The BlueBlooD Recruitment [R>WoE Active Members / PVP / Active Raid PvE Members]
Posted 12 October 2018 - 10:14 PM
With a heavy heart, this is an official announcement of the retirement for Guild BlueBlooD from Ragnarok Online 2 - Odin Server. As of 10th October 2018, all activities and representations of BlueBlooD are ceased with immediate effect.
We would like to send our sincere appreciation and gratitude to all BlueBlooD Members who have been with us all these years. All of our achievements and victories are the results of pure dedication from members throughout the course of BlueBlooD’s experience. BlueBlooD’s most valuable asset has always and will be its members. The bond we shares together will always continue as we have evolved from a guild to a close knit online family.
BlueBlooD would also like to commend and acknowledge the efforts of all opponents we encountered. Thank you for all the enjoyment and triumphant you have given to us. BlueBlooD got stronger and better in all aspects in order to face challenges presented by its counterparts. It was truly an exhilarating experience having to cross paths with the PvP community.
BlueBlooD is also aware of the contributions and services rendered by WarpPortal to the RO2 community. Despite various hurdles and issues we face in-game, we as players know the publisher is doing what is possible to provide a better gaming environment to its users. We would like to take this opportunity to remind WarpPortal to fulfill its promises for a better server and most importantly patch new contents (Niflheim) in the nearest future.
Last but not least, we honor all BlueBlooD’s Leaders past and present. All those meetings, plannings and documentations are evidences of the commitment and tireless hard work made to create a guild that provides the best possible RO2 experience for its members. BlueBlooD’s accomplishments have set forth pinnacle benchmarks for others to strive towards. It’s safe to say based on our records and legacy, BlueBlooD has done and achieved more than what its originally established for.
We shall now rest and pass the baton to the coming generation of players looking for adventures in Rune-Midgard.
May the glory days of Prontera see the light once more.
Till we meet again ~!!!
Posted 07 July 2020 - 06:32 AM
It has been 2 years since our retirement from Ragnarok Online 2. Many things have changed since, with members starting their own family, graduating from University, getting new job oppurtunites, moving to new countries and leaving us to a better place. We have all moved on from Rune-Midgard in pursue of wonderful things.
But the memories and moments we have shared together have not faded. This game we come to love and still do will always have a place in our hearts. Once in a while, we are able to recollect these precious moments in time to warm our souls and reminiscent the good old days.
In honor of the 7th Anniversary of BlueBlooD, we are excited to be coming back to Odin Server for a brief visit. This will be a time of reunion to satisfy our urge to play, meet and greet long lost brothers and sisters and to catch up with everyone we hold dear to.
We would also like to invite everyone to come celebrate with us, have a good time and just enjoy what the game has to offer.
Come say Hi and it will be our honor to meet everyone once again!
Edited by adamch, 02 September 2020 - 11:31 PM.
Posted 02 September 2020 - 11:31 PM
Today marks the 7th Anniversary of BlueBlooD. We kicked started the celebration 2 months ago in a form of a reunion of members back at Rune Midgard. A significant event that saw a lot of members coming back for the love of the game. We are glad that the server is still active with plenty of actions happening.
Thank you to all members taking the time coming back in support for the guild and celebrating this auspicious day. A very warm welcome to new members who expanded our wonderful online community. We hope that everyone enjoyed their BlueBlooD experience during this short period of time.
We appreciate the welcome back gestures we received from the rest of the server as well. We are grateful that BlueBlooD is able to experienced War of Emperium with excitement and enthusiasm once again. Keep the server alive and provide the new players with oppurtunity to participate in WoE at Prontera/Morroc Fortresses.
It has been a wonderful 7 years for us having the privilege to be of service to all our members and the community. We wish that the server will always be healthy and alive with renewed hope of new content development in the near future. The players who are still in game are beyond loyal and love the game very much. The community will be grateful and appreciative.
Happy 7th ßlueßlooD Anniversary!
Edited by adamch, 02 September 2020 - 11:35 PM.
Posted 02 September 2021 - 11:50 PM
Today marks the 8th Anniversary of BlueBlooD. We would like to take this opportunity to once again show our appreciation to everyone who has been with us. Thank You for being apart of this great family.
Years of dedication and fighting alongside each other has brought us to this point. What we have right here is something rare and almost unheard of. Within the gaming community, players come and go moving on swiftly from one game to another. It's uncommon to have what we have right here. A bond lasting 8 years and counting.
Lets carry on the tradition we have all built together and may what we have learnt all these years will be put to good use in our future endeavours.
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