I would say Low player population is an issue but it's a Symptom, poor quest rewards, item variety, and general solo play discouragement tactics. make the game well unfun and annoying if not difficult to progress, I'm not sure if I got the ordering wrong but it felt like Mission mode is missing a whole section called the western forest. in game shops are extremely barren so there is nothing visually available for beginning players to look forward to.
It's like the entire game was setup to discourage players from beginning or trying unless you started with a group. which s a shame cause this is or was a fun game with a lot of potential and warp portal or gravity interactive or what ever they decide to call themselves this year has an opportunity to make something of it again, but if you discourage players from the get go are you necessarily sending the best message for the game?
3hours in of solo play and I'm still no better off then I started but Hey at least I have a -_- ton of grenades I'll never use that are filling up my limited inventory. cause that's a thing XD

noticing a few discouraging issues.
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, Oct 15 2016 02:40 PM
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Posted 15 October 2016 - 02:40 PM
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