April 26 Item Mall Update - News & Events - WarpPortal Community Forums

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April 26 Item Mall Update

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#1 Tirfing


    "Greetings Team!"

  • ROJ Staff
  • 148 posts
  • Playing:Dragon Saga

Posted 26 April 2017 - 12:35 PM

Greetings team!
Well April is winding down and summer is quickly approaching! I hope you're all getting ready for beach weather. Thank you everyone for being a part of our game! To say thanks, we will begin doing a new lucky box EVERY WEEK!







After soaring demand, we've brought back the LEGENDARY LUCKY BOX. We will also start doing a new lucky box EVERY WEEK from now on!



  • Silver Token (20)
  • Golden Modification Box
  • 2000 Coins Ticket
  • 1000 Coins Ticket


  • Skeleton Armor RandomBox
  • Stolz Chemist Armor RandomBox
  • Martial Law Armor RandomBox
  • ROC Flameworks Armor RandomBox


  • Grenadier Guard Set (Permanent)
  • FCG Foreperson Set (Permanent)
  • Corps Commander Set (Permanent)
  • Stealth Team Tactical Set (Permanent)


  • Legendseven-A00
  • LegendRobin-z1
  • LegendCore-m631
  • LegendRupelli-pz01


Retiring Items

These items are now gone! Get them next time around!

  • Bolt Lv5
  • Barrell Lv5
  • Trigger Lv5
  • Spring Lv5
  • Hug-a-bear Bundle(15D)
  • Cat Bundle(15D)
  • Firefighter Bundle(15D)
  • Wings of Seraph
  • Wings of Lucifer
  • (10) Weapon Paint Card (Yellow)
  • (10) Weapon Paint Card(Khaki)
  • (10) Weapon Paint Card (Green)
  • (10) Weapon Paint Card(Camo-Green)


New Items

Get these items while you can!

  • Clown bundle(15D)
  • Medic bundle(15D)
  • Intelligence Bundle(15D)
  • High School Hijinks Set (15D)
  • Riot Crusader(15D)
  • M202 (15D)
  • Spring Lv5
  • Hug-a-bear Bundle(15D)
  • Cat Bundle(15D)
  • Firefighter Bundle(15D)
  • Wings of Seraph
  • Wings of Lucifer
  • (10) Weapon Paint Card (Blue)
  • (10) Weapon Paint Card (Red)
  • (10) Weapon Paint Card(Camo-Brown)
  • (10) Weapon Paint Card(Camo-Blue)



Take a look at these awesome events going on this week!

  • WORLD DROP LOTTO! There will be a 5% chance that any enemy will drop an increased 100% dini or exp all weekend long!

  • 0

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