Hello guys, good morning.
I'm here to suggest some updates in the iRO Classic interface.
Just because the server has a classic configuration doesnt means that the server has to be the classic interface.
The principal function of the interface is to turn the life of player easier, but our interface is so older..
I'm gonna explain detailed..
Look at the following imagem and observe these 6 topics.
1. Alt+A included in Alt+Q.
2. The 4th bar of bm and full visualization of the bars.
3. New Alt+S with skills informations. (In this Alt+S you need to confirm the points, so if you do a mistake, you can fix it)
4. New BM system mode. (There is no need to tip /bm, in the new battlemode is just tap enter)
5. The Locker Function button on Alt+z/h. (That forbidden to open chats when you use bufs via alt+z/h)
6. And at last, the buf duration time.
I've hope that you understand. IN MY OPPINION, thats much better.