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Looking for help with brainstorming RO themed D&D campaign

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#1 Oda



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Posted 22 July 2016 - 02:17 PM



Hey there folks! We've been having a lot of fun doing Dungeons and Dragonlarks and want to continue that once our current campaign is over by bringing Roleplaying into the RO universe!


This was a pretty amusing article searching 'Ragnarok Online D&D"


The idea is that the first couple of sessions would take place with the characters assuming the role of new novices in the world of RO. They have an opening adventure and then we have a timeskip where they have changed to a 1st job and we start the main adventure proper. 


For folks who have more experience with D&D 5th edition, I'd appreciate any advice on mechanics or scenario writing for this! 

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#2 RichieDagger


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Posted 25 July 2016 - 06:34 AM

I could assist when you switch to second edition.

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#3 Oda



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Posted 25 July 2016 - 08:59 AM

I could assist when you switch to second edition.

Interesting, we do have a lot of 2nd edition books as well-at least some of us have 2nd ed experience. Talking with Heim, the biggest incompatability with D&D is integrating RO1's many class skills/how to handle cooldowns and HP/SP consumption type stuff. 

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#4 ZeroTigress


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Posted 25 July 2016 - 09:10 AM

At best we could work on maps if you guys can provide HQ overhead screenshots of each town and dungeon, since those are usable regardless of rulesets. That and monster stat conversion to D&D standards.
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#5 RichieDagger


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Posted 25 July 2016 - 09:46 AM

Interesting, we do have a lot of 2nd edition books as well-at least some of us have 2nd ed experience. Talking with Heim, the biggest incompatability with D&D is integrating RO1's many class skills/how to handle cooldowns and HP/SP consumption type stuff. 


The Player's Options: Skills & Powers (TST2154) supplemental rule set gives you quite a bit of flexibility when it comes to custom building class kits. RO specific skills would function as spell-like abilities and proficiencies, so cooldown and resource consumption would be replaced by time based allowances. The stock druid class in second edition is a good example of how additional abilities would be gained with level progression, rather than relying on a skill tree.


At best we could work on maps if you guys can provide HQ overhead screenshots of each town and dungeon, since those are usable regardless of rulesets. That and monster stat conversion to D&D standards.


The maps are daunting. Below I have a map of Izlude with a grid overlay, scaled to 1/8" =5'. With Izlude being so small, this still requires it to be split into four quadrants to fit on 8.5x11" paper. Of course, in every instance you will not need to meticulously track time and movement in this degree of detail, but it is nice to have.


Izlude 01-01

Izlude 01-02

Izlude 02-01

Izlude 02-02

Monster conversion can be done fairly systematically, but will be quite time consuming. The Dungeon Master's Guide (TST 2160) has comprehensive rules for generating new monsters. Basic Novice fodder would be simple cosmetic and thematic alterations to any number of 1/2 Hit Die AD&D monsters; the same could be done for MVPs. There is a little more challenge with filling out everything in between. You'd need to break down the RO monsters into level brackets, then assign an equivalent number of Hit Dice. From there you could assign various functionally similar combat statistics based on the Hit Dice per the aforementioned rules for monster creation. We already have a similar bracket system to equate AD&D character level ranges to RO job tiers. If you want to utilize the Novice class, AD&D has rules for playing level 0 characters, which is an atypical starting point for most campaigns, but serves a similar purpose.

Edited by RichieDagger, 27 July 2016 - 04:07 AM.

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#6 RichieDagger


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Posted 24 August 2016 - 04:58 AM

A while back, I wanted to try a game of Fiasco with a Ragnarok scenario. It's vastly simpler than the prospect of a full D&D conversion. There is already the high fantasy themed Dragon Slayers play set that could be easily adapted to fit. Maybe the WP staff would like to have a crack at it?


Fiasco game files:

preview (this is the rulebook, minus some key tables. you can get the full version from Bully Pulpit Games for a nominal fee.

play mat

quick reference

Dragon Slayers play set

Edited by RichieDagger, 24 August 2016 - 05:04 AM.

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#7 Knightfall


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Posted 18 January 2018 - 05:21 PM

If you're still trying to get this going, you should take a look at the Anime d20 System Reference Document, which is based on combining BESM with the rules for D&D v.3.5. The best part is that is free. The company that made BESM d20 doesn't print the book anymore (I think), but you can get the BESM d20 Revised Edition through White Wolf's store on RPGNow.com (or DriveThruRPG, if you prefer [some do]), if you want something more polished. There are other BESM d20 books available through that site including a Monstrous Manual, Stingy Gamer Edition, Mecha book, Military Vehicles book, and character folio, as well as Silver Age Sentinels books.


There were a lot of other BESM d20 books, but I don't know how many of them are still available. In reality, you should be able to create a BESM d20 Ragnarok game with just the Anime d20 SRD. It's a lot cheaer than investing in tons of 5E books, which are VERY expensive. Don't get me wrong, I love the ruleset, but I don't buy the adventures. It's too much money for one book, IMO.


Of course, you've probably invested in most of them, so use what you like. Don't forget to check the D&D Official Homepage for more 5E content, especially Dragon+ and the Unearthed Arcana articles. There are lot of good options there, and if I were you, get in contact the D&D staff and let them know about Dungeons and Dragonlarks (assuming you haven't already). 





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