description : brings 2 enemies which are in mid-air in front of the user. target will be stunned
effect of the skill : to use the skill the enemy needs to be falling from air , before can use it.
Comment: is the purpose of this to bring down or pull down enemies down on the ground ?
suggestion: can u please make it grab jumping enemies, jumping in a sense when they jump they are in mid-air. i think thats more convinient in pvp since people tend to jump and jump and jump. i do beleive its a good suggestion if we are to follow the description of the skill.

overlord skill Death snatch
Posted 08 July 2017 - 12:02 AM
Posted 08 July 2017 - 10:43 AM
It's meant to bring down launched enemies and stun them. Think like a follow up to Storm blade and Wyvern blade.
It's problem is that it's stun has a delay from the pull effect and isn't even 100% chance. Giving the opponent time to gain some distance or cast something super-armor to counter the stun.
The suggestion is a nice convenience group-wise. As jumping around is a common tactic in PvP. Though the main issue that may arise is that it might end up too good. At 5/5, Death Snatch gets a damn low cooldown. That combined with any fix they may give to the delay before the stun chance rolls would make the skill pretty damn strong.
Posted 08 July 2017 - 12:52 PM
even the smallest knock up can be used to use death snatch, try the xxzzx chaincombo and an instant death snatch while you slide.
But yes the stun has not a 100% chance, you can even see a "miss" if it misses, when i was active at PvP i used death snatch more to gain super armor myself than to catch actually
Posted 08 July 2017 - 03:22 PM
It's unfortunate that the stun rate of the skill leaves us Overlords using it for something it wasn't even made for: gaining super armor. It's far too unreliable to be used in combos (unless used directly after a stun that is still in effect) or after your tornados. It literally places the enemy directly in front of you so they can throat-punch you hahaha. I'm glad this was brought up; the description of the skill is misleading in the fact that it clearly states it WILL stun the enemy.
Edited by Bustincaps, 08 July 2017 - 03:23 PM.
Posted 08 July 2017 - 05:58 PM
It's meant to bring down launched enemies and stun them. Think like a follow up to Storm blade and Wyvern blade.
It's problem is that it's stun has a delay from the pull effect and isn't even 100% chance. Giving the opponent time to gain some distance or cast something super-armor to counter the stun.
The suggestion is a nice convenience group-wise. As jumping around is a common tactic in PvP. Though the main issue that may arise is that it might end up too good. At 5/5, Death Snatch gets a damn low cooldown. That combined with any fix they may give to the delay before the stun chance rolls would make the skill pretty damn
the delay is one of the problem also. i just wanted to try to suggest the skills efficiency as you've said there is a delay of the stun even if you pulled the enemy theres a risk even if the cooldown is very low. its like pulling someone to kill you hahaha.
i dont think it would be too good. in my opinion i think just quite enough since you cant use it if the enemy is not in mid air anyway. some skill are better like rocket punch. i think this will just boost it a bit.
fixing the delay time even if its not 100% and making hit players are jumping and are in mid air.
ways to counter : dont jump and dont get hit by skill that rises you up hehe
Posted 09 July 2017 - 01:05 AM
not sure if this is due to my delay from germany but after you pulled the enemy, the enemy can move before you can since you are still stuck in the animation.
Posted 09 July 2017 - 02:21 AM
not sure if this is due to my delay from germany but after you pulled the enemy, the enemy can move before you can since you are still stuck in the animation.
I experience the same issues, not just with death snatch, but other 4th class stun skills too such as claw fishing and wire action( Oceanic player here). I think it's just how the skills work though it would be nice if their actual stun rates r displayed on the skill description rather than what they have now with the whole "apply X lv stun". It's too ambiguos where i would personally like to know my odds of getting socked in the face when I pull them torwards me. There r safe ways to use these stuns as mentioned but it's always with a stun before it which i see no point in doing. The only exception to this is wire action as sentinels have various traps that they can pull people into that grants various debuffs.
As for the OP's suggestion on letting it hit players in an additional state, I would disagree with it. A better way to make it viable is to make it so u're not stuck in the animation so that when u do pull them to ur face, u can atleast escape if it doesnt stun (by increasing animation speed/ making it cancellable). That, or increase the stun % on it where it'll still have its risk of being slow, but is still worth gambling on.
Edited by Nobility, 09 July 2017 - 02:23 AM.
Posted 10 July 2017 - 05:49 PM
I am all for making the stun rate more reliable. It 100% can't be used as a catch skill, since they must be falling rather than jumping. This means that for you to use this skill, you must already have caught/hit your enemy in some way or another. That being taken into consideration, I would've assumed this skill would have one of the highest stun rates in the game (higher stun rate as a reward for having already caught someone/something). Right now, you're only doing the enemy a favor by using it. It gives them the opportunity to counter you or escape your combo. Overlord needs a buff anyway... this is known. Both Warrior paths are falling far behind the other classes in places like BSQ and Empo (multi pvp), which is the only type of relevant pvp to the players here it seems. I see fewer and fewer Warriors as time goes on.
As far as the stun delay, that isn't as big of an issue. I would much rather have a small gap that allows superarmor casting for me to try and combo around than have the skill be a free throat-punch. Obviously fixing the gap would be even better and help to bring the class up to par with others, but I first would love to just use the skill safely.....
Edited by Bustincaps, 10 July 2017 - 05:50 PM.
Posted 15 July 2017 - 06:14 AM
Remove super armor on death snatch, why should that give super armor in the first place when the skill is intended to grab an aerial target and stun them. The stun sure isn't working as intended, but the super armor doesn't seem necessary since it has a very fast animation, considering pve and pvp, the opponent is in the air and "should be stunned" so basically nothing should touch you even if it did the damage is instant and if the stun were to apply on hit then no reason for super armor. super armor or not, why is it there lol?
I'm being realistic.
But to be honest in relation to the topic, I think the skill should totally just grab da booty on any targets airborne/launched INCLUDING just jumping lol! Then proceed to stun them once the damage goes off, whislt removing the super armor stuff. Would be a nice compensation on top of making the skill actually work as written.
Posted 15 July 2017 - 06:58 AM
The reason it has superarmor is because all 4th job skills in this game have superarmor. Think about it: awakenings, rolling ground, self bomber, all hook type skills, etc.
Removing the superarmor on death snatch, whether it seems like a skill that needs it or not, would require all classes to lose superarmor on one of their 4th job skills out of fairness. Also, Overlord really needs it since the only other fast-casting superarmor skill that they have to use is death stinger (actually it is the only other, apart from demo charge, which is useless). For a class to effectively superarmor out of an otherwise tight combo, they need 2 superarmor skills... one to cast it up initially, and a second one to allow them to escape fully. With only 1 superarmor skill, it limits you to casting superarmor up and either trying to counter them with gust slash or a close range interrupter or trying your luck with simply running straight out of their combo (which won't work if their combo is pretty tight). In the past, chaincombo could be used to interrupt a combo and help you escape. With the recent nerf to it, though, that is no longer possible.
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