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Trouble with ranger

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#1 Xilyana


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Posted 19 December 2016 - 02:42 AM

So ive gotten my ranger to 67 now and its getting really hard to do much of anything. Im using a full auto attack build since skills take to long to cast and its either i get the crits off to kill them before they reach me or i risk dying to elite mobs. 


using a +15-20 monster hunter set and +20 future destroyer 


Should i just sell what i have and reroll? Do they get better later on with access to more crit? Or am i wasting my time.


Right now it seems like there is no point in continuing trying to solo with this. Ive seem a few other people killing things (very rarly do i see other people :o) and every caster just melts everything around them. I mean as a single target focused class that is only good at auto attacks you would think that i could 1v1 any mob easily. At least thats what i was hoping when i made this. In other mmos hunter classes excel at this. 


I really dont want to play a caster. I also never plan on pvping in this game i just want to quest and level up. Maybe eventually find a guild that knows English to play with when i get near a point when i can raid. I love the attack speed of this class but i can only take about 5 hits before dying and having to run back. Stun attacks take to long and have a % success chance for some reason. I guess for pvp? The dash back skill is nice but so risky to use since mobs respawn fast and cliffs are op.

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#2 ElfLord


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Posted 19 December 2016 - 05:08 AM

If your only goal is to quest and level up, this game is unfortunately not for you.
As you notice there is only a pk server.
And there is no pve content. Everything revolves around pvp, and will continue to do so.

Now as for ranger. Again it's a pvp toon. If you want to farm you go aoe caster, tempest, defiler, mystic. You can also try warlord.

For raids, Rangers are pretty much the most useless toon.

Not sure what mobs you are having trouble with at lvl 67, but if it's in a dungeon, then you shouldn't be soloing. What jewels do you have? What ornament? Do you have a costume?

Anyways pve ranger is silly.
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#3 Cleffy


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Posted 19 December 2016 - 01:37 PM

All but 1 melee class are more useless in raids.
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#4 Xilyana


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Posted 19 December 2016 - 07:56 PM

If your only goal is to quest and level up, this game is unfortunately not for you.
As you notice there is only a pk server.
And there is no pve content. Everything revolves around pvp, and will continue to do so.

Now as for ranger. Again it's a pvp toon. If you want to farm you go aoe caster, tempest, defiler, mystic. You can also try warlord.

For raids, Rangers are pretty much the most useless toon.

Not sure what mobs you are having trouble with at lvl 67, but if it's in a dungeon, then you shouldn't be soloing. What jewels do you have? What ornament? Do you have a costume?

Anyways pve ranger is silly.


There is some pve content you just told me there are raids o.o Is it so wrong to not want to touch pvp in a game?

Ok so ranger is a bust ill try out warlord then thanks for the advice :D


I was having trouble on the questing mobs outside nachs eye. The succubus/incubus elites i CAN kill them but the area is really risky. I played a little more and found out one of my dmg buffs kills me? Lowering my def by an insane amount. It wasnt a huge deal before this but i guess i would have had to turn it off for these guys ouch. 


I actually have tried a dungeon! I can do the mines a little bit if im SUPER carefull and lucky with crits...and dont aggro that one patrol boss xD. Was able to get a ton of exp from some of the quests there. I do like the challenge of things but it is getting a bit frustrating.


For jewels still in reinforced lentus/stout. Not that great but the extra dmg from upgrading them helped. Dont have a costume atm not sure if i wanna invest some money into a ranger since its apparently silly =p. I have a fallen kinesis [CON] ornament. It gives some crit woo. Got them all to +25-30 during an event. 


Idk im starting to think it was that buff thats been screwing me this whole time. Is it even worth having an extra 190 dmg or w/e if im losing almost 1k def?

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#5 blankname1234


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Posted 20 December 2016 - 02:15 AM

if you like ranger but lack survivability, you can consider switching to avenger. you lose all the damage buffs/pasives and range extensions, but gain up to +1042 defense, intant cast long ranged aoe stun (with dna ofc) and at lvl 80 you can tame qualin which is pretty useful and can be revived when needed

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#6 Xilyana


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Posted 20 December 2016 - 02:28 AM

if you like ranger but lack survivability, you can consider switching to avenger. you lose all the damage buffs/pasives and range extensions, but gain up to +1042 defense, intant cast long ranged aoe stun (with dna ofc) and at lvl 80 you can tame qualin which is pretty useful and can be revived when needed


I can tame bosses? This...this changes everything. I mean i was considering avenger at first before my class change but from what i read the traps can be unreliable and scale with int for some reason. No where did i hear about freaking boss taming though. I guess i could give it a shot before just rerolling.


Even if i do less dmg and traps are a bit iffy at least the monsters in game always look cool and it can be something to dull the pain of being a potato class =p


*edit* Looked at it a bit more and the knuckle stuff makes 0 sense. I guess ill just ignore it like i ignore the long cast time missile attacks in ranger >.<


Also since i was thinking about rerolling anyway i decided to dump points into chemical bomb firing and wouldnt you know it?

It actually does make it easier to take down elite mobs. I stopped hitting random low numbers on them.

Edited by Xilyana, 20 December 2016 - 03:00 AM.

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#7 blankname1234


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Posted 20 December 2016 - 03:01 AM

only low level bosses i believe, being qualin the best one (paralysis and 30m 5 sec aoe stun). or secret temple and deadly nightmare mobs if you want good damage


you can play aa launcher with avenger, dont need traps (except paralysis trap, due to the stun). but u will have a lot of free skill points and traps can catch rogues in stealth :)

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