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New Overlord skill

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#1 Vossel


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Posted 22 June 2017 - 04:08 AM

This is a quote from poppy

Bloody roar is using up a lot of HP while it's running (on a percentage basis) you are not even able to let it run for the whole time of a PvP match because the negative side is that you decrease your own HP which makes it a lot easier for your enemies to kill you.

So, if you subtract the 65% of this skill (on Lv. 5) you only have 30% of your stated 95% left.  But I don't discuss this further at this point. If you need to discuss about it please open a separate topic. We set the adjusted the needed skill points for the new buff to 10 for each level.



the 600% for the Destroyer class was a PvP wish not a PvE wish.



First of all thank you for the decrease of the skillpoint cost, but why do you assume i am talking about PvP?

bloody roar is not used 24/7 in PvP since it costs you HP, you just activate it if you can land a safe combo and then turn it off again for loosing around 5-10% hp.

besides bloody roar only adds 60%.

for PvE bloody roar can be kept active 24/7 as long as you adjust your gear to stay below the amount of HP where you can compensate it with potions (possible since good wings + IM defence back are enough defence for the PvE game).


But now to the real topic.

Why is there a need to add a skill for the Overlord that gives only 5% ATK at lvl 3/3?

Every other class besides invoker/summoner/destroyer could have needed such a skill way more than the Overlord ( reasons stated above).

"buffing" a class that has already lots of ATK buffs with a buff for slightly more ATK is in my opinion not really well thought through, since the damage calculation is really messed up.



to make things clear, i think the skill is wasted on the Overlord, but what would have i done better?


I dont have the tools to test stuff properly but my idea would be to boost the % of the skills by like 10% of their current amount for each stage, so if a skill has a 350% scaling it scales with 385% instead.

This would bring people to farm skillpoints to get those skills to the maximum since the higher the skill the more it is buffed compared to before.


i would like to hear your opinions about this or what your changes would be instead of such a skill.

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#2 Coolsam


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Posted 22 June 2017 - 05:46 AM

I'd rather have the skill give 5% min&max physical attack or even make it higher like 3% per level maxing at 9% min&max attack. That way it has some benefit to use as it'd help with Overlord's damage calculations for it's skills which prevent it from utilizing it's full power. (For those unaware, Overlord's damaging skills often do not go off the absurdly high max physical attack they can reach. Which is why their damage PvE and PvP wise are not difficult to surpass by other physical damage dealing classes.)


Overlord itself needs a look at more-so for skill damage calculations alongside a skill like that.

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#3 Popcorn



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Posted 22 June 2017 - 07:25 AM

@Vossel: I looked over the whole damage calc formula again and FDA is calculated after all damage is calculated (no matter if skill or x-attack), so an increase of 5% FDA does increase the final damage of every skill/attack by 5%. Why adding 10% damage to every skill if one buff could do the exact same thing?


If you have a skill stating 80% of the Weapons Attack Power + 335 the calculation is like:


SkillPower = (80% of the weapon + 335) 

FinalDamage = SkillPower + (SkillPower / 100 * FDA)


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#4 Vossel


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Posted 22 June 2017 - 07:42 AM

what about this calculation?

FinalDamage = RandomValue(OverallATKMin...OverallATKMax) + (STR * 2 + CharLevel * 6) + SkillPower +

(SkillAdditionalDamage (43%) of RandomValue(WeaponBasePATKMin...WeaponBasePATKMax))

besides, i didnt say just add 10% damage to each skill, i said add 10% of the scaling of the current stage as example.

this is a buff that scales better the higher you skill those skills and animates player to get their skills to 5/5 and 10/10 if possible because the higher the former % the better the buffed %

the flat amount of skill wouldnt change.

besides 10% was just an example since i dont have the tools to test it properly.

Also the % of a skill are using teh weap base stats 10% are not really something that would change something as long as the calculation stays the way it is, so maybe going for like 30% of the former % as buff make a bigger impact especially if those player actually get their skills to the maximum level.

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#5 Popcorn



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Posted 22 June 2017 - 07:47 AM

We can stop that particular discussion right here. We won't change the physical damage calculation formula which is the same for every physical class.


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#6 Coolsam


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Posted 22 June 2017 - 08:14 AM

We can stop that particular discussion right here. We won't change the physical damage calculation formula which is the same for every physical class.


What about skill-damage formulas? As Overlord can't fully utilize it's high max physical attack like other classes are able to. The biggest problem of the class is that it can reach 70,000-100,000 atk but a lot of it's skills go off it's low min attack value. So I feel like Overlord's damage problem is in the skill calculations and not physical damage calculations.

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#7 Bustincaps


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Posted 23 June 2017 - 01:13 PM

Am I the only one who was hoping for a skill rework on an existing skill like Whirlwind or another to make it more useful? Yes, Overlord could use a bit of a damage boost to make it desired in group gameplay of any kind, but that doesn't improve its usefulness in any type of PvP aspect by much and it will never be one of the faster clearing PvE classes due to the airborne comboing nature of the class. With some creativity on improving some (or one) of the less useful skills, this class would have the much needed buff that it has gone so long without.


Unfortunately right now, even with the slight damage boost I am seeing discussed above, this class is simply not worth playing in the long run. 

Edited by Bustincaps, 23 June 2017 - 01:15 PM.

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