Hello, my name is Emp and this is my though about how to balance Crecentia.
1. We need to know what is Crecentia first. What so special about this class and why should a player choose this class instead of other classes?
- According to my knowledge, Crecentia is a Noel (No-elf) that use demonic power to curse their target with debuffs and bring down their foe with powerful dot skills.
- They are special because their passive called "Ignition" which double the physical atk & magic atk come from STR & INT => This lead to their OP pet damage/heal which made them become Pokemon Master at some point.
- They are special because players can choose to go full STR, full INT or hybird unlike other classes because their skill set interact with both physical & magical attack.
So it's clear about what is Crecentia and here come my suggestions. if you dont see a skill not mention below mean I think it dont need to be remake.
2. Alter skills :
- Illustion Blade (Now) : Swings around a scythe with the magical power of the dark side fiercely to inflict 143/160/176/193/210% of physical attack damage, and adds 2 Stigma debuffs to a hostile target with 20/40/60/80/100% probability per hit. Targets under curse spells receive 30% more damage in addition to the initial damage it had taken.
Affected Skills: Crucio, Evanesco, Furnunculus, Latilt, Blindness. CD : 5s
- Illusion Blade (New) : Swings around a scythe with the magical power of the dark side fiercely to inflict 150/200/250/300/350% of physical attack damage. Target under Stigma buffs receive 30% addition damage each debuff (max 150% addition damage). CD : 7s
- Curse Burst (Now ) : Makes Stigma debuff of one target explode to inflict 68/76/84/92/100% of magical attack damage on the target and other enemies with Stigma debuff within 5m of the target. This skill inflicts additional damage - 1/2/3/4/5% of magical attack damage - depending on the number of Stigma debuffs added. CD : 1s
- Curse Burrst (New) : Makes Stigma debuff of one target explode to inflict 100/125/150/175/200% of physical attack damage on the target and other enemies with Stigma debuff within 5m of the target. This skill inflicts additional damage - 10/20/30/40/50% of magical attack damage - depending on the number of Stigma debuffs added. CD : 10s
- Crucio (Now) : Applies Curse on the hostile target and inflicts damage equaling 187/209/231/253/275/297/319/341/363/385% of your Magic Damage, and inflicts additional 14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22/23% Dot damage for 10 sec. Additional damage equaling 300% of your Dot Damage is inflicted when the Dot effect expires. CD : 5s
- Crucio (New) : Applies Curse on the hostile target and inflicts damage equaling 100/135/170/205/240/275/310/345/380/415% of your magical power, and inflicts additional 15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22/23/24/25% of your magical attack as dot damage for 10 sec. (2s per tick) CD : 10s
- Evanessco (Now ) : Puts a curse on an enemy to inflict 2/4/6/8/10/12/14/16/18/20% of damage that it had caused on itself. Lasts for 30 sec. After Lv 6, the Curse effect is applied to the target and 1/2/3/4/5 enemy near the target. CD : 10s
- Evanessco (New) : Attack enemy with a dark energy bolt to inflict 25/50/75/100/125/150/175/200/225/250% of magical power on 1 target and curse the target with 1/2/3/4/5% of magical power that last for 10 second and can be stack up to 5 times. (2 sec per tick) Cast : 1s CD : 0
- Furnunculus (Now ) : Puts a curse on a hostile target to inflict DoT - 102/114/126/138/150% of magical attack damage - every 2 sec. for 30 sec. DoT is increased by 4% of damage inflicted every 5 sec. for the duration of effect. CD : 10s
- Furnunculus (New) : Puts a curse on a hostile target to inflict DoT - 50/75/100/125/150% of magical attack damage - every 2 sec. for 30 sec. DoT damage is increased by 5% for each continous debuffs on the target (include debuffs that not come from crecentia itself) CD : 15s
3. Crecentia skills :
- Bram Gush (Now ) : Condensed magic is made into Shock Bomb and inflicts damage equaling 106/134/163/191/220% of your Magic Damage to up to 10 enemies in front. Attacked hostile targets may be applied with Stigma debuff with 20/40/60/80/100% success rate. CD : 1
- Bram Gush (New ) : Condensed demonic power is made into Shock Bomb and inflicts damage equaling 100/125/150/175/200% of your physical power to up to 10 enemies around you. Attacked hostile targets may be applied with Stigma debuff with 20/40/60/80/100% success rate. CD : 1
- Earth Worm (Now ) : Changes the shape of the ground surface and continuously inflicts damage equaling 261/291/322/353/383% of your Magic Damage to nearby enemies, and decreases the enemies' Movement Speed by 70% for 2 sec. Continuous damage is inflicted to up to 5 enemies within 10m of the target enemy, starting with the nearest enemy from the target. Stigma debuff is applied on the damage inflicted enemies. CD : 15s
- Earth Worm (New) : Changes the shape of the ground surface and continuously inflicts damage equaling 100/175/250/325/400% of your magical power to nearby enemies, and decreases the enemies' Movement Speed by 30/40/50/60/70% for 1/2/3/4/5 sec. Continuous damage is inflicted to up to 5 enemies within 10m of the target enemy, starting with the nearest enemy from the target. CD : 10s
- Tempest (Now ) : Strikes the target fiercely using a weapon with Root of Darkness to inflict 680/760/840/920/1000/1080/1160/1240/1320/1400% of physical attack damage. If the target is under Stigma debuff, 1% of physical attack damage is added per 1 debuff. Also, the target is stunned for 3 sec. CD : 60s
- Tempest (New) : Open the portal of demonic power and leap through it to behind your target and attack them with Root of Darkness to inflict 300/350/400/450/500/550/600/650/700/750% of physical attack and add 5 stigma debuffs on target. Also stun the target for 3sec. CD : 20s ; Cast range : 20m
- Stigma Mastery (Now) : The chances of a normal hit becoming a critical hit is increased by 1/3/5% for the target with Stigma debuff. After level 3 Stigma debuff duration is increased by 1/3/5 sec.
- Stigma Mastery (New) : Increase the damage of Stigma spells by 5/10/15/20/25/30%. Affected skills : Diem Wind, Illusion Blade, Bram Gush, Tempest
- Curse Reinforce (Now) : Increases the damage of curse spells by 5/10/15%. Affected Skills: Crucio, Furnunculus, Land of Darkness
- Curse Reinforce (New) : Increases the damage of curse spells by 10/20/30%. Affected Skills: Crucio, Evanessco, Furnunculus, Land of Darkness, Death Grip
- Contigency (Now) : Strikes down on the target fiercely using a weapon to inflict 163/182/202/221/240/259/278/298/317/336% of physical attack damage. Decreases defense by 1% per curse which can stack up to 5 times for 30 sec., and inflicts DoT which is equivalent to 2.6/5.2/7.8/10.4/13/15/18.2/20.8/23.4/26% of physical attack damage. CD : 30s
- Contigency (New) : Strikes down on the target fiercely using a weapon to inflict 150/200/250/300/350/400/450/500/550/600% of physical attack damage. Decreases defense by 1/2/3/4/5% per curse which can stack up to 5 times for 30 sec (at max level and max stack decrease 25% def) and increase self physical power by 5/10/15/20/25/30/35/40/45%. CD : 30s
- Land of Darkness (Now ) : Continuously inflict 68/76/84/92/100% of magical attack damage on up to 10 enemies within the range where Land of Darkness is used. The damage is increased by 1/2/3/4/5% for any target under Stigma effect. CD : 10S
- Land of Darkness (New) : Continuously inflict 75/100/125/150/175% of magical power to damage on up to 10 enemies within the range where Land of Darkness is used in 10 sec. The damage is increased by 2/4/6/8/10% per tick (2sec per tick) CD : 10s
- Awake Darkness (Now) : Uses the physical manifestation of Root of Darkness. Increases damage and movement speed of the caster by 10/20/30%, and decreases all damage taken by 5/10/15%. Increases defense of all your party and attack squad members within 10m of you by 1% every time the caster achieves a critical hit. The defense can be increased up to 10%. CD : 600
- Awake Darkness (New) : Calling the power from Root of Darkness to increase physical, magical power and movement speed of the caster by 10/20/30%. The demonic aura also help decrease all damage taken by 10/20/30%. CD : 600
- Death Grip (Now) : Inflicts 770% of magical attack damage on the enemies by exploding the physical manifestation of Inner Shadows of the caster and the nearby allies. Additional 10% damage is added per party member who is within 10m of the caster at the time of attacking a hostile target. The additional damage is added up to 5 party members. CD : 10s
- Death Grip (New) : No longer require Awake Darkness to be active. Inflicts 600/700/800% of magical power on the enemies by exploding the physical manifestation of Inner Shadows of the caster and curse them with shadow words to inflict 10/20/30% of magical power as dot damage for 10s (2 sec per tick). CD : 20s ; Cast : 2s
- Levicorpus (Now ) : Makes up to 10 targets within 5m of the caster sleep for 10 sec. with 20/40/60/80/100% probability by sending a strong Shock Wave, and decreases damage taken by 10/20/30/40/50%. The target which is asleep wakes up when hit.
- Levicorpus (New) : Concentrate your inner demonic power to release a shockwave that free you from any bad status effect (stun, root, down, bleeding, poison, shock, etc...) and gain a temporary shield that decrease any damage taken by 10/20/30/40/50%. Can be cast even when under status effect like stun,down, etc...
These bold lines are my suggestion, yep I tried to separate the STR build from the INT build but its still possible for anyone who want to go hybird build.
Some explanation :
STR build now focus on Stigma while INT build focus on dots
- Illusion Blade : This skill was useless even now so I want to make it become some kind of finish skill like Deadly Blow and Aura strike on 1 target.
- Curse Burst : Just like Illusion Blade, this skill become a finish skill for many targets at once.
- Evanesco : This skill is totally useless and it some how do not fit Crecentia's theme so I'd like to see it become a skill that work like fire bolt of Wizard for INT build.
- Bram Gush : Nothing much, just change it from magical power to physical power and make it attack around instead of front. Wave clear for STR build.
- Tempest : Decrease half damage but now become a gap-closer for STR build.
- Contigency : Now work as new ultimate skill for STR build instead of Tempest.
- Awake Darkness : Simplier and a bit stronger.
- Death Grip : Decrease damage and increase cooldown but no longer need Awake Darkness to active. Also inflict dot.
- Levicorpus : Sleep & decrease damage taken at the same time is waste of resource and kind of OP in pvp if you use it 1st on ur enemy so this is better I think!?
- I also lower some skill scale rate at lower level and increase it scale rate at higher level to avoid OP hybird build

So what you guys think?