Let's continue the trend of discussing class balances; we've seen some great and fast ingame responses from Popcorn and the team, and I hope it continues. The most recent patch was an awesome start.
This skill scales off of M.Speed and is mainly used as an escape tactic for this reason. The skill hits a total of 4 times and requires M.Speed below 100 (around 75-80, ideally) to achieve 3-4 hits on your opponent. At around 175 M.Speed, you max out at 2 hits; tested at 275 M.Speed (could possibly go lower), you hit once and rarely twice. The skill has no effective crowd control, damage, true superarmor, or catching/comboing potential. An improvement to this skill could be to root you in place so you could land all 4 hits and allow it to cancel/chain it into Wyvern similar to Windmill > Headspin but with less mobility and other goodies. Much more could be done with this skill, but it would require a lot more ambition and possibly tools that are currently unavailable. Stuns, knockdowns, free-roam (similar to Windmill/Headspin), various debuffs, and so on are all things that could be used to further revamp this skill and add some additional crowd control to Overlord.
Demolition Charge:
Incredibly underwhelming damage is the best way to describe this "heavy hitter" skill, since it offers nothing else. This skill is even outclassed by X attacks and 1st tree skills such as Blow or Sword Dance, since all have more to offer in one way or another along with nearly the same damage lol. Yes, it's working as intended, but it's more of a newbie trap to get people to waste their SP on. The problem that this skill faces isn't just its low damage output, but also the small window of time you get to chain your skills after it's complete. Currently speaking, the charge can only be used effectively (the most stable) after Hammer Crush, where Gust, Wyvern, and just a few other skills can be chained afterwards. To make things worse, a competent player can easily cast up their superarmor to avoid the chains, rendering the skill obsolete in situations such as this. My proposal to buff this skill then is very simple: buff the damage (obviously), and provide the skill either a stun or hard knockdown so that it doesn't only have to be used after hammer crush. It could still be countered by super armor, though the CC varies the way it can be used... which I believe the skill needs.
Death Snatch:
This has been brought up previously in another thread, but I feel that it still deserves an honorable mention in this thread. For proper use, this skill needs a better stun rate (ideally in the range of Rocket Punch, I'd venture to say). There have been complaints about the small delay between the skill animation and the actual stun itself, which can allow for superarmor casting, but I see this as a secondary issue. Getting the skill working the way it should is of a higher priority and would allow players to use it for something other than casting up superarmor in someone's combo lmao. Of course a quicker stun would be icing on the cake, but that seems like more of a dream than a near reality. I'd lastly like to reiterate the fact that this skill can not, in any way, be used as a primary catching skill. It can only be used on airborn enemies that have taken a hit from you already (in other words, you've caught them... maybe... how good are you? ), so this buff is limited on how much it can really affect things.
Edited by Bustincaps, 13 July 2017 - 08:10 PM.