Hello everybody.
I've been playing RO since 2k7~8, and after a time away from the game I finally came back.
I intend to play on Classic server 'cause i do not like the renew configurations. And i hope that it gives me fun.
I'm looking for friends, pvm, woe, endless, but i do not stay all the time at the game, only in the weekends and holidays (work+university sucks).
I've already played in so many servers and guilds... And at least, but not less important, with a huge diversity (countries) of people. I've sayed that because i'm from Brazil, and have no problems with anyone.
So, thats the point:
I'm looking for a woe guild (if possible send me videos of the gameplay of the team, i like to do analysys).
And if you wish, i can send videos from woes that i've played. (I'm not the owner of videos, but i played in that tags.)
Intend to play as Champion.
See ya.