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Just started this game

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#1 EthanDanGo


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Posted 11 September 2016 - 01:37 AM

Hello everyone. I just started this game yesterday and feel lost and lonely in this game because I don't have any friends in this game. Hope to make some friends or join a guild so at least I can have some guidance through the game. My IGN is OpDr4goon.
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#2 IsThisKrustyKrab


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Posted 11 September 2016 - 06:34 AM

A guild is good. There are enough casual guilds who will accept anyone, as long as you're able to communicate with them and be friendly. Some even have experienced players who are akin to wise old people of the guild


Don't beg for money, though, since it's easy to make some money by active trading, and it comes of as a really rude behavior for me personally. You don't really get to touch the other features than repairing and silver coin exchange that much.


As for leveling, do some quests until level 40, and once you're in that level you can participate in Tactical Mode (also known as F7) as currently the main source for leveling in mid- to late game. However, don't neglect your red quests! You'll regret it if you do, so do even the most daunting of the hero quests (I'm looking at you, opening FV F7 <_<).


If you ever need help, just holler at the Trade chat. Not many people may respond, but a few may be just as stuck in the same situation as you, so it's a good way to meet people up.


If you have other questions, just PM me (IGN: Serazahar), but I don't accept friends, because my list is full. I also don't do favors (yet), I only answer questions.

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