This is hard but works and is super fast, you can also have help if ya want.
Following skills are needed and ya gotta be 65/50 job acolyte
As priest have heal lvl 10 bless lvl 10 agi lvl 10 kurie shield lvl 10 turn undead lvl 3 lex divina level 5 teleport lvl 1 or 2 for fun decrease agi lvl 1 and divine protection lvl 10
You can get a hunters ankle snare to help you turn undead anibuses or agi down heal and kurie as fast as ya can while running and turn undeading.
Note kill anibuses or ancient mummies
Stats need to be as an acolyte as ya got up to priest in the following order 81 int then 35 dex then 20 luck and rest vit till lvl 99. Also you can get an hp to help with asumpto.