Please advertise the classic server to increase population to the thousands. Very mandatory for iro - Classic Suggestions - WarpPortal Community Forums

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Please advertise the classic server to increase population to the thousands. Very mandatory for iro

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#1 Carat


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Posted 19 May 2017 - 07:39 AM

When I first tried out in 2012, there were over 2000 players online.
Today and even in the last years, the population is 400 and there are likely more vendors and afks than players except in WOE.

The problem definitely is advertisement. New players don't care if it's an old server, they actually like a stable official server. They get turned off when every town is a ghost town.

There are private servers with over 2k online and they are consistent with their populations because they keep maintaining advertisements costing them a hundred dollars or so per month.

We need to advertise now or soon there will be almost no players. 1 guy can easily easily do this job with some funds, I don't understand why IRO has lazy staffs. It's just shameful.

If you advertise with 250$ per month for a year, IRO will surely hit over 1 thousand by month 6. Making the money back will be straightforward with a lot more in population.

If you're a staff and you read to this point thank you and now forward this to the guys incharge.
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#2 Carat


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Posted 19 May 2017 - 12:54 PM

Hi can the admin highlight this thread and put it on the spotlight where most can see so we can get feedback from all classic supporters and also all admins??

Iro needs to advertise it's server to increase population. You need to for sure because private servers with consistent population in the thousands keep advertising on.

Don't just sit around and think you're gonna get players by the fact that you're an official server because it's been almost 4 years of low population here meaning it's on a plateau.

The private servers that have 2k online still has 2k online after years because they advertise.
Don't expect gravity to take them down for you because they don't do that.
Now get one guy to do his part time advertising.

There are at least over a dozen high traffic advertising websites on mmorpgs.
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#3 aaadvanced


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Posted 22 May 2017 - 03:47 PM

something tells me the leaders/ owners dont care, when they cant get the populaton to grow (at all) not even 1-5 players a day? i mean come on that just says they arent doing enough trust me population isnt growing at all, ive been playing here since november..

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