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Priest Skill Rate my ML1 Build

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#1 Hanuh


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Posted 28 June 2015 - 10:23 AM

Hi planning to make a priest and from my research in this forum this is the build I plan to use.


I still have 3 skill points any suggestion where to add those points? 


Also for the stats I plan to go full INT. Should I add agi or vit? Thanks

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#2 Emilizzard


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Posted 29 June 2015 - 08:27 AM

Your build looks good to me, though I have a few suggestions.


Move some points from Archangel to Sacrament. Sacrament is a "permanent" buff (only goes away when disabled or at death), but it helps greatly with healing. If you ever don't want it active, just click on the icon in your current buffs list. You could either put just your 3 extra points in Sacrament, or you could put Sacrament at 5 and Archangel at 4 with the 3 extra points.

For extra points you might buy in the future, I'd put them into Highness Heal, Aspersio, Judex, Andgelus, Archangel, and/or Sacrament.


Pure INT is fine. I prefer VIT, simply because of the extra HP. It can really make a difference if something starts attacking you. If you put points in INT/AGI, check the next note.

Accuracy/Hit: having this secondary stat high is both good and bad. Not missing is fantastic... but this will cause your direct heals' crit values to go crazy high due to Meditatio, which in turn generates unnecessary threat values. It can get hard to control. On my full-vit Priest, I get a 20k normal Highness Heal, and about 70k when it crits. If you have higher accuracy (likely, since I avoid it) then it may get higher and harder to control.

I hope this helps you find your ideal build~
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#3 FishDeity


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Posted 29 June 2015 - 02:14 PM

archangel has quite a long cooldown so it won't be as helpful until you get more vigor from osiris equips. i'd suggest taking points out of skills under Aspersio and investing them into:

- lvl 3 Judex : at lvl 3 it stuns up to 10mobs for 5seconds, which is 5seconds of mobs attacking none of your party members, giving you and your party members the chance to slaughter them all, and makes healing much easier.

-lvl 4-5 assumptio: the flat damage reduction is very helpful when your a party member is losing hp rapidly (such as equipment breaking) and gives you the chance to heal them back quickly with minimal threat generation

-lv 4-5 sacrament: the bonus doesnt help much until you get osiris equips but every bit matters


once you are farming skill points at ml20, then i'd suggest you invest into archangel

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#4 Hanuh


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Posted 30 June 2015 - 03:19 PM

Just curious, why don't people invest skill points on adoramus?

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#5 Arbalist


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Posted 30 June 2015 - 03:24 PM

Just curious, why don't people invest skill points on adoramus?

Of the 3 DoT damage skills, Adoramus is the only one with a cast time. Freedom to move around tends to be important so stopping to cast it is no fun. As well, priests have a ton of useful skills to invest in, so they just pick the other 2 DoTs that can be used in more situations instead for damage. 

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#6 lordbon


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Posted 02 July 2015 - 07:45 AM

Priest "Recovery" skill bugged?? we tried it in duels and used debuff skills but it does nothing.. while it says in the description "removes debuff effects of a comrade in an area"  :p_swt:

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#7 Telovi


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Posted 02 July 2015 - 08:09 AM

I don't have that skill now, but last time I tried Recovery it didn't work on player's inflicted debuffs. Seems like it only works on non-player's inflicted ones.
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