As the topic says which is the best pvp class !

Best PvP 2nd class ?
Posted 01 July 2015 - 04:08 PM
Posted 01 July 2015 - 04:39 PM
Gun Bourgeois
Posted 01 July 2015 - 04:49 PM
Gun Bourgeois
I second the motion.
Posted 01 July 2015 - 04:52 PM
Gun Bourgeois
i 3rd this. If played well, its deadly :v
Posted 01 July 2015 - 04:53 PM
I second the motion.
Honestly, I'm not a pvp player.
But as this question is always asked and never answered, so I just give him one.
But still, gun bourgeois can be godlike...
Posted 07 July 2015 - 10:00 AM
Posted 13 July 2015 - 09:22 AM
2.Gun Bourg
3.Champ sword/axe
Posted 13 July 2015 - 09:50 AM
2.Gun Bourg
Champ sword/axeBow Scout
Posted 27 July 2015 - 06:55 AM
all i see bow scout are just good if played right but in a pvp like against a raider or a champ scouts die faster.
Posted 31 July 2015 - 04:22 PM
It's more so entirely like you said, all about how it's played. If you're not kiting/camo actively as a scout then you're probly going to perform less than a champ could. So i agree with that.
Posted 31 July 2015 - 11:41 PM
Seriously no one is mentioning knight? It is the best pvp class meaning 1 on 1 only though. Only mage can beat it. Another option is a mage. It has lots of stuns/good control of enemy.
Knight > raider,gbourg,champ, all classes except mage
Mage > almost all classes too but you need to have a very good item/build to pvp raiders/gbourgs
Posted 01 August 2015 - 01:18 AM
Mages in Group PVP Fail when compared to the the others. Knight is also not able to Burst like the others, They're a DPS/KS. And if built for AoE's don't have enough Radius to inflict damage on enough targets. While both are good in 1v1, group PvP is an entirely different game. If you can't avoid damage by Dodging/Hiding then you're just going to get torn apart with how high the damage is.
Posted 01 August 2015 - 03:43 AM
a damager build xbow knight is good for free hit.
Posted 01 August 2015 - 08:21 AM
1 vs 1= knight,mage and maybe dual raider
team pvp= katar raids/bowscout and mage too if not focused
Edited by zonyzony, 01 August 2015 - 08:22 AM.
Posted 01 August 2015 - 11:43 AM
If not focused. A Mage always get's focused on.
Posted 03 August 2015 - 08:57 AM
Seriously no one is mentioning knight? It is the best pvp class meaning 1 on 1 only though. Only mage can beat it. Another option is a mage. It has lots of stuns/good control of enemy.
Knight > raider,gbourg,champ, all classes except mage
Mage > almost all classes too but you need to have a very good item/build to pvp raiders/gbourgs
Knights are great if the only thing you want to do is tank 24/7
mages more of a group war thing in a 1on1 a raider could beat a mage
even if the mage is fully geared.
Posted 03 August 2015 - 09:01 AM
If not focused. A Mage always get's focused on.
lol Mage always gets targeted first
Posted 03 August 2015 - 10:15 AM
Apparently u dont know that a knight can do a lot of damage if you are on ap set. the 100 prcnt stack passive and 25 prcnt ap + chiv armor gives knight an edge in damage not to mention being tanky in 1 vs 1. They hit 1.5-2k at 250 prcnt aspeed with a 3 sec stun and they have decent accu. A knight can do lots of damage if you choose it to and you only sacrifice a lil bit of defence. Only a mage can beat a good knight in 1 vs 1.
There are times wherein a mage will not be focused, if a knight taunts them or the enemy hasnt even noticed the mage yet, they are a great team class thats why theyre targeted first.
I have seen mages beat raider in 1 vs 1 but I agree that it is very hard for a mage but im saying it is possible. PVP with stat buffs is very hard for the mage but no buffs and cleric buffs, mage definitely has an edge
Posted 04 August 2015 - 04:07 AM

Posted 06 August 2015 - 01:07 AM
There are times wherein a mage will not be focused, if a knight taunts them or the enemy hasnt even noticed the mage yet, they are a great team class thats why theyre targeted first.
unless a gun bourg and a scout is far enough not to get taunt
Posted 06 August 2015 - 10:39 PM
Also got up to 2k ap, 2k Accuracy, 502% asp with dark armor and dropped stuff in AA.
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