable little monsters!
Out of all the brokenness in classes, I'd say cres need the least work so it's a pretty safe investment if you decide to main one. You'll never be without a party, especially when you get geared properly since our DPS is always wanted.
The long cooldowns are countered by the long duration, that is the balance. You can help alleviate this some by using vigor hones and cards if you feel its worth the investment.
Stuns, we do have two! Levicorpus gives an aoe sleep effect with a damage reduction (survivability yay!) and Tempest also stuns.
Contrary to what most think, if geared properly we can solo farm very well especially with pets. You could say that because of the way the pet formula is set up, we're kind of like a necromancer class in other games.
NOTE: This is where the imbalance comes in. If you are willing to invest into pets and vigor stats you take the chance of the possibility of a formula change in the future.
Not talked about often but cres make GREAT boosters! I've leeched several of my own characters using mine! If you are a helpful sort of person, this makes helping guildmates and newbies go pretty quickly.
Actually, writing it all out there are many positive aspects of the class! Of course we don't have heals and buffs since this is a purely dps class. If you like the flavor and playstyle of DPS, this is the route to go. If you want a mix of the two, go priest or sorc I guess?
Posted 26 May 2015 - 07:51 PM
I like the flavor yes yes, but damage reduction is pretty much meh in what i see, these little adorable things are easy breakfast in pvp, and not to mention that the pets are not allowed there.. I want this class, but Im afraid that once I continue on my ml20 crec and invest in the eddga gears, I will have my heart broken and hate myself.
Posted 27 May 2015 - 09:37 AM
at first i thought of this class as the Epitomy of debuffs/dot, apparently, a priest offers tons of things rather than this class, their dot is better, they have stun, they have heal, they have hp buff for party.
Usually, the skills the Crecentia uses are 'inverted' somehow.
Instead of a party buff, the crecentia gets a monster debuff.
So whereas the Priest has an HP party buff, the Crecentia can decrease the damage of a monster by casting Blindness, effectively increasing the survivability of the whole party as well. And whereas many classes increase their ATK, the Crecentia uses Raw Tilt to decrease the damage reduction of an enemy, effectively increasing his own damage. (In contrast to ATK increases, this doesn't excludes the weapon damage).
And it's the same thing with crowd control effects. Whereas the Priest can stun (5sec) its targets directly, the Crecentia has 3~4 different effects: A 10sec sleep, a 100% hit debuff, a 10sec 70% AoE slow and a chance for a silence debuff.
the 10s debuffs of crec are awesome, but the long cooldown negates it's usablity and not a single survivability skill was given to this class.
Levicorpus grants a 50% damage reduction, which is your main 'survivability' skill. And unlike the typical 120sec for Assumptio, Endure, Shield Fortress or Ki-Protection, Levicorpus has only half the cooldown (60sec).
That aside, the other effects mentioned above (sleep, slow, hit-debuff, blindness) are also suvivability skills, so in fact, the crecentia has plenty.
And last but not least, whereas the Priest gets 12 HP / VIT and wears cloth armor, the Crecentia get 13 HP / VIT (similar to a permanent 8% Blessing on yourself) and gets twice the defense (i.e. +100% DEF) by wearing leather armor. I know that these differences are usually ignored because they are not printed on skills, but that's a different discussion better left unmentioned.
And IMO, the usuability of these effects is the bigger issue than the individual effectiveness.
(F.e. Levicorpus (sleep) is a centered around you. Do the same with the Priest stun and you would have nerfed it significantly as well....)
Is there any statement out there that can persuade a person to roll this one instead of the others?
I like the flavor yes yes, but damage reduction is pretty much meh in what i see, these little adorable things are easy breakfast in pvp, and not to mention that the pets are not allowed there.. I want this class, but Im afraid that once I continue on my ml20 crec and invest in the eddga gears, I will have my heart broken and hate myself.
Now we get beyond the analysis of the class itself and right towards a 'comparison of the brokenness of other classes'. And that's a different story.
And whereas the Crecentia has it's own 'inbalance' called Igniton (to get between x2 and x3 the ATK per statpoint), it's still nothing compared to a Battle Tactics, Grimtooth or the armor-bypassing heals... especially in PvP situations.
So if you want to be make full use of these inbalances, you better choose one of the well-known classes. I am pretty certain that there won't be any class-changes within the next 6 months. The developers are busy working on the new upcoming content, so at least you can be sure that players will still have the same grinding advantages/disadvantages they have now.
After that, there's a PvP overhaul scheduled.... most likely including new PvP gear as well (it's one of the major concerns) and new PvP variants (guild-vs-guild WoE; mini-Colo or things like that), but surely no class adjustments.either.
I won't say 'Don't play a crecentia', but that's the current situation.... decide by yourself.
Posted 27 May 2015 - 04:55 PM
Aside from being one of the few, is there any reason to play the class?
at first i thought of this class as the Epitomy of debuffs/dot, apparently, a priest offers tons of things rather than this class, their dot is better, they have stun, they have heal, they have hp buff for party. sure, the 10s debuffs of crec are awesome, but the long cooldown negates it's usablity and not a single survivability skill was given to this class. Is there any statement out there that can persuade a person to roll this one instead of the others?
that would sound harsh but
a)you're jumping on Warrior thread asking for a RR or other sort of compensation for your clearly-not-intended BT abuse. Your arguments on warriors won't be tanks anymore without high damage, but will be better tanks than knights due to higher damage output are still making me smile.
b)on the same thread you stated that sorcs who can one-shot crit for 70k+ with wind seal proc without that much of a gear are as dead as wizards(??) rogues(???) and assassins(?????) in terms of "playable class"
c)you mentioned cres there, now you are mentioning it here. A great class with huge PvE output is apparently dead
can we gently ask you to learn how to play the game with using more than just 5 skills kthxbye
I won't try to argue with you, either solve your problem, because everytime you are receiving good answers, you start to whine about class balance, mixing all the other classes in it for no reason, and being unable to communicate. For that purposes there are class suggestion forums, how about you'll stop crying for a day or two? I think you should really invest into cres, break your heart, hate yourself for a while and moderate your own vision on the class, then suggest something useful.
Posted 28 May 2015 - 03:05 AM
Levicorpus grants a 50% damage reduction, which is your main 'survivability' skill. And unlike the typical 120sec for Assumptio, Endure, Shield Fortress or Ki-Protection, Levicorpus has only half the cooldown (60sec).
That aside, the other effects mentioned above (sleep, slow, hit-debuff, blindness) are also suvivability skills, so in fact, the crecentia has plenty.
And last but not least, whereas the Priest gets 12 HP / VIT and wears cloth armor, the Crecentia get 13 HP / VIT (similar to a permanent 8% Blessing on yourself) and gets twice the defense (i.e. +100% DEF) by wearing leather armor. I know that these differences are usually ignored because they are not printed on skills, but that's a different discussion better left unmentioned.
And IMO, the usuability of these effects is the bigger issue than the individual effectiveness.
(F.e. Levicorpus (sleep) is a centered around you. Do the same with the Priest stun and you would have nerfed it significantly as well....)
1. Crecentia only get 12hp/vit like priest.
2. Levicorpus, only in 5m range, unless that skill hit other player/mob, no 50% damage reduced on crecentia.
Posted 01 June 2015 - 08:11 AM
1. Crecentia only get 12hp/vit like priest.
Ah, you're right. I apologize. He only gets the armor of a physical class, but the stat bonuses of a magical class (SP).
2. Levicorpus, only in 5m range, unless that skill hit other player/mob, no 50% damage reduced on crecentia.
That's what I meant with - quote: "the usuability of these effects is the bigger issue" and it's the reason why I suggested to separate the skill into two. This would allow the damage reduction to be used in advance when your opponents still aren't within striking range and to use the sleep just for the crowd control effect. The combination of a damage reduction and a crowd control rather feels too wasteful for me.
But there were other VCRs who actually liked this duality, so I didn't push my suggestion any further.
Edited by Greven79, 11 June 2015 - 08:36 AM.
Posted 11 June 2015 - 08:56 AM
Edit: It seems I was too careless with the last sentence.
But there were other VCRs who actually liked this duality, so I didn't push my suggestion any further.
it should be read this way:
The statements above are my personal opinion. I hope you appreciate to hear that this idea was actually discussed on the VCR boards as well. There wasn't a clear consense though, I accepted these opinions and didn't insist.
Edited by Greven79, 11 June 2015 - 09:49 AM.
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