Quiver: Weapon or Armor?
Posted 23 December 2016 - 06:15 PM
Please help, it's my friend's quiver not mine XD
Posted 23 December 2016 - 07:41 PM
Quivers can't be refine. >w<
Posted 23 December 2016 - 08:01 PM
Normally I'd ignore a topic like this, but because there are still people that still believe Bibles are "OP" or want Quivers to be refineable, I'll take this opportunity to address that as well.
First off, to answer the topic question: Quivers simply cannot be refined. Yes, this is a good thing.
Before the angry mob arrives, let me explain why this is a good thing and why the Ranger is not the one being cheated with a simple picture.
This chart uses Cazar gears for the comparison because they still made a bit of sense back then (well not really but it's closer to logical than Serenia and Eddga)
As you can see, the pair of Bow + Quiver actually already has higher PSE/MSE total compared to the other offhand classes both before and after refinement. The reason Priests and Soulmakers need refinement on their offhands is because they need it to match the base power of the other classes. But look, they need 40 (!!!) levels of refinement to catch up. The fact that you only need 20 levels of refinement as a Ranger is a blessing. Imagine if you had to refine your quiver to match the other players, how would this go? Your bows would have to be made weaker or your refinement bonuses would have to be smaller. If this is done, then the marginal damage you get from each refinement would have to be lower than they are right now in order to keep it "fair". Also, you would have to spend more money because you'd have to refine two pieces of "weapons".
Note: I apologize to all readers for the incoherent explanation, but because it's already a very simple idea so there isn't too much to say about it. (Also I'm tired from work).
Posted 24 December 2016 - 05:04 AM
But seems like this topic has become one of the Arby's study grounds again XD
Anyway. Thanks for the answer XD
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