Good day to everyone, WarpPortal.
The content of this post was taken from my old topic which got lost in the abbys of the forum.
I have altered it a bit due to the changes that have already affected the game.
Lets get right into it.
Gameplay basics and classes
- Druid
The class possesses the most controversial ability in the game - Control Immunity. This allowes a character to avoid any attemps to stun, fear, slow, sleep, root. At level 5 of this skill it has 1 sec downtime. It has no time of expirition. That means you can walk untouchable, give AOE stuns to your enemies and even keep them stuned until they die. Their Darkest set just tripples chances to win and is unfairly stronger than almost any other set.
- Protector
As damage inflation grows in game, protectors are less and less able to attach monsters' attention to them. All skills that increase mob's hostility don't keep them enough aggro, so they just completely ignore protectors.
- Commander
Commander class has a different problem. Many players are having shields, and as the matter of fact, the block system is bugged. Commanders lose a lot of damage which significantly reduces their chances to win even against mages. Their armor could get a little rework as well.
- Mystic
There is nothing really wrong with that class, it has a good balance and a lot of players pick it. But the problem with it is its full domination in PvE. All the PvE is about those black guys. The classic raid party which has been usable for many years is: protector, radiant, elementalist, forsaker and lots of mystics. This doesn’t make any sense and there is no choice for PvE players: they should pick mystic whether they want it or not. If they don’t, they just won’t be able to have a good PvE time.
- Dominator
With the growth of stats inflation, dominator's pets became a pile of junx. They all die in few seconds and being annoyingly retarded. The armor should be reconsidered, but that's applied to all armors. A word about them see beneath. Any way - fixing armors is not the same as fixing a class.
Well class changes aren't that far from coming, so it will need a separate topic. There are really loads of things to mention...
- Auto attack “Miss” rebalance
It’s really easy to notice that physical AA misses much more often than skill usage. Possible solution: make DEX to give more than 0.2 accuracy. Just keep in mind, 1000 DEX will give you 200 accuracy which is absurd.
- Physical skills deal abnormally low damage to blockers
That's seem to be only concerned to MDC shields and magic shields.
- Tons of useless and bugged skills and DNA
It needs a whole separate topic.
- Tons of minor bugs with major consequences
1. Can't sell atmas both in AH and Shop, only through trades.
2. Portals to MDC, TRH, PB in Alt Nova are broken.
3. Finishing 89 DQ doesn't check if bugs full which makes your reward disappear.
4. Dashing to a disconnecting player makes your character stuck.
5. Skills (especially AOE, ground AOE) aren't working in some places of Catacombs.
6. Fluids can't be normally enchanted (but there is a trick of avoiding that).
7. Pink squares instead of rex's footprints.
8. Items keeps missing from AH when lot an item.
9. Alternate Physics can't be used on characters below 90 level
We´ve figured out some serious technical problems and issues with RAM. The reason of those is bad optimization.
- Processor resources trouble
Playing requiem for a long time requires more and more RAM. In the end, the client crashes with a memory read error.
- Memory and performance leaks
This leaks provoke client crashes and suspensions, especially on a low performance PC. The reason is those skills:
Possesion Beast Rufus lvl 70 skill
Tempest lvl 80 Haste Acceleration skill
All the possession beast skills which requires casting to use, provoke a performance leak up to 10 fps especially on low performance PCs.
- Forsaker’s fire totem
The flaming particle effect of damaging stacks a lot of times on a character. It provokes video card memory leak. Possible solution: adding time duration of the effect, destroying it.
- Long time duration AOE skills
Their animation is shown even though the duration if damage is over, if game was loading in a moment of skill duration (for example, if player has died). It lumbers video memory and player's sight.
- Reviving old raids
With new armor going, some of raids are now back and popular. But some of them are still forsaken or being done by small group of parties (upto 2 players). It could have same changes that were done to those raids which allows you to get some required for compounding items like Puzzles. Maybe consider making TRH+MDC+PB+MG Puzzle.
Darkest Armor
The main idea I'm about to provide regarding to the Darkest Armors is to make it as equal as possible for all classes. Nobody deserves to feel like someone gets a bigger slice of cake. And you also can not affect on class aspect by editing their armor. The only way to control class' power and playability is editing their abilites and underneath formulas. I think these 2 major changes should come simultaneously, so less players will be feeling like something unfair was done to them.
Quests and leveling up
- 85-90 leveling up
Any kind of game is meant to be fun and entertaining. We all have enough boring routine in our everyday lives; there is no need at all to have the same routine in game. Doing everyday quests is just so boring and tiring… We suggest to make at least one or two quest chains on each level which will speed the process up at least a little bit. And reduce amount of stuff needed to complete 85 DQ.
- Quest rewards, every day login rewards
Economic in game is changing. Quest rewards do not. The amount of lant for completing quests is too little. It really needs to be boosted, especially for newbees. They just can’t do anything with amount of lant which is saved from quests.
Quest for victory in battlefield needs to be boosted too. As though battle point rewards were boosted, the amount which player can receive for completing quest is just ridiculous.
We also want to pay your attention to every day login reward. 100 lant coupons are just trash, same with basic xeons. Skill reset for day 50 is usually useless and that thing disappears in 24 hours. We suggest for rewards something universal, like atma infinity, frozen tokens, new armor stuff, maybe PK reset, raid reset each 10 days and so on.
- Server quests
The idea is to achieve a global goal with participation of every player on the server. For example, it could be killing monsters all over the globe in count of 1000000. Every single player makes his contribution. After achieving the goal, everyone on the server is rewarded (+70% to reinforcement dor example).
- Guild quests
Just like server quests, but narrowed a bit to a guild with guild bonuses only.
- Guild bank
It’s a great opportunity of sharing stuff you don't need with your guild mates who could use it. If members of a guild are truly friendly and responsive, they could find this feature useful.
- GvG points rewards
Players definitely need more guild war rewards, especially - BF points booster like +10-15%
- Personal guild war point boost
It's a good idea to make personal benefition from guild war points, not only for a guild. For example you can score 20000 guild war pts, which go to your guild rank and the same amount of pts goes to your hands, so you can spend them however you like. One remains is to come with idea what those rewards would be.
- PK system
PK system is under a big question. Many players are not satisfied of it because "serial killers" mostly remain unpunished. Some of them loves killing lowbies which is totally wrong. New players are not very pleased of that kind of treatment so they leave the game forever. We suggest toughening PK system in way so lesser players would rather kill newbies. Make PK tendency remover a bit more expensive, and make the way of "cleaning" a bit harder. Remove awarding for serial killers; add an option so other players could feel free of killing serial killers. After killing "red man" I'd like to loot something from him. Maybe after that they become more rational. That is our suggestion.
There is also a frustrating problem with spawn camping. When you just revived and get tons of control, stuns, sleep and so on. A little change to the PK shield like adding 15 seconds to its duration will definitely help on that.
Game Launcher
We reached now to the game Launcher. It has banners with Item Mall offerings which prices are outdated. It has to be reviewed.
Launcher also has a much bigger problem - updating causes numerous errors.
Item mall pets
Few words about pets. They work nice all in all, but there are still some exceptions. Pet is a pointless purchase for those who have Stealth. Even though no one can see you, there is still a pet that reveals your location and lots of AoE skills which can really get you. We ask you if it is possible to make pets invisible as well as its master.
Another point about pets is to add a function that allows you to choose what kind of loot your pet may pick up (only rares, or rares and consumable etc.). Pretty much people ask for this particular feature.
Also needs to be considered removing P2W context of pets (HP, stat increasing) and replace them with something apporpriate and no less valuable.
Treasure Dungeon
The element of boredom. Everyday doing same thing will drive anyone nuts. Win only patient ones. So it could get some little readjustments like removing garbage rewards from the chests. Usually you visit this place to get 2-3 items like HP, stat, HP/MP regen boosters for 1 day. Maybe they can last 2 days? Or it's really not necessary to have all that useless rewards like +10% lants, drop, exp and so on? We can remove randomness and add possibility to choose rewards manually? How things will get better.
Oh no, that is far from a complete list. We will need all your help to have everything covered.
Thank you for attention and good luck to everyone in the world of Ethergia!
Edited by Vulpes93, 25 June 2017 - 12:25 AM.