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TD stat suggestion, need feedback

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#1 Kazara


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Posted 05 September 2016 - 04:39 AM

Just an idea, would you (players) like to have TD stats (hp +20%, stats +10%, hp rec +50%, mp rec +50%) avaiable in the theme battle merchant?


I think it would be cool since it gives both PvP and PvE players an option to acquire those. It would help certain classes that aren't that fast on doing TD, and those players that just wanna log in and do battlefields instead of doing TD first xD


I decided theme battle points because even lowbies can get those easier because of Strongest Battlefield.


I think both 1 day version and a permanent version should be avaiable at the merchant.


If so, what price they should have?


Please tell me your opinion!

Edited by Kazara, 05 September 2016 - 04:41 AM.

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#2 VanBalzac


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Posted 05 September 2016 - 04:58 AM

maybe 2 days items like the sealed ones

tools ,stats .mounts ,costumes ,xp scrolls , etc 



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#3 Vulcano


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Posted 05 September 2016 - 08:26 AM

It will cost billions lants and points? I would like 2 days versions droping in TD, painfull wasting 30 keys to get HP our Stats everyday
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#4 Sepilac


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Posted 05 September 2016 - 11:57 AM

if they already did a perma version of costumes, how about perma TD buffs? not that im lazy going TD every day but if i could buy perma version then that would be awesome :D


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#5 mfast


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Posted 05 September 2016 - 04:32 PM

painfull wasting 30 keys to get HP our Stats everyday

30 if you lucky

And thats per character.

The worst is the waste of time.
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#6 Xenovian


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Posted 05 September 2016 - 06:15 PM

Hmm I like it, but instead with TB points.. with Ancient SvS Points, the NPC outside sell you Keys for enter the istance, why no add them also those bonus for buy them for some amount of points so you dont need go in for get all or if you missed any bonus you could buy there instead of use keys and keys.. This Could be so helpful.

And Also would be nice they make Permanent Pets so we dont need use 350 Mall per month and make Carus compoundeable to Maximus like all xeons can be converted to highter versions.
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#7 VanBalzac


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Posted 06 September 2016 - 01:21 AM

Hmm I like it, but instead with TB points.. with Ancient SvS Points, the NPC outside sell you Keys for enter the istance, why no add them also those bonus for buy them for some amount of points so you dont need go in for get all or if you missed any bonus you could buy there instead of use keys and keys.. This Could be so helpful.

And Also would be nice they make Permanent Pets so we dont need use 350 Mall per month and make Carus compoundeable to Maximus like all xeons can be converted to highter versions.


If they bring back Anciet Ruins  2 times every day looks good reward 


'' Carus compoundeable to Maximus like all xeons can be converted to highter versions.''   :thumb2: 

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#8 dvchel


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Posted 06 September 2016 - 03:35 AM

Good idea, but perm stats\hp must have a coast minimum 500k of points, cuz in another way it will be easy to get

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#9 Dagoh


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Posted 06 September 2016 - 03:54 AM

Really good idea.

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#10 Xenovian


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Posted 06 September 2016 - 05:25 AM

If they bring back Anciet Ruins 2 times every day looks good reward

'' Carus compoundeable to Maximus like all xeons can be converted to highter versions.'' :thumb2:

No neccesary you need enter in Ancient Battle for get points, because there its a NPC right now that sells you an item for 1kk each that you can reduct for get SvS points. Its the same NPC that its selling PK Shield Remover :P
But would be nice they make SvS active again with some changes.

Edited by Xenovian, 06 September 2016 - 05:25 AM.

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#11 Xenovian


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Posted 06 September 2016 - 05:38 AM

Good idea, but perm stats\hp must have a coast minimum 500k of points, cuz in another way it will be easy to get

Honestly I would prefer make TD everydays than waste that amount of points that you said for get 1 single buff of those, ¿How also Low Levels/Beginers will get those, 500k minimum TB points cost a lot even for high level characters, also strongest maps are empthy mostly of the times because people dont like use the TB (Strongest) gears, just his own ones with regals and OP enchants..thats why people join union mostly but well knowing that you are that type of PvP Farmer you are dvchel on the arena the Contribution Dual Log farmer, I knew that your answer would be like that.
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#12 dvchel


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Posted 06 September 2016 - 09:09 AM

Pitux,One tb gives u 10k of points, 50 wins - u get permanent 10% stats, what difficult? For low lvl there is still td.
And yep, I can log with 2 chats on arena in same team. Make max on radi and then make max on druid. Or just ask my girl to log my char. What problem? I'm not ruining.
And yes, if I need points I go on strongest

Edited by dvchel, 06 September 2016 - 07:38 PM.

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#13 xSweetDreamsx


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Posted 06 September 2016 - 02:04 PM

I like the idea, but agree with dvchell this should be for a good amount of points, i have heard the arguement, "but why?, they are free from TD". My arguement is, if you consider that people would use mall points to buy lucky boxes with a chance to gain 20% hp or 10% stats for 30 days only, this would sell for hundreds of millions, so a permanent one should be a significant amount of points.

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#14 Xenovian


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Posted 07 September 2016 - 06:15 AM

Pitux,One tb gives u 10k of points, 50 wins - u get permanent 10% stats, what difficult? For low lvl there is still td.
And yep, I can log with 2 chats on arena in same team. Make max on radi and then make max on druid. Or just ask my girl to log my char. What problem? I'm not ruining.
And yes, if I need points I go on strongest

Lol,ok insult me in Russian Language all you want dude, and try make excuses for defend your "pvp actions" I got video so I know what I talking about,
I think you not understand what I mean,I also wanna you to know that Im not telling you this because I am at war with you or your guild in game, or a personal problem direct to you, I would say this to my mates if I found them doing that also. I just think that this its an abuse, Because if you max contribution you get those 10k with each TB with the char thats its winning team,with that way you would get it like all times per battle, and in this game you must accept win or lose in TB/Unions and accept the reward you deserve.
Also ok in the case you could get those bonus as you proposed in TB Merchant with the cost of a lot of tb points.. I would suggest make PvP Foc,ion, dropeable in PD with good chance and same as Atmas But is a personal opinion.

Edited by Xenovian, 07 September 2016 - 06:16 AM.

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#15 dvchel


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Posted 07 September 2016 - 08:42 AM

To lazy to get 500k from td to have a permanent thing and not to waste time any more?

Oh, I said that it's not farming, when two chars in the same team. Tom & Kris do like this too.
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#16 Hercule15


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Posted 07 September 2016 - 12:52 PM

tb pts ? and the other idea of 500k pts ? oh boy do u even think abt the 69 twinks ? 49 ? lowbies ? ppl with no gear ? oh just saying that mb cz not every1 is a 90 mallwhore +30 8/8 could get pts from tb like a maniac .... would take years to get those buffs with them .... the best suggestion ever said was to make td buffs 1 week not 1 day ( wasn't my idea and yet many ppl voted for that THEN ) so instead of daily routine ... one time a week get td doesn't matter how many toons u got since u're doing it once a week not like farming and farming and farming endless pts to get perma ones 

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#17 dvchel


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Posted 08 September 2016 - 06:06 AM

Permanent good things should have high price.
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