First sorry for my bad guide its nothing fancy but gets the job done so I will show u how to get REAL anisotropic filtering in game and a better realistic image color with sweetfx
Getting anisotropic filtering to work u must simply force it to enable on ur nvidia control panel (if ur using AMD I guess u do the same thing) I use 16x and I recommend that to see the real difference between a crisp image and blurry image .
Go to Manage 3d Settings > Program Settings > Select Requiem.exe and set anisotropic filtering to 16x and Click Appy
~NOTE : I am using full screen mode I am not sure it will work if u use window mode
~Anisotropic filtering simple example u can see on the OFF setting how the floor gets blurry and ugly on the distance :
ON :
~SWEETFX (from now on u google it and use it at own risk as requiem support notified me this is a 3rd pary program it dosnt really break any rules but any changes u make to ur game is at ur own risk )
Edited by Kokogore, 03 January 2016 - 04:04 AM.